What are the motives for imperialism?
Economic Motive
Desire to make money, expand and control foreign trade, raw materials, and cheap labor
Political Motive
Gain power and compete, expand territory, military force, boost national pride
Ideological Motive
cultural values, white supremacy, social darwinism, survival of the fittest
Religious Motive
Spread Christianity, spread European values and beliefs, and end the slave trade
Exploratory Motive
explore unknown, conduct medical searches, adventure.
Forms of Imperialism
Colony, Protectorate, Economic Imperialism, Sphere of Influence
A country or territory governed internally by a foreign power.
Ex: India was a colony of Great Britain
A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power.
Ex: Britain had a protectorate over the Niger River Delta in Africa
Economic Imperialism
An independent but less developed country controlled by private business interests rather than a government.
Ex: The Dole Fruit Company controlled the pineapple trade in Hawaii before it became an American state
Sphere of Influence
An area in which an outside power claimed exclusive investment or trading privileges.
Ex: China was controlled by many spheres of influence
Direct Control
Foreign officials brought in to rule
No self-rule
Goal is assimilation
Government institutions based on European styles and values
Indirect Control
Local officials used
Limited self-government
Goal: to develop future leaders
Government institutions based on European styles and values but may also have local rules
Scenario of Imperialism? Your nation needs oil to fuel and power your newly industrialized economy. However, you have no oil in your country. You need access to a Middle Eastern country’s oil so you use your superior military to force them to allow you to refine and control all the oil in their nation.
Sphere of Influence
Scenario of Imperialism? If you wanted a nation for its resources, but also wanted to convert its people to Christianity, which form of imperialism would you use?
Scenario of Imperialism? If you want a nation to be a part of your empire but are only interested in adding it due to its geographic location (you can use it for stop off points for trade, military operations, refueling etc), and you allow the people to mostly govern themselves, which for of imperialism would you use?
Scenario of Imperialism? You own a business and use another nation’s coal mines for your production. They have said they no longer want to allow your company access to their mines. That coal is vital to your production so you use your substantial business power to take over their land and control it, which form of imperialism is this?
Economic Imperialism
Most controlling Imperialism to Least controlling
Colony, Protectorate, Economic Imperialism, Sphere of Influence
Berlin Conference
they sought to discuss the partitioning of Africa, establishing rules to amicably divide resources among the Western countries at the expense of the African people.
Scramble for Africa
the artificial drawing of African political boundaries among European powers in the end of the 19th century – led to the partitioning of several ethnicities across newly created African states.
King Leopold II
King of Belgium who extracted large amounts of rubber from the Congo and called the Berlin Conference
What did King Leopold II extract from the Congo and how?
Rubber through human labor
How did King Leopold II describe his intentions in Africa? Did he really?
described as humane and benevolent (good/gracious) and no he was gas lighting
What were causes of conflict between China and the West?
Imbalance of Trade & Opium War
Imbalance of Trade
Long term cause of war. China requested silver for tea and silver was more expensive than tea, so it was an imbalance of trade
Opium War
To balance the trade, British introduced opium (highly addictive drug) to china and traded it for tea. It soon was banned by the Chinese, but the British still kept the market alive by smuggling the drugs in to Chinese merchants.
Treaty of Nanjing
The treaty that ended the opium war; Benefits for the british include more ports, special rights (concession areas) 21 million silver dollars from China, as well as equality with China
Boxer Rebellion Factors
exploitation of Chinese customs and societies
What is the boxer rebellion?
Martial art society transformed into a semi-official militia that targeted foreigners, churches, and western officials. Very violent and resulted in 1,000s of Chinese Christian deaths.
Why was Boxer Rebellion a final humiliation for the Chinese?
The Chinese government couldn’t even stop their own rebellion
Sepoy Rebellion
A group of Indian soldiers under British control protected trading interests. They led a revolt known as the Sepoy rebellion against the British.
What nation had taken control over most of India
Did Great Britain give the people of India rights?
Little to no rights
What did the British ignore in India?
religion, culture, and Indian traditions
What wre the new gun cartridges greased with?
beef + pork fat
What religions did the new gun cartridges violate
Hinduism and Islam
At the end of the Sepoy Rebellion, who had full control over India
British Government now known as Raj
Why did the British imperialize India?
Large, inexpensive labor force and raw materials such as jute, poppies, cotton, tea, etc
Why was India vulnerable to British rule?
Heterogeneous Population, Religion, Political, and social
What kind of imperialism was india?
Economic Imperialism to Colony
British East India Company
English company formed for the exploitation of trade with East and Southeast Asia and India.
British Raj
the rule of the British Crown on the Indian subcontinent (direct political, economic, and social control)
What form of Imperialism was China?
Spheres of Influence
What form of Imperialism was India?
Economic to Colony
Treaty of Kanagawa
Japan forced to trade w/ U.S. (peaceful)
How was Japan different from other cases of imperialism?
Japan did not fight imperialism but rather embraced it to avoid war. Industrialized and became an imperial power themselves
Meiji Restoration
A period where Japan was industrialized, westernized, and modernized by western powers and restored practical imperial rule to Japan
Sino-Japanese War
War fought between China and Japan which proved Japan was an equal with western countries and powers.
Russo-Japanese War
War fought between Russia and Japan which proved Japan was an equal with western countries and powers.
Open door policy
Chinese were forced to trade with western countries and anyone else who wanted to trade with them
What do indirect and direct control have in common?
Both based on government institutions on European Styles
How did Social Darwinism contribute to imperialism?
Only fittest nations deserved to survive