[PT13] Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot

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The branch of the femoral nerve that supply the anteromedial surface of the leg: a. Saphenous nerve b. Lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf c. Superficial peroneal nerve d. Sural nerve

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The branch of the femoral nerve that supply the anteromedial surface of the leg: a. Saphenous nerve b. Lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf c. Superficial peroneal nerve d. Sural nerve

Saphenous N.

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The mid-anterior thigh is a dermatomal representation of nerve root: a. L2 b. L3 c. L4 d. L5


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Which of the following structures prevents anterior translation of the femur against the tibia? a. Medial meniscus b. lateral collateral ligament c. anterior cruciate ligament d. posterior cruciate ligament

Posterior Cruciate Ligament

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The following are muscles located in the first layer of the sole of the foot, EXCEPT: a. Abductor hallucis b. Flexor digitorum brevis c. Abductor digiti minimi d. Adductor hallucis

Adductor Hallucis

<p>Adductor Hallucis</p>
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The following muscles are located in the anterior fascial compartment of the leg, EXCEPT: a. Tibialis anterior b. Extensor digitorum longus c. Peroneus tertius d. Flexor hallucis longus

Flexor Hallucis Longus

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The structure that binds the tibia and fibula together and provides attachment for neighboring muscles is the: a. Retinacula b. Interosseous membrane c. Aponeurosis d. Deep fascia

Interosseous Membrane

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The medial malleolus area is a dermatomal representation of nerve root: a. L3 b. L4 c. L5 d. S1


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Which of the following nerve is involved if there is an increased pressure in the anterior compartment of the leg? a. Tibial nerve b. Sural nerve c. Superficial peroneal d. Deep peroneal

Deep peroneal

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Which of the following muscles dorsiflexes the foot at the ankle joint? a. Extensor digitorum brevis b. Peroneus brevis c. Tibialis posterior d. Extensor hallucis longus

Extensor Hallucis Longus.

It’s an anterior leg compartment muscles so by virtue of its position it dorsiflexes the ankle.

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The following are structures in the knee involved in the “unhappy triad of O’Donoghue”, EXCEPT: a. Medial meniscus b. Anterior cruciate ligament c. Medial collateral ligament d. Lateral collateral ligament

Lateral Collateral Ligament

The “Unhappy Triad of O’Donoghue” is a knee injury wherein there is a blow to your lower leg while your foot is in the ground. This pushes your knee inward and femur & tibia to twist in opposite directions. It causes damage to the: Anterior cruciate Ligament Medial Collateral Ligament Medial Meniscus

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The tibialis anterior represents myotome level: a. L3 b. L4 c. L5 d. S1


Anterior compartment muscles are innervated by Deep Peroneal N. whose roots are L4-S1. Since Tibialis Anterior is the most medial it represents L4.

<p>L4</p><p></p><p>Anterior compartment muscles are innervated by Deep Peroneal N. whose roots are L4-S1. Since Tibialis Anterior is the most medial it represents L4.</p>
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Which of the following structures checks valgus stress in the knee joint? a. Medial collateral ligament b. Lateral collateral ligament c. Anterior cruciate ligament d. Posterior cruciate ligament

Medial collateral ligament

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The plantarflexors represent myotomal level a. L4 b. L5 c. S1 d. S2


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The predominant nerve root supply of the muscles of the sole of the foot is a. L5 b. S1 c. S2 d. S3


Tibial N. has roots in L4-S3. The Posterior Tibial N. passes through the Tarsal Tunnel and divides into the Medial & Lateral Plantar Nerves which are the primary nerves that supply the sole of the foot.

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The keystone of the medial longitudinal arch of the foot is the: a. Talus b. Navicular c. Cuboid d. Cuneiforms


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The following muscles are located in the posterior compartment of the leg, EXCEPT: a. Tibialis anterior b. Flexor digitorum longus c. Flexor hallucis longus d. Plantaris

Tibialis anterior

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Muscles in the anterior fascial compartment is innervated by: a. Deep peroneal nerve b. Superficial peroneal nerve c. Tibial nerve d. Sural nerve

Deep peroneal nerve

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Which retinaculum forms the tarsal tunnel? a. Superior extensor retinaculum b. Flexor retinaculum c. Superior peroneal retinaculum d. Inferior peroneal retinaculum

Flexor retinaculum

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The pulsations of this artery can be felt between the tendons of extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum longus: a. Anterior tibial b. Posterior tibial c. Popliteal d. Dorsalis pedis

Dorsalis pedis

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The following muscles of the sole of the foot are innervated by the medial plantar nerve, EXCEPT: a. Flexor digitorum brevis b. Quadratus plantae c. Abductor hallucis d. 1st lumbrical

Quadratus plantae.

