Microeconomics Glossary

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Allocative efficiency

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Allocative efficiency

When the price of a good is equal to the price that consumers are happy to pay for it. This will happen when all resources are allocated efficiently.

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Assymetric information

When buyers have more information than sellers (or the opposite) in a market

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Average cost

The cost of production per unit of output

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Average revenue

The revenue per unit sold

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Barriers to entry/exit

Any potential difficulties that make it hard for a firm to enter/leave a market

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Black market

Economic activity that occurs without taxation and government regulation (also called the informal market)

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Circular flow of income

Flow of national output, income and expenditure between households and firms

national output = national income = national expenditure

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Cross elasticity of demand (XED)

A measure of how the quantity demanded of one good/service responds to a change in the price of another good/service.

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Demerit good

A good or service which has greater social costs when consumed than private costs. These tend to be overconsumed.

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Removing rules imposed by government that can restrict the level of competition in a market

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Derived demand

The demand for a good or factor of production due to its use in making another good or providing a service

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Diseconomies of scale

A firm is experiencing this when the average cost of production is rising as output rises.

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Economies of scale

A firm is experiencing this when the average cost of production is falling as output rises.

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The external costs or benefits to a third party that is not involved in the making, buying/selling and consumption of a specific good/service.

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Fixed costs

Costs which do not vary with the level of output of a firm in the short run.

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Free market

A market where there is no government intervention. Competition between different suppliers affects supply and demand, and as a result determines prices

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Free rider problem

Once a public good is provided it’s impossible to stop someone from benefiting from it, even if they haven’t paid towards it

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Government failure

When government intervention into a market causes a misallocation of resources

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Income elasticity of demand (YED)

A measure of how the demand for a good/service responds to a change in real income.

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Labour immobility

When labour cannot easily move around to find jobs (geographical immobility) or easily switch between different occupations (occupational immobility)

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Long run

A time period in which all the factors of production are variable, so a firm can expand its capacity

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Market failure

Where the price mechanism fails to allocate resources efficiently

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Merit good

A good/service which provides greater social benefits when consumed than private benefits. They tend to be underconsumed.

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A pure monopoly is a market with only one supplier. Some markets are referred to as a monopoly is there is more than one supplier, but one supplier dominates the market.

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Monopoly power

The ability of a firm to be a ‘price maker’ and influence the price of a particular good in a market

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Natural Monopoly

An industry where economies of scale are so great that the lowest long run average cost can only be achieved if the market is made up of a single provider.

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Opportunity cost

The benefit that is given up in order to do something else - the cost of the choice made

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Perfect information

When buyers and sellers have full knowledge of prices, costs, benefits and availability of products.

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Price elasticity of demand (PED)

A measure of how the quantity demanded of a good/service responds to a change in its price

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Price elasticity of supply (PES)

A measure of how the quantity supplied of a good/service responds to a change in its price.

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Price maker

A firm that has some power to control the price it sells at

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Price mechanism

When changes in the demand or supply of a good/service leads to changes in its price and the quantity bought/sold

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Price taker

A firm that has no power to control the price it sells at - it has to accept the market price

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When a firm or a whole industry changes from being run by the public sector to the private sector

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Production possibility frontier (PPF)

A curve which shows the maximum possible outputs of two goods or services using a fixed amount of inputs

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Productive efficiency

When products are produced at a level of output where the average cost is lowest

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The average output produced per unit of a factor of production

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A firm’s total revenue minus its total costs

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Progressive taxation

A tax system where an individual’s tax rises (as a % of their income) as their income rises

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Proportional taxation

A tax system where everyone pays the same proportion of tax regardless of their income level

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Public good

A good which people can’t be stopped from consuming, even if they have not paid for it. The consumption of it doesn’t prevent others from benefiting from it.

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Quasi-public good

A good which appears to have the characteristics of a public good but doesn’t exhibit them fully

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Regressive taxation

A tax system where an individual’s tax falls (as a percentage of their income) as their income rises.

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Total value of sales within a time period

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Short run

A time in which at least one of a firm’s factors of production is fixed

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People/countries only doing the things they are best or most efficient at.

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An amount of money paid by a government to the producer of a good/service to lower the cost of production. This should increase supply, which will lower the price and increase demand for the good/service

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