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every feature/form of life
what is the product of evolution
evolution (darwinism)
Change in characteristics of a
population that occurs over the course of genera
Darwin theory 1
Living world is always changing and
changes are passed on through heredity.
darwin theory 2
All life has descended from one ancestor
Life’s history is depicted as a branching tree
last universal common ancestor
Evidence for common descent
DNA, genetic code, transcription, translation, ATP, shared genes
similarity attributable to common origin, i.e.,
similarities between (groups of) organisms are explained by a
shared common ancestor who passed on the trait
Shared traits indicate evolutionary
relationships between organisms
Morphological homologies
similarites between physical/structural form of animal
Developmental homologies
Similarities of embryo development are due to
common ancestry.
Sequence homology
Shared sequences of nucleotides (DNA,RNA) or
amino acids (protein) due to shared ancestry
Evolution of similar structures in
unrelated organisms with similar lifestyle
theory 3 Darwin
multiplication over time
Phenotypic changes occur
slowly and gradually, eventually producing new
punctuated equilibrium
change happens
rapidly, and periods of stability can be observed
between periods of sudden change.
Evidence for both in fossil record
changes in allele frequencies that
lead to different traits within a population over time
changes that lead to new species
or taxa over time.
Natural Selection
Explains how organisms evolved from a common
ancestor to become the great variety that can be observed today.
natural selection results
traits related to
increased survival and reproduction
Genetic/phenotypic variation generated…
as the result of mutations, genetic recombination, gene
shuffling, etc
Survival of different traits
connects genetics with theory of
change in allele frequency in a population overtime
Evolutionary forces
selection (asexual/sexual), genetic drift, gene flow, mutations
individual’s ability to propagate(reproduce) its genes