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Mark who and where
author is unknown (we assume that it is mark), location unknown
Mark when
shortly before or after 70 CE (68-72 CE) was a time of turmoil in the empire in the wake of the prosecution of christians
Mark whom
adresses a community who is suffering or fearful of suffering, a community concerned with the risks of pledging allegiance to christianity
Mark why
to encourage faith, god will reign
Luke who
author is actually anonymous but it is assumed in the class that it is Luke
Luke where
city somewhere in greece
Luke why
luke defends christianity from the perception that it was ever a danger to the roman empire
Luke when
after the destruction of jerusalem, 80s CE
Luke whom
written for christians coming to terms with the delay of parousia, written for a society that had extreme wealth and extreme poverty, gives hope to the poor
what type of writing are the gospels
historical narrative/biographies, motivated by theological concerns
Borg's gospels as a developing tradition
gospels are a result of a historical process, combine memory/testimony/interpretations of what happened that developed after jesus' death
Two-Source Theory
says that Matthew and Luke have parts that came from Mark and source Q
illness behavior
Ways in which people monitor their bodies, define and interpret their symptoms, take remedial actions, and use the health care system.
sick role
a socially recognized set of rights and obligations linked with illness
Disease vs. Illness
Disease: Physiological condition. Focus of Western biomedicine....Illness: Actual experience of the disease. Varies cross-culturally. Often demands or involves social response.
biological reductionism
the attempt to reduce every disease and illness to a biological cause
personalistic etiology
cause of illness is from an active personal agent acting on an individual (person practicing voodoo/magic)
supernaturalistic etiology
cause of sickness is a spiritual being (God/Goddess/Demon)
naturalistic etiology
natural forces, equilibrium loss, prevention by responsible behavior is expected
emic perspective
the perspective of the insider, the one belonging to the cultural group in question
etic perspective
the perspective of the outside observer
a society's state of ordering in which everything is kept in place
why were the purity laws important
these laws developed in the post-exilic state of the jewish exile when the jews were just trying to find order and separateness (holiness). They were also trying to keep their jewish identity hence the separateness.
state of being out of order, not about sin......thought that it was wrong to worship the holy god out of order
translation issue with purity
being impure does not mean sinful, it just means that you are not in the correct state to worship God
hebrew bible: human health
thought of human being as a whole, not individual parts
well being - fullness of life
one called to speak on behalf of god
the voice of those who suffer: the lament psalms
address to god, complaint, expression of trust in God based on his past actions, request for action, expression of hope and trust in god (indication that the prayer has been answered)
the law of retribution
actions have consequences, you get what you deserve, suffering as a punishment
suffering as mystery: the book of job
wrestles with the question of why innocent people continue to suffer, suffering is a mystery of divine wisdom
suffering as redemptive: the servant songs in Isaiah
suffering is good for the soul, and can help pay for our sins strengthening our relationship with god
justice deferred: the apocalyptic solution
god's justice will come at a later date, god will make suffering right at a time that only he himself knows
which OT text does a reader need to know when interpreting a text where Jesus encounters someone with leprosy
Leviticus 13-14
Leviticus 13-14
biblical text that described how people with leprosy were treated
the purification ceremony in leviticus was for what purpose?
for re admission into the community of Israel for someone now free of leprosy
the mystery of the reign of god
states that the son of man must die, suffer, and then rise
in mark 8, when jesus asks "who do you say I am" what does peter respond
the messiah "christ"
christ in NT also means
the messiah, anointed one, son of man
when there is a sandwich of stories in mark, what should the reader do to interpret them
compare the stories to each other
When Peter rebukes Jesus for stating that the son of man must die, suffer and rise, Jesus calls peter
satan (adversary)
in the keynote of Luke's gospel, Jesus compares his radically inclusive mission to which two prophets
elijah and elisha
Elijah and Elisha
Prophets in the Northern kingdom whose stories gave hope to those in exile that a true prophetic voice continued despite the wickedness of the kings
to interpret the story of jesus' encounter with the widow of nain, which OT text does the reader have to know to determine why people reacted in the way they did when jesus brought the dead son back to life
story of elijah and the widow of zarephath in 1 kings 17
in mark, what phrase indicates a person who has seen divine power
fear and trembling
at what point in their history did people of israel become concerned with purity and holiness
after the babylonian exile
when a reader comes across a parable in jesus' teachings, what should the reader do in order to interpret the parable
look for the shocking element of the story
3 essential salvation dynamics according to luke
in reading the story about jesus and the syro phonecian woman, what does the reader need to know about tyre
it is a gentile city outside of jesus' homeland
what is necessary to receive the mercy that jesus wants to give even before asking for forgiveness
acknowledgement of wrong-doing
what is the biblical understanding of faith
confidence and trust
which word (meaning life) does jesus use when the lawyer asks him how to get eternal life in luke 10:25?
