synonym frequency
cross-cultural universality
hierarchical structure: 4-tiered, nested system (you can look down to the specific acts of personality & up to supertraits)
biological underpinnings:
He asserted that there is a causal relationship between ppl’s behavior and physiological factors “important” traits should…
Be heritable
Have a psychophysiological foundation – physiological differences as the starting point of characteristic differences (There is more than what we can with our naked eyes behind behavior)
Psychoticism (P)– when person is high in psychoticism, lack of empathy, lack of feelings of remorse, high impulsivity, sometimes cruelty, pleasure & stimulation seeking
aggressive, antisocial, cold, impersonal
Extraversion-introversion (E) – enjoying and seeking sensations
sociably, lively, active, assertive
Neuroticism-emotional stability (N) - proneness to experience negative emotions (depression, anxiety, etc)
anxious, depressed, shy, moody, emotional
Eysenck holds PEN
goal: identify & measure personality’s basic units
cattell was a proponent of statistical approach - factor analysis
cattell identified 16 dimensions of personality including:
emotional stability
social boldness
openness to change
provides an explicit definition of interpersonal behavior (possible to locate any transaction in hich the resources of status or love are exchanged within a specific area of the circumplex pie)
specifies the relatinships b/t each trait and every other trait within the model
adjacency - how close the traits are to each other in the circumplex (positively correlated)
bipolarity - traits located at opposite sides of the circle & negatively correlated
orthogonality - traits that are perpendicular to each other on the model, entirely unrelated (ex: dominance is orthogonal to agreeableness)
alerts investigators to gaps in investigations of interpersonal behavior
i) Thought of as on a dimensional range (high to low)
ii) Started in the lexical approach
Openness: novelty seeking (new experiences), openness to change (adaptability), openness to knowledge
if low, then not comfortable to change, new experiences, not high in adaptability
conscientiousness: organized, detail-oriented, punctual, tidiness
on the extreme, perfectionism
someone low on conscientiousness more of a go-with-the-flow kind of person, not caring abt deadlines as much
extraversion: sensation-seeking characteristics
agreeableness: more important to get along than to go against standards, caring, nurturing
neuroticism: anxiousness, overthinking, frequent mood changes (emotional instability/volatility)
someone who’s low on neuroticism varies less in emotions
the “big five” bc there’s replication across
items formarts
“troublesome” 5th factor – openness out of the five factors, tougher to be replicated
Conceptually, the definition of openness varies a lot
Data gets messy bc of diff operational definitions
McAdams &Walden (2010):
There is more to personality than just traits
The model doesn’t capture other dimensions of personality
“HEXACO can replace the big five”
Atheoretical – M&W state that it might have been atheoretical before, but not so much in modern day
Overreliance on factor analysis – M&W disagree bc there has been additional work to support the model’s construct validity (does it capture the elements of the concept it seems to talk about)
*Omits important traits (like honesty) –*W&M agree but state that later works have incorporated other traits like honesty
Antiquated view of trait measurement – W&M agree, but this criticism should be applied to the entire field of personality psychology
`Cumulative vs. differential (cumulative would say that more of a trait is positive but higher is not always better (differential)
Can be trumped by a 2-factor system: W&M say that if Block thinks the big five misses out on traits, then it doesn’t make sense to leave out even more elements
M&W agree that the big five model is good for what it tries to do – good at describing traits BUT, there’s several levels of personality:
ACTOR – dispositional traits (temperament), inferred from social behavior; emerges in birth & early childhood
Observable traits & linked to the big five
AGENT - clear and self-conscious comprehension of the self as purposive and goal-directed. Agents form goals, strivings, projects, plans, and the like for their own lives; emerges in late childhood & adolescence
AUTHOR – person is their own meaning-making narrator, develops and internalizes an evolving, self-defining life story that explains how the person came to be and where their life may go in the future; emerges in early adulthood
Considered a potential replacement of the five-factor model
6th factor: honesty-humility (on opposite side, arrogant, conceited, greedy, pompous)
“I would never accept a bribe, even if it were very large”
“I’d be tempted to use counterfeit money if I were sure I could get away with it” (R -reverse coded)
Connections to “dark triad”
Narcissism, Machiavellianism (tendency to use others, to be manipulative and calculating), psychopathy
“meaningful individual differences exist”
“traits are relatively stable over time”
“there is some consistency to traits across situations”
Humans differ from each other in important ways that impact aspects of their lives (goals, traits)
Influences researchers’ ability to capture traits
Statistics are important to trait researchers bc they can measure & compare, make predictions about individuals based on those stats
Color wheel analogy – you can start from what feels like a small number of colors, but when you put them together, you can see a wider spectrum of colors
Diff amounts and combos of traits give rise to the vast variability when it comes to human outcomes
(Initially in the field, researchers thought traits were stable over time, but now it is “relatively” bc there’s been empirical work that clarified that not everyone is the same throughout the entirety of their lifetime)
