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made up of the brain and spinal cord
two main functions:
control of physical movement
regulation of homeostatic function
the brain receives information via sense organs and sends messages to the body using nerve cells in the spine
regulates involuntary actions - e.g. heartbeat, digestion
has two parts:
sympathetic nervous system
parasympathetic nervous system
both systems tend to regulate the same organs but have the opposite effects - due to the neurotransmitters associated with each system
sympathetic nervous systems generally use the neurotransmitter noradrenaline - it uses acetylcholine, which has inhibiting effects
information is passed to the axon in the form of an action potential
synaptic vesicles at the axon terminals contain neurotransmitters
when action potential reaches the vesicles, they release their neurotransmitters into the synapse
neurotransmitters carry the signal across the synaptic gap
bind to receptor sites on the postsynaptic neurons - become activated and produces excitatory or inhibitory effects on the postsynaptic neuron
produce and secrete hormones
regulated by feedback:
a signal is send from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland - ‘releasing hormone’
this causes the pituitary gland to secrete a ‘stimulating hormone’ into the bloodstream
this hormone then signals the target gland to secrete its hormone
as the levels of this hormone rise in the bloodstream, the hypothalamus shuts down the secretion of the ‘stimulating hormone’
this slows the secretion of the target gland’s hormone - results in stable concentrations of hormones circulating in the bloodstream
above the kidneys
made of two parts:
adrenal cortex - outer part of the gland, hormones secreted are essential to life
adrenal medulla - inner part of the gland, hormones secreted are not essential to life
a stimulus is registered as an acute stressor in the brain
the hypothalamus is activated
the sympathetic branch of the ANS is activated
the adrenal medulla is stimulated to enlarge and release adrenaline and noradrenaline into the bloodstream
a stimulus is registered as a chronic stressor in the brain
the hypothalamus is activated
the pituitary gland is activated - releases ACTH into the bloodstream
ACTH causes the adrenal cortex to enlarge and release cortisol - has both positive (e.g. burst of energy, lower sensitivity to pain) and negative (e.g. impaired cognitive performance, lowered immune response) effects on the body
what is localisation of functioning?
the idea that certain functions are localised to certain areas of the brain
what is the motor cortex?
responsible for the generation of voluntary motor movements
located in the frontal lobe along the precentral gyrus
both hemispheres have a motor cortex - controls movements on the opposite side of the body
different parts of the motor cortex control different parts of the body - the regions are arranged logically next to each other
what is the somatosensory cortex?
detects sensory events arising from different regions of the body
located in the parietal lobe, along the postcentral gyrus - dedicated to the processing of sensory information relating to touch
produces sensations of touch, pressure, pain and temperature using sensory information from the skin
both hemispheres have a somatosensory cortex - receives information from the opposite side of the body
what is the visual centre?
visual processing begins in the retina, where light enters and hits the photoreceptors
nerve impulses from the retina are transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve - some travel to areas of the brain involved in coordination of circadian rhythms, most terminate in the thalamus, which acts as a relay station, passing information to the visual cortex
spans both hemispheres and contains several different areas that all process different types of visual information
what is the auditory centre?
mostly in the temporal lobes on both sides of the brain
auditory pathways begin in the cochlear - sound waves are converted to nerve impulses
the nerve impulses travel first to the brain stem, where decoding takes place and then to the thalamus which acts as a relay station and carries out further processing
by the time it arrives at the auditory cortex, sound is mostly decoded
what is broca’s area?
broca treated a patient named ‘tan’, who could understand language but not express it in writing or speaking
studied eight other patients with similar problems and found they all had similar lesions in their left frontal hemisphere
broca (1865) identified a ‘language centre’ in the posterior portion of the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere
fedorenko et al (2012), one part of broca’s area is selectively involved in language, the other in responding to many demanding cognitive tasks
what is wernicke’s area?
located another area of the brain involved in understanding language in the posterior portion of the left temporal lobe
those who had a lesion there could speak but not understand language
what did wernicke propose about the language centres?
language involves separate motor and sensory regions located in different cortical regions
the motor region (broca’s area) is close to the area that controls the mouth, tongue and vocal cords
the sensory region (wernicke’s area) is close to areas of the brain responsible for auditory and visual input
information is thought to be transferred to wernicke’s area where it is recognised as language and associated with meaning
there is a neural loop known as arcuate fasciculus between broca’s area and wernicke’s area
what is the evaluation for localisation of functioning?
individual differences - variation in areas of the brain activated in different individuals during the same task, women have proportionally larger broca’s and wernicke’s areas
equipotentiality theory - extent not location of damage is what is important in loss of functioning
aphasia patients - provide evidence for broca’s and wernicke’s areas
connections are more important than localisation
language production is not localised to just broca’s area
what is hemispheric lateralisation?
each hemisphere had functional specialisations
neural mechanisms for some functions are only found in one hemisphere
inspired by broca and wernicke’s research
what is the corpus callosum?
a bundle of nerve fibres that connects the two hemispheres
what is split brain research?
split brain patients are individuals who have had their corpus callosum cut - originally a treatment for severe epilepsy
what did sperry and gazzaniga (1967) investigate?
the extent to which the hemispheres are specialised for certain functions
tested the capabilities of separated hemispheres by sending information to one hemisphere at a time
what did sperry and gazzaniga (1967) do?
