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Marbury v Madison
courts can declare laws unconstitutional, established judicial review
McCulloch v Maryland
congress can create a national bank and states can’t tax it, strengthened federal power
Gibbons v Ogden
Congress controls interstate trade, gave federal government power over business between states
Dred Scott v Sanford
Slaves are property and not citizens, strengthened slavery and led to the Civil War
Plessy v Furguson
“separate but equal” is legal, allowed segregation
Korematsu v United States
Japanese internment is legal during wartime, allowed racial discrimination during emergencies
Brown v Board of Education
“separate but equal” is unconstitutional in school, ended segregation in schools
Mapp v Ohio
Illegally obtained evidence can’t be used in court, strengthened protection from unlawful searches
Engel v Vitale
No school-led prayers in public schools, strengthened separation of search and state
Gideon v Wainright
everyone has the right to a lawyer, expanded rights of the excused
Escobedo v Illinois
suspects can have a lawyer before police questioning, strengthened rights during interrogations
Miranda v Arizona
Police must read you your rights, established Miranda Rights
Swann v Charlotte Mecklenburg
Busing can be used to integrate schools, helped desegregate schools
In re Gault
juveniles have legal rights in court, protected kids in the justice system
Tinker v Des Moines
students can protest if it doesn’t disrupt school, strengthened student free speech
New York Times v U.S.
government can’t stop newspapers from publishing information, limited government censorship
Furman v Georgia
death penalty was unfairly applied, temporarily stopped the death penalty
Roe v Wade
women have the right to abortion, legalized abortion natiowide
United States v Nixon
the president is not above the law, forced Nixon to release watergate tapes
Wallace v Jaffree
no state-mandated school prayer (moment of silence)
New Jersey v T.L.O.
schools can search students with reason, gave schools more power over student privacy
Bethel v Fraser
schools can limit inappropriate student speech, schools can punish the students
Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier
schools can censor school newspapers, limited student press rights
Texas v Johnson
flag burning is protected speech, strengthened free expression
Vernonia v Acton
schools can drug test student-athletes, allowed drug testing in school
Bush v Gore
stopped Florida recount in 2000, decided the 2000 presidential election
Citizens United v FEC
corporations can spend unlimited money on elections, increased corporate influence in politics
Obergefell v Hodges
same-sex marriage is legal, marriage rights for LGBTQ+ couples