BUT Behavioral manifestations may change
Relatively strong negative correlation between number of childhood tantrums & job longevity (r=-0.45)
There are behavioral expressions of the same underlying traits (the trait itself didn’t change, only how it’s expressed)
Rank order differences:
To assess this, you can track traits over time(longitudinal studies), accounting for expected changes
Ex: we generally assume that kids are more impulsive than adults, if jimmy is more impulsive than Timmy when they’re young -→ we expect jimmy and Timmy to be less impulsive when they grow u -→ but rank order diff states that jimmy is likely more impulsive than Timmy even at an older age
COVID pandemic has given people a chance to become more aware of their traits
Ex: ppl spend more of their time at home, they become more introverted bc they spend less time with others & also ppl became more aware that they like spending time with others in the vast amount of free time allowed towards the end of quarantine (so more extroverted)
New research suggests that it has…
Decreases in Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion & agreeableness
Increases in neuroticism- Esp. pronounced among YOUNG ADULTS (college students)
“disrupted maturity” (sutin et. Al., 2022) (iv)
Original assumption: Behavior=Person (behavior is a function of who you are as a person)
Ex: if they display outgoing behavior, it must be because they’re extroverted
Push-back on idea of consistency of traits across situations
situanism= behavior due to context, not just behavior, if the behavior changes when the context changes
Hartshone & may’s (1928): “honesty study”
Student who cheated in one class was a stellar student who never cheated in another class = according to context, people’s behavior changes
Michel’s marshmallow test: behavior is shaped largely by the exigencies of a given situation and the notion that individuals act in consistent ways across different situations, reflecting the influence of underlying personality traits, is a myth
Demonstrate how situation changes behavior - Examine Delayed gratification, impulsivity
Mischel state that People can be flexible when there’s reframing of the situation (ex: if kids are told the marshmallow is fake, more likely to wait)
B= f(P*S) ; behavior is a function of personality and situation
Strong vs. weak situations
Strong situation = the situational constraints are so powerful they control the behavior (almost anyone would behave the same way under the same circumstances)
Weak situation = not a lot of pressure, leads to personal differences in behavior
interactions with situations include selection, evocation, and manipulation (which reflect our personalities)
selection: we choose situations to enter (how we choose our friends, romantic partners, hobbie, classes, careers)
ex: someone who’s outgoing selects team-oriented activities
evocation: the reactions we produce in other UNINTENTIONALLY (we create he social environment that we inhabit)
ex: someone who’s very talkative unconsciously makes the people around feel like they can’t talk
manipulation: ways in which we INTENTIONALLY attempt to influence others
ex: someone who knows that their friend is going through a tough time brings them flowers and candy to make them feel better
More data= more accurate picture
Jackson et al. (2015)
Predicting longevity from S-data vs. lots of O-data
Aggregated O-data (from friends)= better predictor of someone’s longevity than S-data
Personality tests are better predictors of general tendencies rather than single acts
faking goodness – social desirability bias (making yourself seem better than in reality for social acceptance)
faking bad – access to certain resources that you would not get if you didn’t meet the criteria (ex: faking injury as more severe to get it covered by insurance)
Modern lie detector – polygraph – mechanical devise relies on psychophysiological measures like heart rate, respiration, skin conductance
Use of physiological measures began in 1900s, w/ idea that it’s useful for detecting nervous arousal that often accompanies lying
Originally designed to detect guilt reactions that arise from denying specific criminal acts, but employers used to screen general honesty
During the 1970s-1980s, most people took a polygraph test as part of an employment screening procedure, often when applying for jobs in fast-food outlets
However, lying is not always accompanied by physiological arousal and sometimes physiological arousal is not accompanied by lying -→ no “lie detection” test was foolproof
In 1988, congress banned the use of polygraph in private sector
Instead of polograph, companies use integrity tests that are designed to assess whether a person is generally honest, trustworthy, reliable, helpful and dependable
Low test-retest reliability (Categorical treatment of continuous traits)
Barnum effect – vague items/ statements
Treats some traits as mutually exclusive (Ex: thinking “v” perceiving – you have to be either thinking OR perceiving (not a mix of both)
High Face validity – easy to determine what trait is being determined (ppl can decide the way they want to present themselves, too obvious)
Low Construct validity – does this thing actually measure what we think it measures? (The MBTI test doesn’t really correlate to a lot of stuff)
Low predictive validity
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI)
Identifying significant dysfunction
California personality inventory (CPI)
Law enforcement suitability
Hogan personality inventory (HPI)
Good psychometric properties – high reliability, high validity, good at predicting, has correlations to many things
Go-to for business settings
Worries about misuse of BG findings
“the bell curve” – started by looking at intelligence differences across groups
Legal implications - If someone has a genetic propensity for violence, is a person responsible for the genes they inherited?
