KK: types of law such as criminal and civil law, the distinction and relationship between criminal law and civil law ⭐️= important terms
criminal law ⭐️
area of law that defines behaviour and conduct that are prohibited and outlines sanction for people who commit them
an act or omission that is against an existing law, harmful to both individuals and to society and punishable by law (state)
a sanction that involves removing the offender from society for a stated period of time and placing them in prison
the party that institutes criminal procedings against an accused on behalf of the state
a person charged with a criminal offence but has not been found or pleaded guilty
a person who had been found guilty of a criminal offence by a court
civil law ⭐
an area of law that defines the rights and responsibilities of individuals, groups, and organisations in society and regulates private disputes
(in civil cases) a party who makes a legal claim against another party in court
(in civil cases) a party who is alleged to have breached a civil law and is being sued by a plaintiff
‘wrong’- a wrong that interferes with a peron’s legally protected interests
any order made by a court or tribunial that is designed to address a civil wrong or breach
should provide a legal sanction for the plaintiff for a breach of the civil law by the defendant
an amount of money that one party is ordered to pay to another party for loss or harm suffered
most common is a civil claim
main difference between criminal and civil law
aim of each area of law
consequences if the law is not followed
relationship between criminal and civil law
some behaviour can give rise to both areas of law