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Test that measures electrical activity in the brain. Uses electrodes attached to the scalp
measures voltage between each active electrode
most affordable neuroimaging technique
poor spatial resolution
good temporal resolution
event-related potentials-signal you get from an EEG: brain activity changes in response to a stimulus
Spatial resolution
accuracy with which a technique can identify the exact location of brain activity
Temporal resolution
measure of how accurately a scanner can detect changes in brain activity in relation to time
claims about symmetry perception in EEG research
Network of symmetry sensitive brain areas in the extrastriate cortex. This generates the SPN
Extrastriate network responds to symmetry automatically
Amplitude of symmetry response scales with the perceptual goodness of regularities of configuration
Network always responds to symmetry- sometimes recovers symmetry in object
Network can code symmetry independently in each hemisphere
Response to symmetry stronger than anti-symmetry
Indifferent to colour
Network can integrate patterns info presented at different points in time
Attending to negative superimposed words blocks symmetry processing
Symmetry processing is robust to changes in visual working memory load
The symmetry responses increases with repeated presentation (SPN priming)
SPN priming generalizes between regularity representations
We can learn a lot about symmetry perception by pooling data from all experiments into a big Catalogue
Symmetry processing is enhanced during active regularity discrimination tasks
The brain response to symmetry is right lateralized, but the laws of perceptual organization that determine SPN amplitude, are similar in both hemispheres.
Hallucinogenic drugs activate the extrastriate symmetry network
Network of symmetry sensitive brain areas in the extrastriate cortex: evidence
Sasaki et al:
people put in scanner and shown both symmetrical/random dot patterns
Symmetrical- back of head activated (extrastriate areas) not Primary visual cortex (V1)
only the extrastriate cortex sensitive to symmetry
Amplitude lower for reflection patterns than random- called the Sustained posterior negativity (SPN)
Extrastriate network responds to symmetry automatically: evidence
Study: varied proportion of symmetry in the dot pattern- some random, some symmetrical
Also varied colour of the dots (light or dark)
one group discriminated regularity other discriminated colour
Results: when attend to regularity SPN scales with the proportion of symmetry, when attend to colour still goes down but not as strong
Amplitude of symmetry response scales with the perceptual goodness of regularities of configuration: evidence
correlation between W load and SPN amplitude- higher the W load (obvious symmetry) larger (more negative) SPN
perceptual goodness
refers to the strength or salience of visual regularity
Network always responds to symmetry
either had 2 axis in image and 2 axes in object or 1 axis on retina, 2 axis in object
findings: whether people are attending to regularity or colour
Regularity: same SPN for flat presentation as for the slanted: get a view invariant representation
Colour: large SPN for slant and small for slanted: colour matters most
view invariance
the ability to recognise an object despite variations in viewpoint, lighting, retinal size or background
Network can code symmetry independently in each hemisphere: evidence
Study-fixate in the centre of screen- random pattern on the left, symmetrical on the right or vice versa
Here the SPN just over the contralateral hemisphere
SPN is similar whether attending to random or symmetrical patterns
Network can integrate patterns info presented at different points in time: evidence
Experiment- pattern hidden behind a door, then moves across and reveals other side- people then judge whether the half seen pattern was a reflection or random
Get SPN generated by second half of a half occluded pattern
Brain has got info, stored in memory, and used it for new info- noted reflection
Attending to negative superimposed words blocks symmetry processing: evidence
- Say if the word above the image has positive or negative valance
- When positive brain responds to symmetry and generates an SPN but not when negative
- Seeing negative words grabs attention blocking symmetry processing
Symmetry processing is robust to changes in visual working memory load: evidence
Visual working memory capacity is 4 objects
Found the SPN was enhanced when people's memory is full of shapes- thus enhancing visual processing
The symmetry responses increases with repeated presentation (SPN priming): evidence
Brain is sensitive to what has just come before- no 'pure' visual responses
Habituation and priming-Can get both in the visual cortex
SPN subject to priming
SPN priming generalizes between regularity representations: evidence
Black and white symmetry representations overlap
SPN priming transfers from black to white
We can learn a lot about symmetry perception by pooling data from all experiments into a big Catalogue
The complete Liverpool SPN catalogue since COVID
Move towards open science, to help with the reproducibility crisis
40 projects, 249 grand average SPNs, 6674 SPNs from 2215 pts, over 1 million trials
Symmetry processing is enhanced during active regularity discrimination tasks: evidence
- Attention to regularity increases SPN amplitude
- R2- Tells us the proportion of variance explained by the regression line
The brain response to symmetry is right lateralized, but the laws of perceptual organization that determine SPN amplitude, are similar in both hemispheres: evidence
- Significant right lateralisation- SPN goes further down in the right than the left-right cares more about symmetry, left is language
Hallucinogenic drugs activate the extrastriate symmetry network: evidence
DMT is a psychedelic
DMT is an endogenous neurotransmitter- It is already used for something in your brain.
All psychedelics bind to serotonin receptors- DMT is a 5-HT2AR agonist
Andres Gomez Emilsson: Six levels of the DMT trip:
Threshold (4MG dose)- highly aesthetic visual fascination- like in HD- everything is crisp and vivid
The Chrysanthemum (4-8MG)- like the best screensaver- patterned surfaces will 'symetrify'
The magic eye- overflow where surfaces begin to fold in semi-symmetrical ways
The waiting room- finding an element in the scene and using it as a window to another dimension- feels like hyperspace
The breakthrough- the new universe feels palpably panopsychic- symmetrical religious epiphany
Amnesia- impossible to retain representations of these geometries and describe them mathematically so you forget it all
Perceptual constancy
tendency to perceive objects as having a standard size, shape, colour or location even when the sensory stimulus changes. Possible as the brain corrects for variations
Contralateral SPN
ERP that occurs when visual symmetry is presented to either the left or right of central fixation. Is similar when symmetry is in the attended or unattended visual hemifield (only slightly enhanced with attended)
Visual working memory
limited capacity of our mind to temporarily hold and manipulate visual information from our environment
a decrease in response to stimulus after repeated presentations
how exposure to one stimulus can influence a person's response to subsequent stimulus, without conscious awareness
statistical measures in a regression model that determines the proportion of variance in the dependent variable that can be explained by the independent variable
open science
promotes the transparency, reproducibility and accessibility of research