*Genetic determinism: belief that genetic contributions to phenotypes are exclusively or at least much more important than the contributions of other factors such as epigenetic and environmental ones, even in the case of complex traits such as behaviors and personality
Remember: “is ≠ ought”
Role of free will
focused on gene structure & function
more fine-grained
starts with what gene is thought to be linked with that outcome
candidate gene studies – searching for what one single gene does
“warrior gene” (MAOA)
Starting at phenotypic level
What “mix” of nature & nurture accounts for observed trait diffs?
*nature-nurture debate exists only at group level, across diff groups= for individuals, there is inseparable intertwining of genes & environment
Proportion of phenotypic variance across individuals that’s explained by genetic variance (Ex: height)
Falconer’s formula: Heritability= 2 (minozygotic r – dizygotic r)
Monozygotic twins are genetically identical, dizygotic twins share fewer genes
‘r’ is the correlation coefficient
How similar are identical twins compared to fraternal twins
Can’t be applied to a single individual
Is NOT constant across time/pops
Heritability is an estimate – there are other factors that affect personality
artificial selection- as occurs when dogs are bred for certain qualities-can take place only if the desired characteristics are under the influence of heredity.
selective breeding occurs by identifying the dogs that possess the desired characteristics and having them mate only with other dogs that also possess the characteristic
manipualtion of behavioral and physical traits
if heritability of the desired trait is high, then selective breeding will be highly successful and will happen rapidly
correlate the degree of genetic relatedness among family members with the degree of personality similarity.
They capitalize on the fact that there are known degrees of genetic relatedness among family members.
If a personality characteristic is highly heritable, then family members with greater genetic relatedness should be more similar to each other than are family members with less genetic relatedness.
If a personality characteristic is not at all heritable, then even family members who are closely related \n genetically, such as siblings, should not be \n any more similar to each other than are family \n members who are less genetically related to \n each other.
Identical twins raised apart
A high number of similarities although raised in diff environments
MZ vs DZ twins
equal environments assumption (EEA)
adoption studies
twins reared apart
Are MZ more similar than DZ? (identical vs. fraternal twins?)
If yes, then it’s evidence of heritability
Higher tendency of genes to have affected traits bc identical twins share genes more than fraternal twins
Something about the shared genetic makeup that contributes to similarity more than fraternal twins who only share 50% of their genetic makeup
twin method assumes that the environments experienced by identical twins are no more similar to each other than are the environments experienced by fraternal twins (“environments for MZ & DZ twins are equally similar”)
If they are more similar, then the greater similarity of the identical twins could be due to the fact that they experience more similar environments rather than the fact that they have more genes in common.
If identical twins are treated by their parents as more similar than fraternal twins are treated by their parents—for example, if the parents of identical twins dress them in more similar clothing than do the parents of fraternal twins—then the greater similarity of the identical twins might be due to more similar treatment.
If parents dress their identical twins in the same way, compared to fraternal twins who were dresses differently -→ violation of the assumption
research finding: however twins are labeled, the environments experienced by identical twins do not seem to be functionally more similar to each other than the environments experienced by fraternal twins.
