Anatomy of the Nervous System, Sensory Systems, Sensorimotor Systems, Motor Systems, Brain Damage/Disorders, & Learning and Memory
Planes of brain orientation
Horizontal plane
Sagittal plane
Coronal plane
Horizontal plane
Parallel to floor
Sagittal plane
Splits down middle, left and right
Coronal plane
Dividends front back back Posterior and anterior
Medial or proximal
towards the middle
Lateral or distal
going towards the side
Same side
opposite side
Anterior or rostral
near the head
Posterior or caudal
near the feet
Towards the back
Towards the belly or front
Neurons carry information into a region of interest
Neurons carry information away from region of interest
Nervous systems:
The central nervous system
The peripheral nervous system
Central nervous system
consists of the brain and spinal cord
The peripheral nervous system
all other parts of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord
Somatic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
Somatic nervous system
Nerves that connect the brain and major muscles and sensory systems of the body
Autonomic nervous system
Nerves that connect to the viscera (internal organs)
Sympathetic nervous system
Parasympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic nervous system
Axons that innervate the sympathetic ganglia
Small clusters of neurons
“Fight or flight”
Sweat, jump, digestion stops, heart rate, blood pressure, pupils
Parasympathetic nervous system
Helps body relax and recuperate
“Rest and digest”
Calms down body
Farther from CNS, closer to organs
Bundles of axons names:
CNS - Tracts
PNS - Nerves
Groups of cell bodies
CNS - Nuclei
PNS - Ganglion, Ganglia (plural)
Myelin made by:
CNS - Oligodendrocytes
PNS - Schwann cells
Motor nerves
Transmit information from the spinal cord and brain to muscles and glands
Sensory nerves
Convey information from the cell body to the central nervous system
Nerves of the somatic nervous system
Cranial nerves
Spinal nerves
Cranial nerves
Coming from head and neck going to visceral organs
12 pairs - one right and one left side
Sensory, motor, or both
Information from touch receptors in the head enters the CNS through the cranial nerves
Vagus also has parasympathetic
Misfire is vagus nerve
Hiccups (literally)
Spinal nerves
31 pairs - named after the vertebrae
Lumbar Lower back 5 segments
Sacral Pelvic 5 segments
Coccygeal Bottom 1 segment
SAD = sensory afferent dorsal
Types of info coming to and from spinal cordy
Depends on where touched
Information from receptors below the head enters the spinal cord and travel through the 31 spinal nerves to the brain
8 segments
12 segments
Lower back
5 segments
5 segments
1 segment
cauda equina
“horse's tail”
extension of spinal nerves beyond end of spinal cord
Epidurals are below the spinal cord
Areas of the body innervated by a specific spinal nerve
Different areas of the periphery that are innovative by a different spinal nerve
At all levels, inputs are organized into dermatomes, strips of skin each innervated by a particular spinal nerve
Essentially is a receptive field
Different effects on organs due to different neurotransmitters released by postganglionic neurons
All preganglionic neurons release ACh.
Sympathetic postganglionic neurons release epinephrine (= adrenaline)
Parasympathetic postganglionic neurons release ACh
Embryonic development of brain and spinal cord
Neural tube
Then subdivides
Front, forbrain
Middle midbrain
he hindbrain develops into the cerebellum, pons, and medulla.
Brainstem refers to the midbrain, pons, and medulla combined
Protection of the nervous system:
Chemical protection
Physical protection
Chemical protection
Blood brain barrier
Tightly packed blood vessel cells and astrocytes
Physical protection
Skull and vertebral column(spine)
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Dura mater
Arachnoid membrane
Subarachnoid space
Pia mater
Meningitis - acute infection of the meninges
Meningiomas - tumors formed in meninges
Dura mater
outer layer
“Tough mother”
Arachnoid membrane
middle layer
Spider weblike membrane
Below dura mater
Subarachnoid space
below the arachnoid membrane
Containing many blood vessels and cerebrospinal fluid
Looks like spider web
Pia mater
“Pious mother”
Layer closest to brain and spinal cord
Ventricular system
Ensuring the brain doesn’t “dry out”
Chambers filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Lateral ventricle
In each hemisphere
Extends to all four lobes and lined with choroid plexus
CSF flows into the third ventricle at the midline, through the cerebral aqueduct, and into the fourth ventricle where it exits to circulate over the brain and via the central canal of the spinal cord
Too much cerebrospinal fluid
Absorbed into sinuses (large, blood filled spaces)
Run through dura and drain into jugular veins of neck
(water head)
Expansion of ventricles
Ex: due to blockage by tumor, etc
Need to drain
Glymphatic System
Glial cells (picking up junk) take info and take it to blood vessels to CSF
Clear the gunk out
More active while a person is sleeping
Deep sleep
If can't sleep: excess debris
Problems with glymphatic system can relate to alzheimer’s disease
Build up
Cerebral blood flow and stroke
Brain depends on a an ample supply of oxygenated blood from the cerebral arteries
Need good supply!!
