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what is today’s world human population?
8.2 billion
what is the projected human population in 2050?
9.6 billion
What are the 3 periods of human growth?
characteristic of the pre-agricultural period
advancement of TOOL MAKING & passing down skills
what was the human population at at the end of the pre-ag period?
5-10 mil
The rate of global population growth depended on __________
the speed humans spread into new regions
How did the agricultural period begin?
~10,000 years ago with the DOMESTICATION OF PLANTS & ANIMALS & FARMING
what tech was invented in the agricultural period?
irrigation & plowing
what was the human population at at the end of the agricultural period?
more than 500 mil
When did the industrial period begin?
What was the tech powered by in the industrial period?
fossil fuels
in the industrial period, agriculture ws able to expand onto land that was previously unfit for farming because of tech
where you are, where you’re located, where you’re from
what can change population amount?
women’s empowerment, leading to lower fertility rates
education for girls
in poor countries, ________ birth rate
in wealthy countries, _________ birth rate
pretransition (stage 1)
death rate high
birth rate high
Mortality transition (stage 2)
death rate lower
birth rate high
rapid population growth
fertility transition (stage 3)
death rate low
birth rate low
population slows
Stability transition (stage 4)
low birth rate
low death rate
birth & death rates equal
zero population growth or decline
Pre-transition stage
prior to economic development human populations are limited by a low availability of food and a high prevalence of disease High death rates and high birth rates High death rate among the young Families compensate for high death rates by having many children . birth and death rates even out = zero population growth
Mortality Transition Stage
Improved economic conditions relieve food shortages , produce better living conditions and health care , and expand access to education death rate decreases while the birth rate stays high / increases result : rapid , sustained population growth (Nigeria/Afghanistan)
fertility transition stage
Continued economic development produces social and cultural changes that lead to lower birth rates . People delay starting families , which lowers total fertility rates families may limit # of children through using contraceptives or other family planning death rate remains low and birth rate decreases so population growth slows
stability transition stage
Characterized by low birth rate and a low death rate birth rate and death rate nearly equal almost zero population growth or even a decline in population (Japan, some western European-Italy/Spain)
what does the age structure show?
present populatrion growth rates
future growth rates
balanced age structure pyramids show a ________ population size/growth
inverted pyramids show ___________
declining populations
broad-based pyramid show __________
high birth rate & low survivorship
what did china do to reduce overpopulation?
1 child policy
what did india do to reduce overpopulation?
Department of Family Planning (education & voluntary)
ecological footprint
the amount of LAND needed to keep the demand for ecological GOODS & SERVICES
measure of area and land QUALITY avaiable to supply a population with resources
a population exceeds its biocapacity when it draws a portion of its _________________________________________
ecosystem goods & services from outside its geographical boundaries
carrying capacity
how much of population that the environment can support
when the population approaches the carrying capacity,
death rates INCREASE & birth rates DECREASE
humans must stay below the carrying capacity to keep being sustainable