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Branch of socialism; all people should be in power (Rousseau); Kerensky
Branch of socialism; educated elite should make decisions (montesquieu); Lenin; Sign the treaty of Brest-Litovsk; take control of govt without a fight after the end of tsar rule
Tsar Nicholas II
Ruler of Russia; killed by the bolsheviks after the Russian civil war; last ruler of the Russian empire
Tsarina Alexandra
Wife of Nicholas II; empress of Russia
Russian mystic and self proclaimed holy man; gained influence with the Tsar and Russian politics
Alexander Kerensky
Named leader of coalition combining duma with soviets; leader of the mensheviks
Vladimir Lenin
Leader of Bolsheviks; Leads Red Army to take control of government;
Bolsheviks; Defeat white army in Summer 1918 war; execute tsar nicholas; establish Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Mix of Mensheviks and Royalists; Do not support red govt; Defeated by the reds
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Established after the Bolsheviks win the Russian civil war
Leon Trotsky
"Brains" - helps Lenin. Fights Stalin for control of the throne after Lenin; exiled after Stalin's win; executed in Mexico
Joseph Stalin
Takes over after Lenin's death; 5 year plans; censorship; creates Russia a totalitarian state; used violence and interrogations to keep people in check
Emperor Hirohito
Young Japanese Emperor looking to adapt to modern world
Benito Mussolini
Former socialist changed to anti-socialist; wants unity for Italy; supported by most citizens; controls economy; invades Ethiopia
The Weimar Republic
Struggles to maintain order in post-war Germany; Lose support from citizens and different groups struggle to share power
The Nazi Party
Ideals- to restore German pride, reject the treaty of versailles; blame democratic govt for taking away German pride
Nazi Protests
Frequent boycotts of "anti-German" businesses, public protests, speeches, etc.; defining who a German is
Adolf Hitler
Demands quick action and change rather than slow democratic processes; supported by many German citizens; Goes to prison for the Beer Hall Putsch; Wrote Mein Kampf in prison; appointed German prime minister; takes control as fuhrer
Alfred Von Hindenburg
German president; appoints Hitler prime minister
The Nazi SA
Brown shirts, or storm troopers; similar to Mussolini's black shirts; represent the Nazi party publicly and by using intimidation
The Nazi SS
Gestapo; Nazi secret police; behind the scenes elite officers
The Third Reich
New leaders in Germany including Hitler, new economic order; militarization; social control
The Hitler Youth
Intense "scout" style program for young boys to become part of the Nazi party
Russo-Japanese War
Russians lose to the Japanese; first Asian victory against a major European nation
Bloody Sunday in Russia
Workers and citizens peacefully protest at the castle; police violently retaliate
Revolution of 1905
Uprising in attempt to to convince Tsar Nicholas II to move from autocracy to a constitutional monarchy
The February Revolution
Angered by food shortages due to the war, socialist leaders take control of the royal palace
The October Revolution
Lenin and Red Army seized control of government without a fight; Mensheviks pushed out
The Russian Civil War
Summer 1918; breakout between reds and white; Nicholas II and his family executed; reds defeat whites; weakens Russian presence at paris peace conference
Stalin's 5 Year Plan
Designed by Stalin to achieve rapid industrialization and growth; State control of heavy industry (product demands in factories); Agricultural collectivization (provide tools and machinery to farmers in return for their output)
The Ukrainian Genocide
To suppress nationalism and resistance to collectivization, Stalin denies food to the whole country; 6 million starve
The Great Depression
World wide economic crisis spurred by US stock market crash;
The Manchurian Incident
Japanese soldiers provoke fight with China to gain control over Northern region of China; Japanese violently expand control of China
Sino-Japanese War
Fight between Japan and China primarily over the influence of Korea
Invasion of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
Italy fails to take over African territory after Berlin Conference agreements; Italians ashamed of their failure
Dawes Plan
1923/1924; US allows Germany to delay WW1 payment to the allies; American banks loan Germans $; contributes to depression
The Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler and the Nazi party's failed attempt to take over the govt by threatening violence; aggression impresses German elites; Hitler gets minor sentence, rather than typical sentence for treason
Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)
In response to the murder of a Nazi official, the gov't inspires a night of riots against Jewish citizens & businesses
Representatives who were there to pass laws for the tsar; legislative assembly
Council of workers and peasants in Russia
Agricultural Collectivization USSR
Govt provides tools and machinery to farmers, farmers are required to turn in their output to the state; copies England by mass producing one product on specific farms; farmers fight back
Russian peasant who is wealthy enough to own land and have laborers; farmers
Anyone who spoke or acted out in any way not approved by the state was sent to the Gulag prison system or immediately executed; under Stalin's rule
II Duce
Mussolini's title
Inflation in Germany
Rapid decrease in the value of German currency; weimar republic struggles to maintain economy
Head of law enforcement; Hitler named this by Hindenburg
Hitler name himself absolute ruler; leader
Dominating air force in Germany; broken rule of Treaty of Versailles
information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
what is the term for when one person has total control over everything and everybody?
Single-party dictatorship
what is the definition of one political party only and is one of the warning signs of a totalitarian dictatorship
Secret Police
enforced the leader's rules
prevent people from hearing, reading, seeing, or saying things that the people didn't want to hear, say, read, or see
information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
totalitarian dictator
one person has total control over everybody and everything
Russian emporer
"bloody Sunday"
the massacre in St. Peterburg Russia
to prevent more problems, the russians created what
republics grouped together to create the USSR
provisional government
temporary form of government
supporters of Vladimir Lenin and Communism/Marxism
"Peace, Land, and Bread"
Lenin's communist slogan to gain supporters for the revolution
The Hammer and Sickle represent...?
Hammer = Workers in the factories; Sickle = farmers
Lenin's Secret police force
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
treaty between Russia and Germany that would end Russia's involvement in WWI in 1917
National economic policy
Lenin allowed: profit, small businesses, own land;
Selling surplus crops = profit
Five Year Plan
Stalin's economic policy to improve industry but resulted in famine
private farms are eliminated and peasants work land owned by the government
A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition
Black Shirts (Italy)
The private army of Mussolini
il duce
"the leader," Mussolini's nickname
symbol of the Nazi party
Brown Shirts
Hitlers official "THUGS"
Mein Kampf
'My Struggle' by Hitler
Aryan race = Superior Race
Jewish Race = inferior race
Prejudice against Jews
Aryan Master Race
blonde haired, blue eyed, white
Lebensraum (living space)
the additional territory that, according to Adolf Hitler, Germany needed because it was overcrowded
third reich
The Third German Empire, established by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.
schutzstaffel (SS)
special police force in Nazi Germany founded as a personal bodyguard for Adolf Hitler in 1925
Nazi secret police
Hitler Youth
Organizations set up under Hitler to train an educate German young people in Nazi beliefs
Spanish Civil War
civil war in Spain in which General Franco succeeded in overthrowing the republican government
Nuremburg laws
1935 laws defining the status of Jews and withdrawing citizenship from persons of non-German blood.