Unit 2 Notes: Biodiversity

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The process by which natural selection leads to the formation of a new species, often through changes in color or genetic mutations during reproduction.

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The complete disappearance of an entire species due to environmental changes, forcing species to adapt, migrate, or die.

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Endemic species

Species that are found in only one specific area, making them more vulnerable to extinction.

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Background extinction rate

The rate at which Earth's species have historically disappeared, typically a low percentage like 0.0001%.

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Mass extinction

An event characterized by a significant increase in the background extinction rate, often ranging from 25-95%.

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Species diversity

The characteristics of a community, including species richness (number of species) and species evenness (proportion of species).

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Ecological niche

The role a species plays in an ecosystem, including its pattern of living and habitat.

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Specialist species

Species with narrow, specific niches, often limited to one type of habitat or food source.

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Native species

Species that naturally live and thrive in a particular ecosystem.

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Indicator species

Species that provide early warnings of ecosystem failure.

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Keystone species

Species that have critical roles in an ecosystem, such as pollinators or top predators.

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