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prominent lateral ridges on hard palate
median raphe
divides hard palate in half
terminus of velum
faucial pillars (anterior and posterior)
sides of velum, two pairs down sides of mouth
palatine tonsils
between faucial pillars
buccal cavity
plays a role in oral resonance, and high level consonant producton
warm and humidifies air
primary function of the nose
nasal openings
external nares
nasal choanae
internal nares
orbicularis oris
encircling mouth opening
retracts corner of mouth; superficial
retracts corner of mouth; deep; mastication
levator labii superioris, zygomatic minor, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
elevate upper lip
levator anguli oris
draw mouth up and medially
zygomatic major
elevate and retract angle of mouth; smiling
depressor labii inferioris
pull lip down and out
mylohyoid line
origin of mylohyoid muslce