‘describe what you see’ test - when the picture was processed by the left hemisphere, the patient could describe it, but when it was processed by the right hemisphere, they could not describe it
tactile test - when the object was processed by the left hemisphere, the patient could verbally describe it, but when it was processed by the right hemisphere, they could not describe it
drawing task - when the object was processed by the left hemisphere, the picture drawn was not very clear, but when it was processed by the right hemisphere, the picture drawn was clearer
what did sperry and gazzaniga (1967) conclude?
the left hemisphere is dominant in terms of speech and language
the right hemisphere is dominant in terms of visual-motor tasks
connectivity and communication between the two hemispheres is important for effective functioning
what is the evaluation for lateralisation?
advantages of hemispheric lateralisation - multitasking, e.g. chickens looking for food and predators
split brain research is limited - due to small sample sizes and confounding variables reducing validity and reliability
lateralisation is linked to immune system function
individual differences in lateralisation - changes with age
language may not be confined to the left hemisphere - e.g. JW case study
what is plasticity?
the brain’s ability to change and adapt as a result of experience - plays an important role in brain development and behaviour
recent research suggests the brain creates neural pathways in adulthood as well as childhood
what are the causes of plasticity?
life experiences
video games
how do life experiences cause plasticity?
nerve pathways that are used frequently form stronger connections and neurons that are rarely used eventually die (synaptic pruning)
there is a natural decline in cognitive functioning with age attributed to brain changes
boyke et al (2008), 60 year olds taught to juggle, increased grey matter in the visual cortex, but changes reversed when practicing stopped
how do video games cause plasticity?
can help complex cognitive and motor skills
kuhn et al (2014), increase in synaptic connections in brain areas involved in spatial navigation, strategic planning, working memory and motor performance in those who play video games everyday
how does meditation cause plasticity?
davidson et al (2004), tibetan monks who meditate had more gamma radiation wave activation than those who do not meditate
concluded that meditation causes short-term and permanent changes in the brain
what is functional recovery after trauma?
in the 1960s, researchers studied who stroke victims regained functioning
when brain cells are damaged, the brain rewires itself so some functioning can be regained - other parts of the brain took over for the functions lost, and neurons next to damaged areas formed new circuits that resumed some of the lost functioning
what are the mechanisms for recovery?
neural unmasking
stem cells
how does neural unmasking help recovery after trauma?
wall (1977), ‘dormant synapses’, function is blocked as rate of neural input is too low, but increases in rate of neural input can ‘unmask’ them
can open connections to regions of the brain not normally activated, leading to development of new structures
how do stem cells help recovery after trauma?
stem cells implanted into the brain could directly replace dead or dying cells
transplanted stem cells could secrete growth factors that could ‘rescue’ injured cells
transplanted cells form a neural network that could links uninjured brain sites to damages regions of the brain
what is the evaluation for plasticity?
animal studies - kempermann et al (1998), rats and enriching environments, more neurons in the hippocampus, have to consider limitations of animal studies
human studies - maguire et al (2000), taxi drivers, complex memory training can change the brain
what is the evaluation for recovery after trauma?
animal studies - tajiri et al (2013), stem cells can help regain brain functioning in rats, have to consider limitations of animal studies
age differences - elbert et al (2001), children have a greater capacity for neural reorganisation than adults, increased age makes it harder to make and maintain brain changes
educational attainment - schneider et al (2014), patients with college level education recover quicker from brain injuries, education encourages development of neural pathways
what are the four methods of studying the brain?
post mortem examinations
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
electroencephalogram (EEG)
event related potentials (ERP)
what is a post mortem examination?
used to establish underlying neurobiology of particular behaviours
e.g. broca’s work, HM and hippocampus (memory)
established links between psychiatric disorders and brain abnormalities - e.g. cotter et al (2001), there are reduced numbers of glial cells in the frontal cortex of patients with depression
what is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)?
measures changes in blood flow in particular areas of the brain, which indicates neural activity - active areas of the brain have an increased demand for oxygen, leading to increased blood flow
maps can be produced showing areas of the brain involved in different processes
what are electroencephalograms (EEG)?
measures electrical activity - small electrodes detect small electrical charges resulting from brain cell activity, which are mapped over time to produce EEG data
EEG data is used to detect brain disorders - e.g. epilepsy shows spikes of electrical activity
there are four basic EEG patterns:
1) alpha waves
2) beta waves
3) delta waves
4) theta waves
what are event related potentials (ERP)?
small voltage changes in the brain triggered by stimuli
can be difficult to pick out from other brain activity, so target stimulus is repeated and results are averaged - extraneous neural activity will not occur consistently
there are two categories of ERPs:
1) ‘sensory’ ERPs
2) ‘cognitive’ ERPs
what is the evaluation for studying the brain?
