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Our vocation as Christians, the goal of our existence. It is true blessedness or happiness which we experience partially here on earth and perfectly in Heaven.
capital sins
Seven (deadly) sins that are particularly harmful because they lead to and reinforce other sins and vices. The seven are traditionally called pride, covetousness (greed), envy, anger (wrath), gluttony, lust, and sloth.
A popular summary, usually in book form, of Catholic doctrine about faith and morals and commonly intended for use within formal programs of catechesis.
The “interior voice” of a person, a God-given sense of the law of God. Moral conscience leads people to understand themselves as responsible for their actions, and prompts them to do good and avoid evil. To make good judgments, one needs to have a well-formed conscience.
free will
The gift from God that allows human beings to choose from among various actions, for which we are held accountable. It is the basis for moral responsibility.
The divine gift that gives us the ability to see and understand the order of things that God places within creation and to know and understand God through the created order.
The intended outcome or goal of the person choosing the object when making a moral decision.
Any deliberate offense, in thought, word, or deed, against the will of God. Sin wounds human nature and injures human solidarity. The Bible reveals sin as rebellion against God (Old Testament); missing the goal of living in harmony with God’s Eternal Law (Old Testament); a trespass or transgression against God’s Law (New Testament).
sin of commission
A sin that is the direct result of a freely chosen thought, word, or deed.
sin of omission
A sin that is the result of a failure to do something required by God’s moral Law.
Our spiritual principle, it is immortal, and it is what makes us most like God. Our soul is created by God, and he unites it with our physical body at the moment of conception. The soul is the seat of human consciousness and freedom.
A practice or habit that leads a person to sin.
A habitual and firm disposition to do good.
Why don’t we know the truth about God?
Original Sin
At our conception we were given a spiritual soul
it was a divine gift unique to humans
the tendency of all human beings toward sin, result of OG sin
Sin is an offense against the truth of God’s Eternal Law
Three things that determine whether or not a human act is a sin
object, intention, circumstance
God’s Eternal Law
God's perfect plan, not fully knowable to humans