Defines and differentiates between various data types and variables, including raw, categorical, quantitative, and the roles of explanatory and response variables for you to achieve a grade 9.
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Organizing data into a table for easy reference.
Counting frequencies using tallies (e.g., {||||} for 4).
Using symbols to represent quantities.
Pie Chart
Circular chart divided into slices to represent proportions.
Stem and Leaf Diagram
Displays data in a table where each value is split into a "stem" and "leaf."
Venn Diagram
Shows all possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets.
Back-to-Back Stem and Leaf Diagram
Two sets of data are compared using a common stem.
Population Pyramid
A bar chart showing the age and sex distribution of a population.
Choropleth Map
A map where areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the value of a statistical variable.
Bar Charts
Uses rectangular bars to represent the frequency or value of categories.
Line Charts
Plots data points connected by straight lines to show trends over time.
Time Series
A sequence of data points typically measured at successive points in time.
Scatter Charts
Plots data points on a Cartesian plane to show relationships between two variables.
Bar Line Charts
Combination of bar and line charts to show different aspects of the data.
Frequency Polygons
A line graph of the frequency distribution of a dataset.
Cumulative Frequency Charts
Shows the cumulative totals of data points.
Histograms (Equal Width)
Displays frequency distributions with bars of equal width.
Box Plots
Shows the distribution of data based on minimum, first quartile (Q1), median, third quartile (Q3), and maximum.
Histograms (Unequal Width)
Displays frequency distributions with bars of varying width.
Categorical Data
Use pie charts, bar charts, or pictograms to visualize the proportion of each category.
Quantitative Data
Use histograms, line charts, or box plots to show distribution, trends, or variability.
Time Series Data
Line charts or time series plots are ideal for showing trends over time.
Comparative Data
Use bar charts or comparative pie charts to compare different categories or groups.
The middle value when data is ordered.
Interquartile Range (IQR)
Difference between the first and third quartiles.
Average of the data.
Standard Deviation
Measure of data dispersion.