World-made-flesh saves all humanity by reconciling human being w/ the Father
Jesus reveals God’s love to the world
Jesus is the perfect model for holiness
Word of God’s shared w/ humans to humans
Born as a Palestine Jew in Bethlehem between 6 and 4 BC of a woman named Mary
Lives in Nazareth, Galilee
Around AD 28 - baptized by John the Baptist and began his public ministry teaching of God’s kingdom and messages of repentance
AD 30 or 33 - was arrested by Jewish and Roman authorities. Was turned over and sentenced to death by Pontius Pilate
Tacitus (Roman historian): reports the famous fire that broke out in Rome under emperor Nero. Confirmed Jesus’ living during Tiberius’ reign
Suetonius (Roman biographer): states Emperor Claudius kicks the Jews out of town who were incited by “Chrestus”
Pliny the younger (writer): wrote a letter to emperor Trajan asking for advice on legal proceedings for those accused of Christianity
Josephus (Jewish historian): didn’t question historical existence of Jesus
Sacred scripture
In others
Christ: “anointed one”
Son of God: The one and only son and shares the same divine nature
Lord: translates to Greek word “Kyrios” and Hebrew word “Adonai”
YHWH: Most holy name for God
Apostolic origin: witnesses of the Apostles
Widespread acceptance: widely circulated and accepted by the Church
Conformity to the rule of faith: writings reflect traditional faith of early Church abt Jesus and teachings. CANNOT stray from the truth (heresy)
Public life and teachings of Jesus (6-4 BC to AD 30-33)
Oral tradition (AD 30-50)
NT writings (AD 50-120)
we must personally search the scriptures.
the Bible explains itself
we must think of and express what we learn from the Bible the same way God does
Very powerful priests and aristocrats w/ lots of money
Collaborated w/ Romans to stay in charge
conservative religiously: only Torah’s inspired scripture
Believes in free will (God doesn’t control your life)
NT references group 13x
Strict observance of 10 commandments
Believes in afterlife
Accepted by the prophets and writings in the scripture and Torah
Intention: To be good and thoughtful Jews
Jesus’ beliefs and practices closely related to this group
Apocalyptic group: believed God would come in Kingdom dramatically and catastrophic
Lived strict and pure lives
Disappeared after Temple was destroyed
Doesn’t like roman’s
Wanted to overthrow Romans
House of prayer
place of discussion
a local school
located in Jerusalem
Where God dwelled in a special way
offered animal sacrifices to God
Jews in the 1st century AD believed that YHWH would send a messiah very soon
The Law
contained in the Pentateuch (first five books of the OT)
Heart of Jewish life, not a list of rules
He associated with the sinners
He performed miracles on the Sabbath
He claimed that he was the Son of God
Jesus as Emmanuel
Right instruction
Shorter than Matthew
Presents Jesus as the suffering servant
Ends abruptly w/ no Resurrection
Presents Jesus as New Moses
Ends w/ two resurrection appearances
Begins with Infancy narrative
Summarizes the New Law of the Gospel - love, grace, and freedom!
Major theme: interior conversion that leads to putting into practice one’s discipleship
Share in mission of salvation - one’s presence should help make the world more loving and consequently, more livable.
Contains Beatitudes
Proclaim the Gospel
Have a spirit of poverty + receive hospitality
Holy Spirit will help
Relationships may be difficult
Suffering comes with the job
Reveals the nature of the Kingdom of Heaven
All are invited into the family of God
Reflect deeply on the meaning
Message: Greatness lies in serving
Stories: Greatness in the kingdom, temptations to sin, parable of the lost sheep, brother who sins, parable of the unforgiving servant
Jesus will come in dramatic fashion
Sometimes called the eschatological discourse from the Greek word eschaton which means “end time”
Illustrates Jesus’ particular concern for the lost and God’s love for the repentant sinners
Shows more about the boundless love of a father than a “lost” son
God loves sinners and is merciful to everyone
Jesus is the Word of God
Faith is essential
Jesus promised an Advocate
Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life
Changing water to wine = Faith/Jesus’ power over nature
Cure of the Royal Official’s son = Faith in Jesus rescues a person from spiritual death
Cure on the Sabbath = Jesus is the source of life
The multiplication of the loaves = a reference to the Eucharist
the walking on the water = reveals that Jesus is God’s Holy One
Cure of the man born blind = If you believe, you will be able to see
The raising of Lazarus = prefigures Jesus’ own Death and Resurrection
He only includes people and incidents such as Nicodemus, Lazarus, man born blind, and a Samaritan woman
Jesus on himself as God’s revelation
Only Gospel to provide details of Jesus making several trips to Jerusalem for festivals and attends 3 passover festivals, not just one
No mention of demonic possessions
Light of Christ vs. darkness of the world
Faith vs. unbelief
Truth vs. untruth
How God thinks vs. how people act