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_________________ texture is a texture that means “same rhythm” in both parts of a
counterpoint example.
A ________________ is a basic unit of musical thought, similar to a sentence in
language, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. In tonal music, it must end with a
A ________________ is the end of a phrase, where harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic
features articulate a complete musical thought.
A ___________________________ is a dissonant harmonic interval that originates as
part of a seventh chord.
Chordal Dissonance
A chord member or scale degree whose dissonant relation to the surrounding tones
requires a particular resolution in common-practice style is a ______________________.
Tendency Tone
A _________________________________ is a suspension in which the suspended voice
sounds again (instead of being held over) at the moment of dissonance.
Rearticulated Suspension
A ______________________________ is a melodic embellishment made by skipping
from one chord member to another
Chordal Skip
Motion in the same direction and the same interval
Parallel Motion
A melodic embellishment that is approached by step and left by step with a change
of direction
Neighbor Tone
Motion in the opposite direction regardless of interval
Contrary Motion
A melodic embellishment that is approached by step and left by step in the same
direction creating a consonant harmonic interval between the two voices
Consonant Passing Tone
One voice stays the same and the other moves by step skip or leap
Oblique Motion
Motion in the same direction by different interval
Similar Motion
A melodic embellishment that is approached by step and left by step in the same direction
occurring on the downbeat
Accented Passing Tone
Motion where both notes stay the same pitch
A melodic embellishment that occurs when a voice skips or leaps to form a
consonant harmonic interval against the other voice
Consonant Skip or Leap
The four intervals that are created by chordal dissonances of the dominant 7th chord are:
Minor 7th, Major 2nd, Diminished 5th, and Augmented 4th
The two tendency tones are scale degrees ______ & ______ and they are referred to as
__________________________ & __________________________
4 (Chordal Seventh) & 7 (Leading Tone)
Characteristics of the upper voice part:
This part tends to be relatively conjunct
This part involves a conclusion that has stepwise motion into scale degree 1
This part takes on the role of providing the melody
Characteristics of the lower voice part:
This part involves a conclusion that usually goes scale degrees 5 -1
This part serves as the foundation for the harmonic progression
This part may feature more disjunct motion than in strict species counterpoint