Lateral Plantar N. is an intrinsic foot nerve that supplies the AbDM, FDMb, Quadratus Plantae, Adductor Hallucis, and Lumbricals 2-4.

The rest of the intrinsic muscles are innervated by the Medial Plantar N.

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This structure can be palpated an inch below the medial malleolus: a. Peroneal tubercle b. Navicular tuberosity c. Sustentaculum tali d. Tendon of peroneus brevis

Sustentaculum tali.

A shelf-like, medial projection of the calcaneus, which supports the talus

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The extensor digitorum brevis is innervated by: a. Medial plantar b. Lateral plantar c. Superficial peroneal d. Deep peroneal

Deep peroneal

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The following are structures that pass behind the medial malleolus beneath the flexor retinaculum, EXCEPT: a. Flexor hallucis longus b. Tibial nerve c. Flexor digitorum longus d. Tibialis anterior

Tibialis anterior. It passes beneath the extensor retinaculum.

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The tendons of the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus can be located in which layer of the sole? a. 1st layer b. 2nd layer c. 3rd layer d. 4th layer

2nd layer

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Unlocking the knee joint to facilitate knee flexion is the primary action of: a. Popliteus b. Plantaris c. Articularis genu d. gastrocnemius


It unlocks the knee during flexion conversely, Plantaris locks the knee in extension.

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The following are muscles located in the third layer of the sole of the foot, EXCEPT:

a. Flexor hallucis brevis

b. Adductor hallucis

c. Flexor digiti minimi brevis

d. Abductor hallucis

Abductor hallucis

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The following are components of the deltoid ligament of the ankle, EXCEPT: a. Anterior talotibial b. Posterior talotibial c. Calcaneofibular d. Tibionavicular


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The gastrocnemius muscle is innervated by: a. Tibial nerve b. Common peroneal c. Deep peroneal d. Superficial peroneal

Tibial nerve

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Which of the following muscles can dorsiflex and evert the ankle? a. Tibialis anterior b. Tibialis posterior c. Peroneus longus d. Peroneus tertius

Peroneus Tertius

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Which of the following structure DOES NOT participate in the formation of the medial longitudinal arch? a. Calcaneum b. Cuboid c. Talus d. Navicular


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The condition in which the medial longitudinal arch of the foot is collapsed is known as: a. Pes planus b. Pes cavus c. Equinovarus d. Calcaneovalgus

Pes planus

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The foot is inverted by the following muscles, EXCEPT: a. Tibialis anterior b. Tibialis posterior c. Extensor hallucis longus d. Peroneus tertius

Peroneus Tertius.

It is located laterally so it everts the foot instead.

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Which of the following muscles can plantarflex and invert the foot a. Tibialis anterior b. Tibialis posterior c. Extensor hallucis longus d. Peroneus tertius

Tibialis posterior

<p>Tibialis posterior</p>
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The extensor hallucis longus is a myotomal representative of nerve root: a. L4 b. L5 c. S1 d. S2


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The lateral heel is a dermatomal representation of nerve root: a. L4 b. L5 c. S1 d. S2


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Which ligament of the knee prevents posterior translation of the tibia against the femur? a. Lateral meniscus b. Lateral collateral ligament c. Anterior cruciate ligament d. Posterior cruciate ligament

Posterior cruciate ligament

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The subtalar joint of the ankle is otherwise known as: a. Talotibial joint b. Talocalcaneal joint c. Calcaneonavicular d. Calcaneocuboid

Talocalcaneal joint

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The Common Peroneal N. is most often injured in:

a. Neck of the fibula

b. Posterior mid-thigh area

c. Popliteal fossa

d. Extensor retinaculum

Neck of fibula

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In which joint of the ankle complex does foot inversion and eversion occur? a. Tarsometatarsal joint b. Subtalar joint c. Metatarsophalangeal joint d. Talocrural joint

Subtalar joint

<p>Subtalar joint</p>
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Pulsations of this artery is palpable between the heel and medial malleoulus: a. Anterior tibial b. Posterior tibial c. Popliteal d. Dorsalis pedis

Posterior Tibial Artery

<p>Posterior Tibial Artery</p>
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Which nerve is palpable on the medial side of the tendon of the biceps femoris? a. Sciatic nerve b. Tibial nerve c. Common peroneal d. Superficial peroneal

Common peroneal

<p>Common peroneal</p>
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The following are structures that lie behind the medial malleolus, EXCEPT: a. Flexor hallucis longus b. Tibialis posterior c. Flexor digitorum longus d. Tibialis anterior

Tibialis anterior

<p>Tibialis anterior</p>
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Unopposed plantarflexion and inversion is secondary to damage or injury to this nerve: a. Common peroneal b. Tibial c. Sciatic d. Femoral

Common peroneal

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Unopposed dorsiflexion and eversion of the foot is an attitudinal condition known as:

a. Calcaneovalgus

b. Talipes Equinovalgus

c. Calcaneovarus

d. Talipes Equinovarus


The heel (calcaneus) is positioned downward (that is, the ankle is flexed upward), and the heel is turned outward (valgus).

