Each person is expected to identify with and be loyal to the nation as a collective of individuals.
Modernity - Gellner
Argued nationalism is a phenomenon of modernity. Pre-modern societies achieved social order due to small, intimate communities having ASCRIBED hierarchy. Modernity experienced socialisation.
Ideology of nationalism - Gellner
In large, complex societies, nationalism is a way of achieving a shared identity/culture so compliance and cooperation of the population is ensured politically/economically.
Function of nationalism
Functionalists consider nationalism to be beneficial to secular modern societies, it acts as a form of civil religion. It achieves social integration, solidarity and homogeneity through the nation.
False consciousness of nationalism - Marxists
This false consciousness results in loyalty to nation rather than class. Can create hostility between workers of different nations but loyalty to the nation's ruling class.
Ideological thought and utopian thought - Mannheim
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