water A1.1

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water as the medium for life

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water as the medium for life

  • first cells originated in water

  • remains medium in which most processes of life occur

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why are there hydrogen bonds?

consequence of the polar covalent bonds within water

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why covalent bonds in water

unequal sharing of electrons

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why is there unequal sharing of electrons

oxygen has more electronegativity than hydrogen so electrons sit closer to oxygen

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charges in water molecule

  • hydrogen partial positive

  • oxygen partial negative

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water molecules stick to other water molecules

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why/how cohesion occurs

  • hydrogen bonds

  • usually weak but because of so many they because strong

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consequences for organisms due to cohesion

  • transport of water in xylem

  • water surfaces as habitats due to effect known as surface tension

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water molecules stick to other surfaces that are polar or charged

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impact of adhesion on organisms

capillary action in soil and plant cell walls

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structure of water


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water can dissolve many organic and inorganic substances that have charged or polar regions

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  • water loving

  • substances that dissolve in water and water adheres to

  • polar substances

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  • water fearing

  • non polar

  • lipids

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the upward force exerted by a fluid in the opposite direction of the weight of the object. density lower than liquid it will float, if density is higher it will sink

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  • how resistant a fluid is to deformation

  • how think a liquid is

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thermal conductivity

  • how readily a fluid conducts heat

  • heat conducts fast in high thermal and slow in low thermal conductivity

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specific heat capacity

  • how much energy is required to raise one unit of mass by one unit of temperature

  • greater capacity greater energy needed to raise temp

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ring tailed seal adaptions


  • More buoyant

  • Doesn't compress under pressure

  • Low thermal conductivity reduces heat loss

  • Heavy

  • Harder to move on land

Streamlined body shape:

  • Reduce drag in water (viscosity)

  • Feet at rear of body - reduces drag

  • Webbing between feet - more surface area to push through water

  • Shape and location of feet make it harder to move on land

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black throated loon adaptations


Thicker bones (most birds have hollow bones):

  • Reduce buoyancy, allows them to dive deep enough to hunt prey

  • Larger air sacks to control buoyancy, inflate or deflate to increase or decrease buoyancy 

  • Heavier body

  • More difficult to achieve and maintain height

  • Require large body of water to launch from


Large webbed feet:

  • Propel in water

  • Much smaller than wings to fly

Streamlined shape:

  • Reduce drag in water (more viscos than air)

  • Legs and feet at rear, reduces drag

  • Secrete a hydrophobic oil on their feathers, further reduces drag

Short wings for body shape:

  • Reduce drag in water

  • Harder to achieve flight


Thick layer of down feathers close to their body

  • Trap air to keep body warm in cold water, creates barrier of air

Down feathers are covered by harder, tightly packed contour feathers

  • Forms impermeable seal against water

Preening gland on its rump which excludes oil

  • Preens contour feathers with this oily (hydrophobic) secretion, increasing their waterproofing

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