Rhyme Scheme/ Poem Analysis

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Giving human qualities to inanimate objects or animals.

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The repetition of the same letter or sound at the beginning of words that are close together.

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What is the theme of the poem?

- The resilience (ability to overcome something) of nature will outlast the negative impacts of mankind

- Nature will continue to thrive, even after human destruction

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What is spring a symbol of and how does this relate to the poem's theme?

Spring is a symbol of new beginnings and rebirth. Since spring was starting in the poem, it is a reminder of the way the world can start anew or fresh and adapt to the changes.

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Explain how the conflict of Human vs Nature relates to this poem.

Nature will continue to have regrowth creating new life, even with advances in technology made by man which can destroy life.

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What does the phrase "There will come soft rains" symbolize in the poem?

There will be peace after war and tragedy.

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Which literary device is used in the line "And not one will know of the war, not one"?

Personification since "one" is referring to nature and the animals not knowing about the world ending. (Which implies animals can think the same way as humans.)

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Which literary device is used in the line "Robins will fear their feathery fire"?

Alliteration because fear, feather, and fire all start with the same letter and sound.

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Which literary device is used in the line "And spring herself, when she woke at dawn..?"

Personification because Spring is not a person and does not literally wake up from sleeping.

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Rhyme Scheme

The pattern of rhymes at the ends of lines of a poem or verse. Sounds can also make rhymes. Uses the letters of the alphabet to show the rhyming pattern.

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Alternating Rhyme Scheme

ABAB pattern where the first and third lines rhyme, while the second and fourth lines rhyme.

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Rhyming Couplets

Two lines of the same length (words or syllables) that create one thought and rhyme with each other. AA pattern.

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Monorhyme Scheme

A poem where all lines have the same rhyme. AAAA, BBBB, and so on.

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Enclosed Rhyme Scheme

ABBA pattern of rhyming. The first and fourth lines rhyme with each other, while the second and third lines rhyme with each other.

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