Ja, das geht
Yes, that works.
to start working on/to take measures against/ to snap at/to concern (not worries)/to be ones business
Die Stadt geht gegen die Drogendealer imPark an.
The city is taking measures against the drug dealers in the park.
Als ich mich vorhin beim Essen zu ihr gesetzt habe, ist sie mich angegangen.
When I sat down next to her earlier at a meal, she snapped at me.
earlier/ a little while ago. Uses the moment of speach as a reference point.
Use this instead of "frueher", when referencing a vague point in time
Das geht dich nichts an/ Das ist nicht deine Angelegenheit
That's none of your business
Es geht mich nichts an.
It's none of my business.
Was ____(acc) angeht
As far as ___ is concerned/as far as ___ goes,
Was das Wetter angeht super, aber der Strand war echt zu voll.
As far as the weather goes, super, but the beach was totally too crowded.
An alle, die es betrifft
to whom it may concern
Wir lassen es langsam angehen
We take it slow
Es geht nicht an,
It is not acceptable, (Can't be used in a positive context)
Es kann nicht angehen, dass
It cannot be be permitted, that
gerade, ungerade
even, odd (numbers)
exactly (confirm something implied/stated. Don't use if someone says something that is correct. There is a notion of "That's what I'm trying to tell you"
just (in temporal sense, just now)
Eben, und deshalb will ich um 7 los.
Exactly, and because of that I want to leave at 7.
Das ist eben was ich nicht verstehe
That is exactly what I don't understand
nur gerade so
just barely
gerade noch
barely/ just/ just in time
Ich habe es gerade noch nach Hause geschafft.
I just made it home in time.
Ich bin mal eben/grad duschen.
I am going to take a quick shower now.
Kannst du das mal eben/grad halten?
Can you hold that for a second?
Er ist gerade/grad nicht da
He is not here right now
"Ist noch Bier da?" "Nein, but Thomas ist grade/eben neues holen"
Is there Beer? No, but Thomas is getting some right now.
Ich kann gerade nicht telefonieren, ich esse gerade
I can't talk on the phone right now, I am eating right now.
"na eben"
When you have a problem and someone suggest a obvious and simple solution
verbal shrug (tone dependent)
"Heut kann ich nicht." "Dann eben/halt morgen"
"I can't today." "Alright, tomorrow then."
"Wir haben nur Kaffee" "Dann eben Kaffee"
"we only have coffee" "All right/fine, then I'll have a coffee"
gerade eben
just now (temp adv), emphasis on just happenend
Wir haben vorhin gegessen. Wir haben trotzdem Hunger.
We ate earlier. Though we are still hungry.