post mortem - detailed anatomical examination, harrison et al (2000), post mortem played a central role in understanding origins or schizophrenia, time, matter of death, length of time from death to post mortem all have an impact, only retrospective
fMRI - non-invasive, no harmful radiation, objective, reliable, not a direct measure as it measures blood flow, overlooks networked nature of brain activity
EEG - provides real time recordings, accurate, useful in clinical diagnoses, cannot reveal deeper regions without implanted electrodes which are not allowed due to ethical implications, difficult to identify exact source of activity
ERP - continuous measure, measures in absence of behavioural responses, requires large number of trials for meaningful data, only strong voltage changes are recordable
what are biological rhythms?
cyclic changes in the way biological systems behave
evolved as the environment has cyclic changes, e.g seasons, day and night - nearly all organisms have biological representations of the 24 hour day
what are circadian rhythms?
biological rhythms that are 24 hours
optimise an organism’s physiology to best meet the varying demands of the day/night cycle
what are circadian rhythms controlled by?
driven by body clocks, which are synchronised by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located in the hypothalamus
the SCN is constantly reset, and its primary input is light - photoentrainment
photoreceptors in the eyes send messages about environmental light levels to the SCN - these are used to coordinate activity in the circadian system
what is the sleep-wake cycle?
circadian rhythms determine when sleep and wake periods - maintains a 24-25 hour cycle without external cues
dips and rises - the strongest sleep drives occur from 2-4 am, and 1-3 pm
how does homeostasis affect the sleep-wake cycle?
sleep-wake cycle is also under homeostatic control
as the amount of wake time increases, homeostasis indicates need for sleep is increasing as energy is used up - homeostatic need for sleep increases gradually during the day and peaks in the late eventing
the circadian rhythm keeps us awake during the day and prompts us to sleep when it is dark, and the homeostatic system makes us sleepier as time goes on during the waking period, whether it is night or day
what are the other circadian rhythms?
core body temperature - sleep occurs when core temperature starts to drop, and temperature rises during the last sleep hours, causing alertness
hormone production - melatonin, from the pineal gland, follows a circadian rhythms with peak levels during dark hours
what is the evaluation for circadian rhythms?
research support - hughes (1977), antarctic study, different light levels affected levels of cortisol, other arctic studies found no disruption
individual differences - czeisler et al (1999), length of cycle varies from 13-65 hours, duffy et al (2001) found differences in cycle onset
research methodology - in many studies, participants are not isolated from artificial light, czeisler et al (1999) altered circadian rhythm using dim artificial light
chronotherapeutics - evans and marain (1996), new drug delivery system where they were administered in the evening but not released until dawn
importance of temperature - buhr et al (2010), temperature controls body clock, fluctuates on a 24 hour cycle
what are ultradian rhythms?
rhythms shorter than 24 hours
e.g. sleep stages, basic rest activity cycle
what are the sleep stages?
pattern of alternating REM and NREM sleep - cycle repeats every 90 minutes, different stages have different durations
most knowledge of sleep stages comes EEG recordings of sleep - during deep sleep, brain waves slow, and breathing and heart rate decrease, and during REM, EEG patterns look like awake patterns, and most dreaming occurs in this sleep
what is the basic rest activity cycle (BRAC)?
kleitman (1969) called the 90 minute sleep cycle the BRAC - suggested it occurs during the day, moving from states of alertness to physiological fatigue
we can only focus for 90 minutes - at the end of this the body runs out of resources, resulting in loss of concentration, fatigue and hunger
what are infradian rhythms?
rhythms longer than 24 hours - may last weeks, months, or be annual
e.g. menstrual cycle, organisation of human activities into weeks
what are weekly infradian rhythms?
there are differences in human behaviour that occur on a weekly cycle - e.g. male testosterone is elevated at the weekend, young couples report more sexual activity at the weekend, frequency of births at weekends is higher than weekdays
there are underlying biological cycles that dictate this - halberg et al (2002), seven day rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate, but evidence for this is weak
what are monthly infradian rhythms?
menstrual cycle - variations in length, from 23-36 days (refinetti, 2006), average is 28 days
menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones that promote ovulation or stimulate the uterus for fertilisation
what are annual infradian rhythms?
magnusson (2000) said there is seasonal variation in mood, especially in women - seasonal affective disorder, some become depressed in the winter
there are more heart attacks during the winter
trudeau (1997) - most human deaths occur in january
what is the evaluation for ultradian and infradian rhythms?
individual differences - tucker et al (2007), differences in sleep patterns are biological
research support for BRAC - ericsson et al (2006) found elite violinists practice for only 90 minutes and napped after, also found these patterns in athletes and writers
menstrual cycle and exogenous cues - russell et al (1980), odour donor study, suggests synchronisation of menstrual cycles is affected by pheromones
menstrual cycle and mater preference - penton-voale et al (1999), human mate choice varies across the menstrual cycle
belief in lunar rhythms - arliss et al (2005) found midwives report more babies are born on the full moon, vance (1995) found some mental health professionals believe the full moon affects behaviour, foster and roenneberg (2008), some studies found correlations, but no evidence of causal relationships