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androgens, testosterone
male hormones are called __________ and the main one is _________________
leydig, testes
androgens are produces by _______ cells in the ________
androgens primarily stimulate ______________________ and enhance male characteristics
alternate established uses of _____________ include replacement therapies (after removal or decreased production), breast cancer, and hereditary angioedema; other methods include anemia, catabolic states, and in the case of delayed puberty
should not
physiologic doses of testosterone (should/should not) be used to enhance athletic performance in boys
anabolic steroids
_________________ are androgens that are taken to increase muscle size and strength, beyond normal doses, “stacking” different agents
steroid abuse
____________ _______ can cause problems such as liver damage, cardiovascular disease, abnormal bone metabolism, mood swings, aggression, altered sexual function, and many others
there are usually (no/some) major problems with androgens are taken at physiologic doses
estrogen, progesterone
the two main groups of female hormones are _________________ and __________________
production of female hormones is __________
___________ hormone/s production is higher in the first half of the cycle, thickening the endometrium
___________ hormone/s production happens mid-cycle, a surge that causes ovulation
estrogen and progesterone
___________ hormone/s production happens in the second half of the cycle, getting ready for an egg to implant
female hormones
___________________ are used for hypogonadism, regulation of uterine and menstrual cycles, menopausal symptoms or postmenopausal osteoporosis, cancer, endometriosis, and oral contraceptives
hormonal __________________ typically contain both estrogen and progesterone combinations
the oral contraceptives inhibit ___________ because of the steady amount of hormones provided over the active 3 weeks, altering the development of endometrial lining and mucous in the cervix
emergency contraception
examples of __________ are a synthetic progestin that is available OTC, selective progesterone-receptor modulators; not meant to be used as regular method
cardiovascular disease and cancers are risks of _______ contraceptives
estrogen replacement
_____________________ can have beneficial effects such as bone mineralization and cardiovascular health, but has risks such as cancer, stroke, DVT; benefit:risk ratio must be considered
estrogen may ____________ the risk of coronary heart disease if used by women under 60 an within 10 years of menopause
patient education
___________________ is critical with the use and replacement and potential risks with female hormones and rehabilitation so that patients understand
thyroxine, triiodothyronine
the two primary thyroid hormones are ______________ and ___________
thyroid hormones contain the element __________
thyroxine is called ___
triiodothyronine is called ___
metabolism, growth
the primary effects of thyroid hormones are an increase in ______________ and play a role in normal ______
symptoms of ______________________ are nervousness, low body weight, tachycardia, heat intolerance, and muscle wasting
symptoms of ____________________ are lethargy, weight gain, bradycardia, cold intolerance, and weakness
__________________ is treated with antithyroid agents, high doses of iodide, and radioactive iodine
_____________________ is treated with replacement therapy and natural or synthetic forms of T3 and T4
replacement therapy
too much thyroid ___________________ can mimic hyperthyroidism
treatment of ___________________ includes the use of bisphosphonates, parathyroid hormone analogs, antibodies, hormonal therapies, and supplements
___________________ adhere to Ca2+ in the bone to prevent osteoclast activity; drugsends in “-dronate”; first choice for postmenopausal osteoporosis but can cause esophageal damage and bone lesions in jaw
___________ replacement is another hormonal therapy for osteoporosis
___________ acts like the endogenous form of this hormone to increase calcium content in the bone