BP, shock
enhances water retention
causes vasoconstriction
secretion increased by unloading of aortic baroreceptors and atrial sensors
atrial natriuretic peptide
increases salt excretion via kidneys
released in response to stimulation of atrial receptors
a pathophysiological disorder characterized by acute failure of the cardiovascular system to perfuse the tissues of the body adequately
symptoms of shock
cold, clammy skin; muscular weakness; rapid shallow breathing; rapid and weak pulse; low pulse pressure (sometimes mean pressure); reduced urine output; confusion
hypovolemia shock
caused by drop in blood (plasma) volume
e.g. hemorrhage, diarrhea, vomiting, injury
septic shock
caused by bacterial endotoxins
e.g. salmonella
cardiogenic shock
an acute interruption of cardiac function
e.g. myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle) or myocardial infarction
anaphylactic shock
caused by allergic reaction
Frank-Starling mechanism
reduced LV contractile force
hypoxia; acidosis
Arterial chemoreceptor activity increases due to _____ and ______.
promotes Na+ and water retention by the kidneys
increase BV & BP
atrial natriuretic factor
generalized vasodilation
(increase urinary sodium excretion)
pathologically high concentrations, vasoconstriction
importance of arterial elasticity
expansion and recoil maintains steady flow of blood throughout cardiac cycle, smooths out pressure fluctuations and decreases stress on small arteries
medullary ischemic relfex
inadequate perfusion of brainstem
oxygen, hormones, nutrients—move from higher concentration in blood; move into interstitial fluid and tissue cells
carbon dioxide and waster products—diffuse from higher concentration in tissue to blood
small solutes
larger solutes