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located in west Africa By the western boarder
It has many natural resources
Metallic ores
A wide range of agricultural produce
It has limited access to global markets
Peripheral economy with limited access to value chains
Had trade deficit in every category in 2014
Heavily dependant on aid from the USA, UK and china
One of the poorest countries in the world (ranked 180th in 2015 with an HDI of 0.47
Member of ECOWAS
Main export partners are china, japan and Belgium
Young population - 60% under 25
over dependence on primary product export
Limited access to finance to secure banking sector
Inadequate infrastructure
Limited broadband internet
High costs of production
Low level of technology
slow recovery from civil war (1991-2002) - previous political instability has affected confidence of investors and international trade
Inability to control crime including illegal trading
Inefficient government bureaucracy and prevalence of corruption
high level of unemployment = 70% of under 25s
Bad education + educated workforce = 91% of women and 80% men do not reach secondary school
Gender inequality - serious barriers to the contribution of women
Child labour = immoral
Other socio-economic inequalities in health, poverty and life - expectancy
debilitating effects on the population/work force to prevent diseases
Limited effects of environmental damage to water, soil and forest reserves as a result of large scale mining operations
opportunities created by international trade
Sierra Leone has the support of bilateral trade partners to strengthen trade and socio economic development. Chinese companies first exploited in demand for iron ores but have now become greater in their corporate social responsibility. Financed medical teams, new hospital in free-town and new foreign ministry, airport and rail network
Being a member of ECOWAS benefits Sierra Leone by abolishing tariff and non tariff barriers between members of state. This has increased trade and boosted economic activity and increased competitiveness in global markets
Member of Mano river union has involved SL in social and economic development programs
SL government and multi lateral donors set up the small holder commercialisation program, providing tractors, processing equipment, reclaiming swamps and improving roads to the market
Political stability and good trade relations have improved since the civil war, with 3 successful democratic elections. The government is modernising customs to ease trade and rule of law is strengthening in dealing with corruption and new gender laws
Challenges created by international trade
reducing barriers which inhibit participation in global value chains. SL is close to being more integrated but is restricted by poor infrastructure in marketing cash crops and tourism reduction of illegal practices is a priority in the diamond trade and fishing
Managing conflicts between indiscriminate development and environmental degradation. Unsustainable mining practices and agri-business have caused soil erosion, silting of rivers, deforestation and displacement of communities
Reducing severe inequalities in life expectancy, gender, education and income. GDP, government funding and employment ops are sufficient for investment in services, infrastructure and industry - mostly rural areas, 66% live in poverty. Gender inequality is an injustice which is both a cause and consequence of limited trade and development