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mean (x̄), (μ)
numerical average of the scores; central tendency
median (Mdn)
middlemost score value; central tendency
most frequent score value; central tendency
'big' sigma (∑)
summaration operator; 'add it up'
difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution; variability
variance (σ²)
The average of the squared differences/deviations from the mean; variability
descriptive statistics
provide descriptions of a specific sample of scores
inferential statistics
numerical data that allow one to generalize- to infer from sample data the probability of something being true of a population
subject (n), (N)
who/what we gather information about
score (x)
single (numerical) value (measured from subject)
quantity that can have multiple values
total group of scores used/measured
infinite population
undefined number of scores
finite population
defined number of scores
a subset of scores from the population
numerical description of a population
numerical description of a sample
expected value (E)
'long-run average;' expectation of the scores
frequency distribution
presentation of a population of scores
framework for describing the shape of a distribution; a 'simplified framework'
nominal scale
unordered categories with arbitrary/assigned numbers
(e.g., 1. skittles, 2. reese's, 3. m&m's, 4. laffy taffy)
ordinal scale
ordered categories with no defined spacing/variation (without a defined middle)
(e.g., 1. never, 2. sometimes, 3. often, 4. always)
interval scale
ordered with equal spacing & with a defined middle (without a true zero)
(e.g., 1. :D, 2. :), 3. :|, 4. ):, 5. D:)
ratio scale
ordered with equal spacing & with a true zero
(e.g., ___ weeks, ___ months, ___ minutes, etc.)
standard deviation (σ)
Distance of each value from the mean; variability
right/positive skew
tail to the right (bulk of scores in the left)
left/negative skew
tail to the left (bulk of scores in the right)
symmetric/no skew
no tail/tail on left & right (bulk of scores in the middle)
a normal distribution that is relatively spread out and flat
A normal distribution with most of the scores in the middle and a sharp peak
a normal distribution with a moderate or middle peak; 'bell-shaped'
the essence of the data in the simplest manner possible (without distorting the truth)
normal curve
distribution model that is symmetric, has no skew (bell-shaped), is assumed to be continuous, & bulk of scores are close to the mean
normal curve formula
determines relative frequency of a score in its distribution
2-parameter model
a model is dependent on having/knowing 2 parameters
(e.g., normal curve & mean, variance)
z-distribution (unit/standard normal)
a normal curve in standard deviation units
the number of standard deviations a particular score is from the mean
percentile rank
Percentage of scores falling at or below a specific score.