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The ligament of the knee that checks on the varus stresses imposed in it is: a. Oblique popliteal b. Lateral collateral c. Medial collateral d. Patellar

Lateral collateral.

LR = Lahi Ra = Lateral collateral : checks on vaRus stresses

MG = MiGa = Medial collateral : checks on valGus stresses

<p>Lateral collateral.</p><p></p><p>LR = Lahi Ra = Lateral collateral : checks on vaRus stresses</p><p>MG = MiGa = Medial collateral : checks on valGus stresses</p>
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Which bone of the ankle and foot DOES NOT have any muscle attached to it? a. Calcaneus b. Cuboid c. Navicular d. Talus


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The following muscles dorsiflexes the foot, EXCEPT: a. Tibialis anterior b. Extensor hallucis longus c. Peroneus tertius d. Peroneus longus

Peroneus longus.

Its actions are to plantarflex and evert the foot.

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The nerve that supplies the muscle that plantarflexes and everts the foot is the: a. Tibial nerve b. Common peroneal c. Superficial peroneal d. Deep peroneal

Superficial peroneal

Peroneus Longus both everts and plantarflexes the foot.

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To stretch the gastrocnemius, you need to perform: a. Knee flexion and ankle plantarflexion b. Knee extension and ankle dorsiflexion c. Knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion d. Knee extension and ankle plantarflexion

Knee extension and ankle dorsiflexion

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The nerve that supplies the muscle that plantarflexes and inverts the foot is the: a. Tibial nerve b. Common peroneal c. Superficial peroneal d. Deep peroneal

Tibial N. innervates Tibialis Posterior

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What is the Lateral Plantar Nerve homologous to in the hand?

a. Tibial Nerve

b. Musculocutaneous Nerve

c. Median Nerve

d. Ulnar Nerve

Ulnar N.

The Lateral Plantar N. innervates all the intrinsic muscles in the sole, except for the muscles supplied by the Medial Plantar N. (abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, flexor hallucis brevis, and 1st lumbrical)

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What is the Medial Plantar Nerve homologous to in the hand?

a. Tibial Nerve

b. Musculocutaneous Nerve

c. Median Nerve

d. Ulnar Nerve

Median Nerve

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What innervates posterolateral skin of the lower leg

A. Tibial nerve

B. Sural nerve

C. Common peroneal nerve

D. Obturator nerve

Sural nerve

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Which of the following nerves of the lower extremity tightens when you perform hip flexion, knee extension, and ankle dorsiflexion with eversion?

a. Tibial nerve

b. Saphenous

c. Superficial peroneal

d. Deep peroneal

Tibial nerve

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The following are muscles located in the first layer of the sole of the foot, EXCEPT:

a. Abductor digiti minimi

b. Flexor digiti minimi brevis

c. Abductor hallucis

d. Flexor digitorum brevis

Flexor digiti minimi brevis

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The following are components of the deltoid ligament of the ankle, EXCEPT:

a. Anterior tibiotalar

b. Posterior tibiofibular

c. Tibionavicular

d. Calcaneotibial

Posterior tibiofibular

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The pulsations of this artery can be felt between the medial malleolus and Achilles tendon insertion:

a. Anterior tibial

b. Posterior tibial

c. Popliteal

d. Dorsalis pedis

Posterior tibial

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The Flexor Digitorum Brevis is innervated by:

a. Sural nerve

b. Tibial nerve

c. Medial plantar

d. Lateral plantar

Medial plantar

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The foot is everted by the following muscles, EXCEPT:

a. Peroneus longus

b. Tibialis posterior

c. Extensor digitorum longus

d. Peroneus tertius

Tibialis posterior.

Both Tibialis muscles are located medially (as in near the Tibia) so it inverts the foot!

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The condition in which the medial longitudinal arch of the foot is high-arched is known as:

a. Pes equinus

b. Pes planus

c. Calcaneovalgus

d. Pes cavus

Pes cavus

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