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The rate of vibration of a string or column of air determines pitch
Distance between lowest and highest tones of melody
Music notation system originating in 19th century American church music in which the shape of note heads determines pitch
Conjunct Movement
The smooth, connected melody that moves principally by small intervals
Disjunct Movement
Disjointed or disconnected melody with many leaps
Music unit; often a component of melody
Resting place in a musical phrase; music punctuation
An accompanying melody sounded against the principal melody
Regular pulsation, a basic unit of length in musical time
Organization of rhythm in time; the grouping of beats into larger, regular patterns, notated as measures
A rhythmic group or metrical unit that contains a fixed number of beats, divided on the musical staff by bar lines
Additive Meter
Patterns of beats that subdivide into smaller, irregular groups
Music lacking a strong sense of beat or meter, common in certain non-Western cultures
Simultaneous combination of 3 or more tones that constitute a single block of harmony
Series of tones in ascending or descending order; may present the notes of a key
Solfege (Do,Re,Mi,Fa,Sol,La,Ti,Do), Each syllable aligns with a number of the scale, (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
Interval between 2 tones 7 diatonic pitches apart; the lower note vibrates half as fast as the upper and sounds an octave lower
Common chord type, consisting of 3 pitches built on alternate tones of the scale
The first notes the scale or key, do. Also keynote
Principle of organization around a tonic, or home, pitch, based on a major or minor scale
Major Scale
Scale consists of 7 different tones that comprise a specific pattern of whole and half steps. It differs from a minor scale primarily in that its 3rd degree is raised half a step
Minor Scale
Scale consists of 7 different tones that comprise a specific pattern of whole and half steps. It differs from the major scale primarily in that its 3rd degree is lowered half a step
Melody or harmony built from the 7 tones of a major or minor scale. A diatonic scale encompasses patterns of 7 whole tones and semitones
Melody or harmony built from many if not all twelve semitones of the octave. A chromatic scale consists of an ascending or descending sequence of semitones
Combination of tones that sounds discordant and unstable, in need of resolution
Concordant or harmonious combination of tones that provides a sense of relaxation and stability in music
Sustained sounding of one or several tones for harmonic support, a common feature of some folk music
Single line texture or melody without accompaniment
Melodic idea presented in one voice and then restated in another, each part continuing as others enter
Type of polyphonic composition in which one musical line strictly imitates another at a fixed distance throughout
Perpetual canon at the unison in which each voice enters in succession with the same melody (ex. Row, Row, Row your boat)
Backward statement of a melody
Retrograde Inversion
Mirror image and backward statement of a melody
Retrograde Inversion Augmentation
Flipping the melody line and making the notes longer
Statement of a melody in shorter note values, often twice as fast as the original
Sounds, words, phrases, or lines that are stated or used more than once
Change in music after a repeated phrase
Some aspects of a phrase are altered but still have the same theme
Creation of a musical composition while it is being performed, seen in Baroque ornamentation, cadenzas of concertos, jazz, and some non western musics. See also embellishment.
Binary Form
2 part (A-B) form with each section normally repeated. Also 2 part form
Ternary Form
3 part (A-B-A) form based on a statement (A), contrast or departure (B), and repetition (A). Also 3 part form
Melodic idea used as a basic building block in the construction of a composition. Also subject
Thematic Development
Musical expansion of a theme by varying its melodic outline, harmony, or rhythm. Also thematic transformation
Restatement of an idea or motive at a different pitch level
Short melodic or rhythmic idea; the smallest fragment of a theme that forms a melodic harmonic rhythmic unit
Call and Response
Performance style with a singing leader who is imitated by a chorus of followers. Also responsorial singing
A short melodic, rhythmic, or harmonic pattern that is repeated throughout a work or a section of one
Complete, self contained part within a larger musical work
Rate of speed or pace of music
Tempo Markings
Italian markings in music that tell you how fast to play (grave, largo, adagio, andante, moderato, allegro, vivace, presto), in order of slow to fast
Element of musical expression relating to the degree of loudness or softness, or volume, of a sound (pp,p,mp,mf,f,ff), in order of soft to loud
Device used to indicate the tempo by sounding regular beats at adjustable speeds
Mirror or upside-down image of a melody or pattern, found in fugues and twelve-tone compositions