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What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
I Olfactory
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
II Optic
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
III Oculomotor
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
IV Trochlear
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
V Trigeminal
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
VI Abducens
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
VII Facial
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
VIII Vestibulocochlear
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
IX Glossopharyngeal
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
X Vagus
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
XI Acessory
What is the name and number of this craninal nerve?
XII Hypoglossal
What is the function of the olfactory nerve?
What is the function of the optic nerve?
What is the function of the oculomotor nerve?
What is the function of the trochlear nerve?
What is the function of the trigeminal nerve?
What is the function of the abducens nerve?
What is the function of the facial nerve?
What is the function of the vestibulocochlear nerve?
What is the function of the glossopharyngeal nerve?
What is the function of the vagus nerve?
What is the function of the accessory nerve?
What is the function of the hypoglossal nerve?
What is a functional test for the olfactory nerve?
Ask subject to close eyes, waft a series of substances under their nose, and ask them to identify the odor
What is a functional test for the optic nerve?
Read time from a clock on the wall with both eyes. Then do the same individually. Perform test for colorblindness.
What is a functional test for the oculomotor nerve?
Shine a penlight into the subject's right eye and observe constriction of the pupil in
that same eye (direct light reflex).
Shine a penlight into the subject's right eye and observe constriction of the pupil in
the opposite eye (consensual light reflex).
What is a functional test for the trochlear and abducens nerve?
Holding your index finger approximately one foot in front of the subject's face, instruct the
subject to follow your finger as you move your finger up and down, side to side, and
What is a functional test for trigeminal nerve?
Sensory - instruct the subject to close
his/her eyes while poking the skin of his or her forehead with your finger. Have the subject indicate when he or she felt the sensation by saying, “now”. Repeat the
procedure for the cheek and the mandible
Motor - of the trigeminal nerve pair, instruct the subject to elevate and depress his or her mandible and to move his or her mandible from side to side
What is a functional test for the facial nerves?
Sensory -ask the subject to take the Pepsi v. Coke Taste Test.
Motor - , instruct the subject to perform the following actions: pucker the lips, wink the eye, puff the cheeks, and smile
What is a functional test for Vestibulocochlear?
vestibular - spin the subject in a
chair for about ten to fifteen seconds. Stop the chair and immediately observe the oscillations of the subject’s eyeball.
cochlear - stand behind the
seated subject holding a tuning fork. Ask the subject to close his or her eyes. Strike the
tuning fork on the sole of your shoe and hold the tuning fork behind one of the subject’s
ears. Ask the subject to identify the location of the sound.
What is a functional test for Glossopharyngeal?
Test gag reflex by depressing the
subject’s tongue with a tongue depressor, lightly touch the side walls of the
subject’s throat with a cotton tipped applicator.
What is a functional test for Vagus nerve?
somatic motor - hold your hand over your
throat and swallow, palpating the structures that make up the pharynx and larynx as you do so
What is a functional test for the spinal accessory nerves?
Using your hand, apply pressure to the side of the subject’s head and instruct them to
resist the pressure from your hand.
Repeat step 1 on the opposite side of the head.
Using your hand, apply pressure to the subject’s forehead and instruct them to resist
the pressure from your hand
trapezius: apply pressure to the subject’s shoulders while he or she is seated and ask them to shrug the shoulders.
What is a functional test for Hypoglossal?
Instruct the subject to stick the tongue straight out.
Observe the movement of the tongue and check for any deviations to the left or right.
Instruct the subject to move the tongue to the left and then to the right.
Observe the movement of the tongue.
Instruct the subject to retract the tongue and close the mouth
What is this brain regions name and function?
Central Sulcus - separates the motor and sensory areas of the cortex and the frontal and parietal lobes
What is this brain regions name and function?
precentral gyrus/primary motor cortex - contains the primary motor cortex; allows voluntary control of skeletal muscles
What is this brain regions name and function?
premotor cortex - helps plan movements coming from the motor cortex; controls learned, repetitious, or patterned motor skills
What is this brain regions name and function?
frontal eye field - controls voluntary eye movements
What is this brain regions name and function?
Broca’s area - presents in one hemisphere and directs muscle of speech production
What is this brain regions name and function?
prefrontal cortex/anterior association area - executive area for task management, solving complex multitask problems, working memory for object-recall tasks
What is this brain regions name and function?
postcentral gyrus/primary somatosensory cortex - Receives general sensory information from
exteroceptors in skin and proprioceptors of skeletal
muscle, joints, and tendons
Capable of spatial discrimination: identification of
body region being stimulated
What is this brain regions name and function?
primary visual cortex - receives raw visual information from retinas
What is this brain regions name and function?
Visual association area - Uses past visual experiences to interpret visual stimuli
What is this brain regions name and function?
Primary auditory cortex - Interprets information from inner ear as pitch, loudness, and location
What is this brain regions name and function?
Wernicke’s area - involved in understanding
spoken and written words
What is this brain regions name and function?
Insula/insular cortex - Desires, cravings, and addiction
What is this brain regions name and function?
gustatory cortex - involved in perception of taste
What is this brain regions name and function?
Cerebellum - adjusts ongoing movements by comparing arriving sensations with previously experienced sensations, allowing you to perform the same movements repeatedly.
Arbor vitae - connects the cerebellar cortex and nuclei with the tracts of white matter that form the cerebellar peduncles
What is this brain regions name and function?
midbrain - contains nuclei that process visual and auditory information and control reflexes triggered by these stimuli
What is this brain regions name and function?
superior colliculi - receives visual inputs from the lateral geniculate body of the thalamus on that side.
inferior colliculi - receives auditory input from nuclei in the medulla oblongata and pons.
What is this brain regions name and function?
pons - connects the cerebellum to the brainstem
What is this brain regions name and function?
medulla oblongata - connects the brain to the spinal cord and contains major centers that regulate autonomic function, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion
What is this brain regions name and function?
spinal cord - carries nerve signals from your brain to the rest of your body and back
What is this brain regions name and function?
Ventricles - CSF chambers that are continuous to one another and to the central canal of spinal cord
What is this brain regions name and function?
corpus callosum - communication between the two hemispheres
What is this brain regions name and function?
Thalamus - acts as relay station for
information coming into cortex
What is this brain regions name and function?
hypothalamus - main visceral control
and regulating center that is vital to homeostasis, controls the autonomic nervous system, regulates body temperature, and regulates sleep-wake cycle
What is this brain regions name and function?
mamillary body - recollective memory and emotion, reward and goal directed behaviours.
What is this brain regions name and function?
Epithalamus - contains pineal gland (body) and secretes melatonin that helps regulate sleep-
wake cycle
What is this brain regions name and function?
Fornix - fiber tract that links limbic system regions
What is this brain regions name and function?
Amygdala - recognizes angry or fearful facial expressions, assesses danger, and elicits fear and anger response
What is this brain regions name and function?
hippocampus - regulates cognitive functions and converts short-term memory into long-term memory
What is this brain regions name and function?
Decussation of the pyramids - point where pyramidal tracts cross over to opposite side of body for contralateralization