How did the Anti-Apartheid Movement begin?
Liberation Movements began to emerge
What was the African National Congress (ANC)
It was a liberation movement led by Nelson Mandela that initially attempted to use the law and civil disobedience but then had to resort to acts of violence in response to the South African government’s violence
Why did the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) split from the ANC?
Because the ANC did not focus specifically on blacks, but also worked to improve the situation of the other non-white groups discriminated against
What happened at the mass non-violent demonstration on March 21, 1960?
The government started to fire shots, killing and injuring some protesters
What did the government use as its excuse for becoming violent?
the government afterwards claimed that the protesters had been becoming aggressive so firing had become necessary
What laws did the government implement after the protest?
the government passed laws outlawing the liberation movements and imprisoning their leaders
How did the ANC and PAC respond?
They resorted to violence and other terrorist tactics
What happened to Mandela?
He was imprisoned, and eventually, when apartheid declined, the ANC won the first interracial election, leading Mandela to becoming the first black president of South Africa