does child resemble adoptive or bio parents more
nurture: when kids resemble their adoptive parents more than bio parents
nature: when kids resemble their bio parents more than adoptive parents
attitudes tend to be stable over time, sometimes linked with actual behavior
convervative values preferred over modern values, heritability of .59
genes appear to influence occupational preferences -→ occupational preferneces like desire for competititon and wealth can lead to choosing occupations in which more status and income are actually achieved
however, heritability nonexistent for belief in god, involvement in religious affairs, and racial integration
drinking & smoking seen as behavioral manifestations of personality dispositions, like sensation seeking, extraversion, and neuroticism
Individual differences in drinking and smoking habits also show evidence of heritability. - identical twin who smoked was 16 times more likely than an identical twin who didn’t smoke to hve a twin who also smoked
heritability tests for drinking more mixed, but show moderate heritability
but for alcoholism,shows stronger heritability -→ genetic link b/t alcoholism and conduct disorder (antisocial behavior)
Shared: features shared by siblings (Ex: # of books in the home, vacations taken)
Non-shared: features that diff across siblings; helps us identify differences in traits (Ex: peer group)
Current research: non-shared environmental influences = critical for personality
Diff genotypes exposed to diff environments -→ we’re more likely to find the same genotypes in certain environments
ex: individuals with different genotypes (e.g., those with high versus low verbal abilities) are exposed to different environments (e.g., high versus low stimulation)
Correlation can be…
Passive: individ didn’t do anything to be in that environment (passive genotype-environment correlation)
kid w/ good verbal skills lives in a house with lots of books bc parents like to read
reactive: related to evocation, eliciting responses without intention (reactive genotype-environment correlation)
kid who loves to be touched “trains” parents to hold her
active: related to selection, individ chose to be in that environment (active genotype-environment correlation)
thrill-seeker chooses to take up sky-diving
MAOA-L: monoamine oxidase A
Lower levels of MAO (enzyme)-→ higher levels of circulating neurotransmitters -→ linked to less inhibition, higher levels of impulsivity, violence, aggression
inhibits the brake system in brain
Role of environment:
Upbringing: People who had lower activity MAOA and had committed multiple violent crimes found to have had difficult childhood environment
Social support -→ less social support, lower MAOA-L activity
electrodermal activity (EDA)
cardiovascular activity (Blood pressures & heart rate)
brain activity (EEG & fMRI)
saliva testing
blood testing
BP(blood pressure)-activation of the SNS in fight-or-flight response
HR (heart rate) – anxiety, arousal, cognitive effort
hormone levels (testosterone, oxytocin, cortisol)
indicator of how competently a person’s immune system is functioning -→ quality of immune system goes up and down w/ stress or emotions and thereby may relate to personality
extraversion-introversion (eysenck)
reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST)
sensation seeking
neurotransmitters & personality
brain asymmetry & affective style
extraversion/introversion is more than just a social difference and is indicative of underlying physio diffs
Eysenck’s original theory:
introverts= higher baseline levels of cortical activity in ARAS (brain stem structure associated with arousal)
BUT… EEG findings stated that there was no diff @ rest = in the absence/low level of stimulation, arousal levels were comparable b/t introverts and extroverts
Eysenck’s revised theory:
Diff b/t introverts & extroverts = arousability
Introverts = more reactive to stimulation
Extroverts = “stimulation hungry”
Ppl have diff sweet spots for arousal that they operate best under
“IV1”: EPI(Eysenck personality inventory) score (extravert, introvert) – ppl come into take a personality survey, if above a certain number then extrovert, if not then introvert
Participants have to perform a task while there’s noise in the room
IV2: 3 noise conditions
Choice- 1/3 of participants can choose the level of noise they want to work under
assigned same – if extrovert, you don’t get to choose but researchers choose the level of noise other extroverts chose, same for introverts
assigned other – if introvert, then receives noise level that the last extrovert chose (same for extrovert- introvert choose for them)
DV1: measured “physio arousal” (HR, EDA)
DV2: learning task performance
personality main effects:
Introverts selected quieter noise levels (M=55dB) than extroverts (M=72dB)
Introverts = more physio arousal than extroverts (HR of introverts significantly higher than that of extroverts)
interactive effect on learning:
High bars = bad performance
When both introverts and extroverts under choice condition, they set it at their optimal level and they perform equally well
When assigned the same noise condition, when in the noise environment of the same genotype, performance is still relatively high for both introverts and extroverts
In the assigned other condition, both extroverts and introverts do not perform well, but introverts perform much worse than extroverts when not in their optimal environment a. Extroverts are understimulated if they’re in introverts’ desired noise level b. Introverts are overstimulated when they're in extroverts’ desire noise level
Jeffrey created model of human personality based on 2 hypotheiszed biological systems in the brain:
behavioral activation system (BAS)
behavioral inhibition system (BIS)
Connections to other domains
Neural underpinnings for individual diffs in:
Anxiety/fearfulness due to sensitive BIS
Processing of threats vs. incentives
Sensitive BIS
Ex: impulsive folks learn better via sensitive BAS
believed that people least tolerant of sensory deprivation were in high need of sensation
developed sensation-seeking scale (questionnaire designed to measure the extent to which a person needs novel/exciting experiences &enjoys thrills/excitements)
predicted how well ppl tolerated the sensory deprivation sessions
moderately strong positive correlation b/t extraversion and sensation seeking
thus, there is a physiological basis for sensation-seeking behavior -→ role of neuroTs
MAO responsible for maintaining proper levels of neuroTs -→ high sensation seekers tend to have low levels of MAO in bloodstream -→ sensation seeking is caused by/maintained by having high levels of neuroTs in nervous system