crucial event early in mark that explains the origination of jesus' power
the baptism
jesus's prophetic ways of speaking in luke can be described as
in ancient societies, people thought that there was a limited source of everything, what is this called?
limited good
Israel's system of order in which everything has its proper place based on the creator (God's) will
stuff besides people that can get leprosy (leviticus)
walls of buildings, clothes
person responsible for examining cases of leprosy
purification ceremony
someone with leprosy readmitted to israeli society
who does god heal people through
how long o lord will my enemy triumph over me
voice of the sufferer
if you live and obey the commandments of the lord, he will bless you, if you don't, you will perish
law of retribution
what do the speeches of jobs friends indicate
they saw job's suffering as a result of job's sinfulness
identified by early tradition as someone involved with peter and rome
return of jesus in power
who wrote for an audience that was adjusting to the realization that the parousia was delayed?
well educated gentile living in a city that wanted to write an account of history
was luke an evangelist
gospel written to ensure theophilus
The name given to the audience of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles; it means "lover of God" or "God fearer."
gospel that presents jesus as christos "anointed one" who inaugurates the reign of god
68-100 CE
when were the four canonical gospels written
the two gospels that used q as a source for their writings
luke and matthew
meaning of gospel
good news
jesus's mission
to inaugurate the reign of god through word and deed
meaning of the hemorrhaging woman text
evidence of the powerful reign of god that jesus is seeking to encourage
meaningfulness about mark's sandwich
the stories are both about how jesus shows mercy to women, god loves all
syrophoenician lady story significance
showed that jesus was out to save gentiles too, not just his own people, the reign of god is coming for all
the meaning of healing in mark
evidence of god's transformative reign, that there is hope
the meaning of healing in john
proof that jesus is a divine man
mark 11-12
arrival and entry into jerusalem, results in rising tensions during the passover festival
mark 14-15
the passion narrative, anointment of God's king by anonymous woman, last supper, arrest and crucifixion
jesus's last words on the cross in mark
"my god, my god, why have you abandoned me?"
jesus's death in mark
served as a ransom for sin, a plunge into the mysterious will of god, seals a new covenant between God and his people
will of god in mark's gospel
that the son of man must die, suffer, and rise
what does "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" mean?
being in human form, jesus completely understood the desires of the flesh (normal human desires), and was saying how some people sacrificed their spirit desires because their flesh desires had taken over
does mark's account of suffering indicate that christians should treat suffering as their cross to bear
yes, it tells us to live selflessly and deal with our suffering
what is jesus' identity according to luke?
son of man
what is jesus' identity according to mark?
son of god, christ / prophetic messiah
what was jesus' mission in luke?
to proclaim good news to the poor and outcast
what does jesus' identity fulfill in the luke gospel?
jesus was the promised fulfillment of messiah prophecies
what does a prophet in ancient israel often experience?
arguments over what they have said, expulsion from their hometowns, verbal abuse, execution
how does what happens in luke 4 16:30 typical of what happens to prophets in israel?
jesus starts a riot with what he says and the people try to throw him off of a cliff for it, this often happened when prophets preached to an unwelcoming audience
Elijah and Elisha: what they did
brought people to god in the kingdom of northern Israel, predicted a three year drought as god's judgement
elements of salvation in luke
grace, joy, thanksgiving
significance of the word "today" in luke's gospel
means salvation is happening here and now
what is the two fold understanding of the passion of christ?
1. a suffering, 2. a passion/exemplifying commitment
jesus' passion
proclamation of the reign of god in this world