AP Gov Exam Review

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List all Branches of Government

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List all Branches of Government

Legislative, Executive, Judicial

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What article of the Constitution revolves around the Legislaive Branch

Article One

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Bicameral legislature (composed of the Senate and House of Reps), system created by Great Compromise

Legislative Branch

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Compromise between Small and Large States

Great Compromise

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Powers given to Congress are ______ powers; listed in Article I


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Everything you need to know about the Senate;

-17th Amendment- Senators are elected

-Hold office for 6 years, 1/3 up for reelection at a time

-Each state has 2

-Senate Upper House: more elite, have more powers than lower which are;

*Confirming Presidental appointments

*Ratifying Presidental treaties

*Holding impeachment trials

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Everything you need to know about House of Reps;

-Lower chamber of Congress

-Determined by cencus conducted every 10 years

-Determined by # of people in each district

-Reps up for reelections every 2 years


*Impeach a public officer

*Introduce tax and revenue bills

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Where a member holds the Senate floor to prevent a bill from going to vote


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Used to end filibuster; need 3/5 of Senate’s votes


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Decides how proposed bill will be voted and debated

Rules Committee

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Simplifies rules of debate and opens convo.

Committee of the Whole

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Filed to get bill out of committee and straight to floor

Discharge Petition

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Legislative passing a bill;

*Bill introduced either way

*Goes to committeee where they vote

*Bill dies, motion discharged

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Senate regarding Bill:

-Goes straight to Senate floor after committee

-Debate held, Senate votes on bill

*Don’t want bill? May filibuster

*To end filibuster, must cloture

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House of Reps regarding bill:

-Debate in House, One bill out of committeee, goes to Rules Committee

-Rules decides if bill will be voted as committee of a whole or as House of Reps

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Committees that are always in operation (Ways and Means Committee)

Standing Committee

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A committee formed with members from both Senate

Conference Committee

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Created for a specific purpose and will eventually end

Select Committee

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A committee with people from both the Senate and House, created for specific reason

Joint Committee

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Programs where Congress and President have to renew spending every year

Discretionary Spending

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Programs which government made a commitment to pay

Mandatory Spending

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Congressman negociate for legislation that helps SPECIFIC DISTRICT

Pork Barrel Legislation

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Congressmen agree to support other’s bills


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People vote along party lines, harder for legislation to pass duw to partisan differences

Ideological Divisions within Congress

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Redistricting strategically to ensure one party has more representation


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Redrawing district lines for representation


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Delegation of representatives to diff. districts based on pop. (Determine which state has more rep. )


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Congress is currently more _____ (Less legislation being passed)


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Congressional Models for Voting;

Trustee- Rep. votes based on what they THINK is right, even if different from what is wanted

Delegate- Rep. votes based on what others WANT, even if they don’t agree

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case in which the Supreme Court opened the door to equal protection challenges to redistricting; Mean districts had to be roughly equal in pop.: Supreme Court ruled that they could make decisions on fairness of districts under equal protection clause of 14th Amendment (Made everyone’s votes the same weight)

Baker v Carr

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Supreme Court held that race could not be the predominant factor in redistricting. The decision established that racial gerrymandering was unconstitutional, voilation of 14th Amendment

Shaw v Reno

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What article of the Constitution revolves around the Executive Branch

Article Two

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In which year did the federal government experience its highest surplus based on the bar graph?

A) 1997

B) 2000

C) 2009

D) 2016

B) 2000

-Pay attention to the buget surpluses, B had $3mil., everything else is -

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Informal Executive Powers;

*Cheif/Political Party Leader- Endorse people in their party, act as spokesperson

*Head of State- Rep. nation by reciveing ambassadors and preforming cermonial roles

*Cheif Legislator- Proposed legislation want to see pass, veto bills

*Chief Economic Planner- Proposes budget and approves it

*Bully Pulpit- communicate to American people, support their agenda

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Formal Presdiental Powers;

Powers explicitly given by Consitution

*Cheif Executive- Makes sure laws are passed and obeyed, issue executive orders

*Chief Diplomat- Negociate with forgein nations, power to make and enforce treaties

*Commander in Chief- make war, use nuclear weapons

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Executive Branch Structure:

*Cabinet- Group of advisors aid the President

--Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health, Human Services, Homeland, Housing + Urban Development, VP

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Hamilton lays out the argument for a strong and single executive, full of what he calls “executive energy.”