Stroke: rupture, break, or blockage of blood vessels to prevent significant oxygen supply
Types of stroke: (completely opposite)
Blood flow restricted by clot or other obstruction
Treat by breaking the clot up
Artery ruptures causing blood to leak within the brain
Only way to stop is naturally or to cauterize it
Warning signs of stroke:
Sudden numbness or weakness
Altered vision
Severe headache
Confusion or difficulty speaking
Cerebral cortex
Covering over the brain
Outermost layer of the brain
Has ridges/bulges
Grey = cell bodies
White = axons
Split into two:
Cerebral hemispheres divided by the longitudinal fissure
Longitudinal fissure - large sulcus
Ridges or raised portions (mountains)
Furrows (valleys)
Four cerebral hemispheres
Frontal lobe
Parietal lobe
Occipital lobe
Temporal lobe
Frontal lobe
most anterior region
Prefrontal cortex - planning, attention much of frontal cortex devoted to motor control
Parietal lobe
Lies between the frontal and occipital lobes; somatosensory functions
Occipital lobe
Posterior region, visual processing
Temporal lobe
Lateral region, auditory processing
Lateral (sylvian) fissure
boundary of the temporal lobe
Longitudinal fissure
Splits the left and right hemisphere
Central sulcus
Divides the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe
Corpus callosum
a bundle of axons that connects the two cerebral hemispheres
Postcentral gyrus
a strip of parietal cortex posterior to the central sulcus
primary somatosensory cortex
In sensory cortex
Precentral gyrus
posterior gyrus of frontal lobe
primary motor cortex
In motor cortex
Forebrain/cerebral hemispheres
Basal ganglia
Limbic system
Basal ganglia
Two major functions: motor system and cognitive process
Consists of: caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus
(Caudate + putamen = Striatum)
Nigrostriatal pathway
Limbic system
Groups of structure
Structures important for emotion and learning
Form a border around the brainstem
Consists of:
Hippocampus(aka seahorse) and fornix(connected fibers)
Cingulate gyrus
Olfactory bulb
emotion regulation and perception of odor, fear
Hippocampus(aka seahorse) and fornix(connected fibers)
learning and memory, emotion is tied to memory
Cingulate gyrus
processing emotions and behavior regulation
Olfactory bulb
sense of smell
contains nuclei with many functions; also controls pituitary
many nuclei
below thalamus
motivated behaviors (feeding, drinking, temp regulation, rhythms, sex behavior, sleep)
connections with limbic system
input to pituitary gland
Single structure
Cluster of nuclei that relay sensory information
Ex: train station → stuff coming in and stuff going out
Lateral geniculate nucleus – visual
Medial geniculate nucleus – auditory
Optic nerve into the thalamus and optic tract brings it out
the “house”
Tegmentum (basement)
includes sensory areas:
Superior colliculi - visual processing
Inferior colliculi - auditory processing
Colliculi - “little hills” - feel little bumps
Tegmentum (basement)
Substantia nigra - connects to basal ganglia, motor system
Nigrostriatal tract - degenerates in Perkinson’s Disease
Red Nucleus - sensorimotor integration (somewhat middle)
Periaqueductal gray - around the cerebral aqueduct, pain perception, site of opiate receptors
Reticular formation
involved with sleep and arousal
Running from hindbrain through midbrain
Certain vital body functions are controlled by the brainstem
If we damage the hindbrain you are dead
big structure on back
Coordination and control
Participates in come types of learning
Pons (bridge)
fiber crossings
Axons going from left ot right side and vise versa
Origin of some cranial nerves
Transition from brain to spinal cord
Essential processes such as respiration and heart rate
Origin of some cranial nerves
Ways to study the brain: based on structure
CT/CAT scans
MRI scans
Ways to study the brain: based on function
MEG (Magnetoencephalography)
CT/CAT scans
(computerized tomography)
Telling you what the brain looks like
Measure of X-ray absorption at several position
MRI scans
(magnetic resonance imaging)
Uses magnets
(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
MRI, but looking at function
Where in the brain is there a lot of activity
Using oxygen
(Positron Emission Tomography)
Only at high medical center
(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)
Using magnet to control what is going on in the brain
(Diffusion Tensor Imaging)
Shows the circuits
Looking at fiber tracts (measuring water in the brain)
Put the electrodes on head
Useful when measuring sleep patterns
Senses, understanding, how we understand:
Detection of sense requires receptors, specialized for that stimulus modality
A protein that whatever the stimulus is can react
Ex: hair cells moving can detect wind
Stimulus must be transduced (changed) into the language that the neurons can speak
Neurons speak through action potential
The “language” of sensory input is in the form of chemicals, sound waves, temperature, etc.
The “language” of neurons includes action potentials, depolarization, hyperpolarization
The concept of labeled lines(what she drew) says that the brain recognizes distinct senses because action potentials travel along separate nerve tracts.
When information gets to the brain it will based on method of coding
Coding is done in the cerebral cortex!!!!
Sensory transduction
The detector is able to take stimulus energy and convert it to polarization or depolarization
Uses ionotropic or metabotropic receptors
Generator potentials = local changes in membrane potential, resemble EPSPs
Labeled lines
Sensory information going to the brain to be coded
Stimulus binds to a receptor to allow ion channels to open, action potentials start happening then labeled lines
Pacinian corpuscle
Related to the touch to skin
Before touched, at rest
A stimulus to the corpuscle opens sodium channels and produces a graded generator potential
Smaller stimulus, smaller response
Bigger stimulus, bigger response
If the potential is big enough, a threshold is reached, and an action potential is generated.
Responds to vibration and pressure
Vestibular system
Related to sound
Receptors respond to mechanical stimuli which indicate position and movement of head
Also helps with balance
Could have spontaneous action potential firing, moving head can increase or decrease it
Vestibular neuron normally active
Activity increases or decreases, depending on which direction hair cells bend