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the shared beliefs, values, practice, behaviors, and technologies of a society
Cultural traits
visible and invisible attributes that combine to makeup a group’s culture
Cultural hearths
the geographic origin of a culture or cultural trait.
the movement or spread of cultural traits, knowledge, ideas, trends from hearths to other geographic areas
Folk culture
small homogenous groups of people often living in rural areas that are isolated and unlikely to change
Indigenous culture
When members of an ethnic group reside in their ancestral lands, and typically possess unique cultural traits, such as speaking their own exclusive language
the trend toward increased cultural and economic connectedness between people, business, and organizations throughout the world without regard to borders or barriers
Popular culture
large heterogeneous groups of people often living in urban areas that are interconnected through globalization and the internet/social media
cultural landscape
a natural landscape that has been modified by humans reflecting their cultural beliefs and values
the ideas beliefs values and knowledge of a culture
behaves and organizes institutions
visible, physical objects created by a culture
the loss of uniqueness of a place because it looks similar to other places.
is a sense of belonging or identity within a group of people bound by common ancestry and culture
ethnic enclaves
people of the same ethnicity that cluster together in a specific location typically within a major city
cultural regions
determined based on characteristics such as religion language and ethnicity. In these zones two cultures mix and people exhibit traits of people
sacred place
many specific places and natural features that have religious significance
when one group of people is dispersed to various locations
Sequent Occupance
the idea that societal or cultural groups leave their cultural imprints when they live in a place, each contributing to the overall cultural landscape over there. Most Cultural landscapes are a mixture of historic and modern structures.
the process of re-embracing the uniqunessand authenticity of a place
centripetal forces
characteristics that unify a country and provide stability
characteristics that divide a country and create instability conflict and violence
the strict adherence to a particular ethnic groups
cultural appropriation
the action of adopting traits, icons, or other elements of another culture
expansion diffusion
the spread of a cultural trait through the interaction between people.
contagious diffusion
a cultural trait spread rapidly, widely, and continuously from its hearth through close contact between people
Hierarchical diffusion
The spread of cultural traits from the most interconnected powerful wealthy people organizations down to others
Stimulus diffusion
as cultural traits spread they are altered/modified due to a cultural barrier, taboo, or difference