Federalist 70

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What article of the Constitution revolves around the Judicial Branch

Article Three

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lays out the importance of an independent judiciary in ensuring the protection of individual rights and liberties and preventing abuses of power by the other branches of government

Federalist 78

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courts took on the role of judicial review – determining the constitutionality of actions taken by the other branches of government.

Marbury v Madison

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Courts make their decision in aligment with decision of previous court

Stare decisis

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judges who view their role as strict interpreter of the Constitution express ________

Judicial Restraint

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judge who believe the courts must play a role in protecting the rights of people even if they are not specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

Judicial activisim

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power of the bureaucracy to make decisions on how to implement broadly-worded laws passed by Congress

Disrectionary Authority

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Expressed powers of Congress;

-Collect taxes

-Borrow money

-Mint money

-Establish post office

-Declare war

-Raise an army

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ideology that large federal gov. involvement needed to provide for the people (welfare, new deal, great society)


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Implied powers of Congress;

-Create national bank

-Set federal min. wage

-Establish military draft

-Punish tax evasion

-Pinish mail fraud

-Regulate immigration

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Representatives will listen to their constituents, but will use their best judgment when deciding to vote.

Trsutee Model

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involves both the trustee model and delegate model.Legislators follow their own judgment until the public becomes vocal about a particular matter, then they follow the wills of their constituents.

Politico Model

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where the government is unable to move forward with important legislation due to the inability of lawmakers to agree on key issues.


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A legal order that requires the government to produce a prisoner and show cause for their detentio

Writ of Habeus Corpus

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Which of the following best describes the holding in Baker v. Carr (1962) ?

A)Congressional redistricting is subject to judicial review.

B)Congressional districts must be compact and contiguous

C)Diluting minority representation by confining their majority to one or two districts is unconstitutional.

D)Racial gerrymandering is allowed in certain circumstances.

A) Congressional redistricting is subject to judicial review.

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President Theodore Roosevelt took his case directly to the American people to gain public support for his progressive reform initiatives by appearing in a movie newsreel. This type of presidential communication is an example of which of the following?

A)Using the bully pulpit

B)Making use of a formal power

C)Drafting a signing statement

D)Issuing an executive order

A) Using the bully pulpit

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Ideology, belief in extremely powerful state to protect people


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Ideology where limitied gov. is neccessry to grow strong economy, very pro-business anti-regulation


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Administrative system that divides work into specific departments carried out by non-elected officials


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Amendment that gave sufferage to African American men

15th Amendment

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Gave the people the right to directly elect Senators instead of Senators being elected by the state legislature

17th Amendment

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Gave women suffrage

19th Amendment

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Banned practices like poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses, that were created to purposefully disenfranchise people of color (Specifically those in the South) Federal examiners were also used to monitor elections

1965 Voting Rights Act

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Gave 18 year olds suffrage

26th Amendment

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Act that made it easier for voter registration by giving people the oppurtunity to register to vote when they get/renew diver’s license

Motor Voter Act

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Amount of people eligible to vote that actually end up voting; dependent of things like election type, state laws

Voter Turnout

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Informal alliances that work together to formulate and implement policy in their area of interest; made up of particular industry and it s lobbbyist, congressional committee dealing with that industry, and agency thhat is affected

Iron Triangle

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Case where Citizens United wanted to run an ad on Hilary Clinton before primary (against BCRA); Supreme Court ruled that part of Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act did violate free speech clause in 1st Amendment

Citizens United v FEC

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Freedoms protected against gov. restraint, secured by 1st, 14th, and 15th Amendment

Civil Liberties

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A major power of the Rules Committee in the House of Representatives is to:

A) Calendar bills after they have been passed out of committee

B) Select the members of each House committee

C) Introduce all revenue and taxation bills

D) Allocate funding to cover the budget set forth in each bill

A) Calendar bills after they have been passed out of committee

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Which of the following is not an action President have taken to expand power without requiring Congressional approval?

