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the process of learning how to interact in society by learning the rules and expectations of society
Nature-nurture debate
a longstanding debate over whether behavior results from predetermined biological characteristics or from socialization
the study of the biological and genetic determinants of social behavior
biological or hereditary impulses, drives, or behaviors that require no learning or reasoning
the sense of one’s own identity as a person
Symbolic interaction
the social process that occurs within and among individuals as a result of the internalization of meanings and the use of language
assuming the roles of others and seeing the world from their perspective
according to Mead, a way of practicing role-taking
Significant others
important people in the lives of all people, but especially during childhood socialization
Generalized others
the assumption that other people have similar attitudes, values, beliefs, and expectations, and therefore that it is unnecessary to know a specific individual in order to know how to behave toward that individual
the acting, unselfconscious person
the part of the self that sees self as object, evaluates self, and is aware of society’s expectations of self
the process of using a language and thinking
Looking-glass self
the process through which we develop our identity through imagining how we appear to others
Self-fulfilling prophecy
a prediction that comes true because people believe it and act as though it were true
Presentation of self
the way we present ourselves to others and how our presentation influences others
Dramaturgical approach
an approach to the study of interaction in which interaction is compared to a drama on stage; the importance of setting and presentation of self are emphasized
an effort to maintain the self by explaining the reasons for, or facts surrounding, a behavior
an aspect of maintaining our presentation of self in which we deny behavior that contradicts how we wish to be viewed
Peer group
an informal or formal group of people who share a similar status and who are usually of similar age
Mass media
forms of communication - such as television, popular magazines, and radio - intended for a large audience
Instrumental role
a role that emphasizes accomplishment of tasks - such as earning a living to provide food and shelter - and is traditionally associated more with men than with women
Expressive role
a role that emphasizes warmth and understanding - rather than action or leadership - and is traditionally associated more with women than with men
Gender identity
one’s internal sense of being male, female, or other genders, as opposed to gender assigned at birth
socialization to a new role or position in life that requires a dramatic shift in the attitudes, values, behaviors, and expectations learned in the past
Mortification of self
stripping the self of all the characteristics of a past identity, including clothing, personal possessions, friends, roles, routines, and so on