What is the key feature added in Excel 365/Excel 2021's Formulas Bible?
Dynamic Arrays and many new formulas.
What formula would you use to find if a list has duplicates?
=MAX(COUNTIF(A1:A1000,A1:A1000)) If the answer is 1, list is unique.
How do you calculate the number of unique values in a range?
Use the formula: =IF(COUNTA(A1:A100)=0,0,COUNTA(UNIQUE(FILTER(A1:A100&"",A1:A100<>""))))
What formula can generate sequential weekday names?
=TEXT(DATE(2017,1,SEQUENCE(7)),'ddd') for 3 character names.
How can you count the number of working days in a month?
=NETWORKDAYS(INDEX(EOMONTH(A1,0),1),EOMONTH(A1,0)) assuming A1 contains the month.
What formula is used to calculate age from a birthday?
=DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),'y') where A1 contains the birthday.
What is the formula to convert a month name to a number?
=MONTH('1'&A1) where A1 contains the month name.
Give the formula for converting from mm/dd/yy to dd/mm/yy.
How to find the location of the first number in a string?
What formula can determine if a year is a leap year?
=MONTH(DATE(A1,2,29))=2 where A1 contains the year.
How do you generate non-repeating random numbers in Excel?