A) Executive Orders

B) Executive Agreements

C) Executive Filibusters

D) Signing Statements

C) Executive Filibusters

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It established the direct election of United States Senators by the people of each state, rather than their being elected by the state legislature as outlined in the original Constitution

17th Amendment

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It prohibited the federal government and state governments from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of gender

19th Amendment

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It granted citizens of the District of Columbia the right to vote in presidential elections, as D.C. residents were not represented in the electoral college, despite being under federal jurisdiction.

23rd Amendment

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It prohibits both Congress and the states from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other types of tax.

24th Amendment

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It lowered the voting age for all federal and state elections from 21 to 18 years old.

26th Amendment

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when a voter supports a candidate who they believe will benefit their personal interests.

Rational-Choice Voting

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form of accountability, where voters hold the incumbent party or candidate responsible for the performance of the government.

Retrospective Voting

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voters base their decisions on promises made by candidates during the election cycle.

Prospective Voting

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practice of voters supporting candidates or parties based solely on their affiliation with a particular political party

Party-line Voting

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A voter that decides to vote for a presidential candidate from the opposing political party as a result of a declining economy during the incumbent's first few years in office would be exhibiting which of the following voting behaviors?

A. Party-Line voting

B. Rational choice voting

C. Prospective voting

D. Retrospective voting

D. Retrospective voting

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Which of the following statements best summarizes voter ID laws in the United States?

A.  The Supreme Court has overwhelmingly supported voter ID laws.

B. Liberals support these laws because they tend to increase voter turnout.

C. Many conservatives support these laws due to concerns related to voter fraud

D. Progressives support voter ID laws since they tend to benefit Democratic Party candidates in state and federal elections.

C. Many conservatives support these laws due to concerns related to voter fraud

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Political action committees that are allowed to receive unlimited financial donations as long as they remain independent of a candidate's campaign were established as a result of which of the following?

A. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (2002)

B. Buckley v. Valeo (1976)

C. Citizens United v. FEC (2010)

D. McCutcheon v. FEC (2014)

C. Citizens United v. FEC (2010)

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Wisconsin fined Amish families bc they refused to take thier children to school after 8th grade bc it went against Amish beliefs; Supreme Court ruled Wisconsin went against the families 1st Amendment right to religious freedom

Wisconsin v Yoder

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anti-war activist made flyers telling people not to go in the draft, arrested under Espionage Act; Supreme court ruled that freedom of speech didn’t apply here and he was arrested

Schenck v United States

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Time period that yieleded many ideas and influences for American gov.

Enlightenment Period

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Established social contact theory, state of nature, strong overpowers weak

Thomas Hobbes

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Natural Rights, Individuals give up some libertites for protection of rights

John Locke

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General will of people, Popular Soverignty

Jean-Jaques Rosseau

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Contract between government and governed; govered understands must give up some natural rights for protection from gov.

Social Contract

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A representative form of gov. that is limited


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Democracy where citizens have power to decide on policy but elected politicians are elected by people and implement people’s decisions

Participatory Democracy

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Democracy where nobody diminates policymaking, different groups of people compete for gov. influence

Pluralist Democracy

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Democracy where small people group make decisions for everyone; usually wealthy and well educated

Elite Democacy

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What caused Shay’s Rebellion

Weakness of the Articles of Confed.

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A violent revolt of farmers led by Shay; gov. = weak, lacked control

Shay’s Rebellion

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Each slave counted as 3/5 of person when it come to determining # of reps. in Congress

3/5 Compromise

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No new slaves can be omported into America after 1808

Compromise on Importation of Slaves

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Powers of the President

Inherent Powers

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States can’t discriminate against people based on what state they are from

Privledges and Immentities Clause

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States must trust doc. that come from other states

Full Faith and Credit Clause

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If you commit a crime and flee to a diff. state, state must bring you back to be charged


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Any powers not given to Federal is given to State

10th Amendment

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