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What is Pattern Correlation?
It's a process when you see a misspelled word but still understand the meaning of the word.
What are the traits associated with the Left Brain?
Language, logic, and details.
What are the two parts of memory?
Storage and recall.
How is creativity defined?
Expression of uniqueness and the process of generating something new.
What is a Creation?
Something original that has value.
What does Innovation refer to?
The process of taking a creation and turning it into something that has significant value or is profitable.
What does Original mean?
Something that is said to be new.
What is Benchmarking in a hospital context?
One hospital compares their practices to a hospital considered to be the best.
What is a Multi-disciplinary effort?
An organization identifies a complex problem, divides it into parts, and develops four possible solutions.
Define Insight in problem-solving.
The ability to look at a complex problem and see through the maze.
What does Camelot refer to in problem identification?
The process of comparing a real situation to an ideal situation.
What is the Squeeze and Stretch method?
Stretch means trying to discover the scope of a problem, while Squeeze means finding its basic components.
What does Assumption Reversal involve?
Recognizing the limitations of a solution.
What is an Analogy?
Developing alternatives by comparing two dissimilar things.
Define Contrast Association.
Developing dissimilarities, such as black and white.
What is Ingenuity?
The ability to devise methods to make work easier, faster, or better.
What is the Edison technique?
A technique that solves problems by inventing new alternatives.
What are Direct Analogies?
Using facts or knowledge from one field to solve problems in another field.
What does Perceptual mean in creativity?
A roadblock to creativity that prevents seeing the obvious.
How does Music affect the brain?
It puts the analytical side of the brain to sleep and activates the intuitive side.
What is the biggest barrier to creativity?
How is Innovation defined differently from Creativity?
Innovation is the process of creating something new.
What is Attribute Listing?
A technique that attacks a problem by listing various characteristics and thinking of ways to improve each characteristic.
What does the Onion model depict?
Ideas cluster around the focus of a topic.
Where is natural creativity highest?
In the pre-school years.
What is Experimentation in problem-solving?
Selecting among alternatives while considering interaction between variables.
What is Force-field analysis?
Focusing on driving forces and restraining forces to effect change.
What does Scenario writing emphasize?
Potential future outcomes.
What is Synectics in brainstorming?
A technique that relies on analogies and metaphors.
How is a problem recognized?
By comparing actual and expected effects and noting deviations.
What should a presentation be like?
Brief, short, and to the point.
What are the 8 S's of Innovation?
Strategy, Structure, System, Style, Staff, Resources, Shared values, Strategic performance.
What is the Creative problem-solving process?
Environmental analysis, problem recognition, problem identification, making assumptions, generating alternatives, evaluation and choice, implementation.
What are the phases in a Creative problem-solving plan?
Information phase, Ideation phase, Evaluation phase, Decision making phase, Implementation phase.
What are Idea spurring questions?
Questions like: Two other uses? Adapt? Modify? Magnify? Substitute? Rearrange? Reverse? Combine?
What does Creative thinking involve?
Challenging underlying assumptions and being ready to think and act differently based on critical questioning.
What are the components of Critical Thinking?
Identifying and challenging assumptions, recognizing the importance of context, imagining and exploring alternatives, developing reflective skepticism.
What characteristics do Creative Thinkers have?
Rejecting standardized formats, interest in related fields, multiple perspectives, trial-and-error methods, future orientation, self-confidence.
What does Critical Thinking involve?
Recognizing underlying assumptions, scrutinizing arguments, judging ideas, comparing rationalities of justifications.
What is Creativity?
The process of generating something new, original, and valuable.
What is a Creation?
Something original that holds value.
What is the term for people consistently generating creative ideas?
What is considered the innovation equation?
Creativity occurring in an Innovative Organizational Context within a Supportive Societal Environment results in Innovation: C(X)IOC(X)SSE=1.
How many types of creativity exist?
Two primary types: individual and group/team creativity.
What is the Creative Problem Solving process model?
Analyzing the environment, recognizing the problem, identifying the problem, making assumptions, generating alternatives, choosing among alternatives, implementing, and controlling.
What are primary areas in achieving an innovative organizational context?
Strategies and purposes, structure, systems and processes, leadership style, staff, resources and allocation, shared values, strategic performance.
What are the two classifications of innovation?
Product/service and process.
What is Hall's Competitiveness Model?
It relates "Relative Low Cost" and "Relative Differentiation".
True or False: Never make assumptions about future factors in problem situations.
Generating alternatives is a combination of which two aspects?
Partly a rational, partly an intuitive.
What are the two kinds of thought processes?
Divergent and convergent.
What does divergent thinking mean?
Expanding the picture of the problem by gathering information and generating options.
Define convergent thinking.
Narrowing down the problem and related parts of the solution.
What is the IDEO creativity process?
Includes observation, brainstorming, rapid prototyping, refining, and implementation.
What is involved in analyzing the environment?
Comparison against others, listening to employees and customers.
What are some recognizing problems techniques?
Name a technique for identifying problems.
Bounce it off someone else.
What does making assumptions involve?
Assumption Reversal - listing all assumptions about the problem, then reversing them.
How can you analyze the environment?
Hire futurists and consultants, monitor weak signals, conduct opportunity searches.
What techniques help recognize the problem?
Checklists, inverse brainstorming, limericks, listing complaints.
How do you identify the problem?
Consensus building, drawing pictures, fishbone diagrams, redefining problems.
What are methods for generating alternatives?
Using analogies, analysis of past solutions, association, free association.
What is the Focused Object Technique?
Contains elements of both free associations and forced relationships.
What is Mind Mapping?
It suits the brain's thinking patterns better by working outward from a core idea.
What is the Fishbone diagram?
A visual tool to develop all possible causes of a problem.
What are the benefits of the Fishbone diagram?
Studies all parts of a problem, shows relationships between causes, starts a creative process.
What does the Squeeze method ask?
A chain of questions for why.
What does the Stretch method ask?
A chain of questions for what.
What is the Why-Why diagram?
Logs causes moving from left to right to identify underlying problems.
Why is the Why-Why diagram beneficial?
Helps explore possible causes thoroughly and leads to a more balanced analysis.
What are some techniques for making assumptions?
Assumption reversal.
What is meant by 'Back to the customer'?
Listing five marketing mix factors related to the problem.
What does 'Back to the sun' mean?
Systematically reducing something to its fundamental properties.
What is the Circle of Opportunities?
Random selection of attributes combined for generating new topics.
What are Computer Programs used for in problem-solving?
Generating new ideas and structuring the problem-solving process.
How do deadlines affect creativity?
They increase pressure, stimulating more right-brain activity.
What are Direct Analogies?
Applying known examples to new systems or processes.
What is the Excursion technique?
Creating fantasies based on chosen words to aid problem-solving.
How do you establish idea sources?
Finding magazines or other resources to generate inspiration.
What does it mean to Examine it with senses?
Assessing how it smells, looks, feels, etc., to gather insights.
What is the FCB Grid?
A matrix used to describe management and marketing concepts across two axes.
What does Input-Output define?
A dynamic system through its input, output, and limiting requirements.
What is the benefit of utilizing Mind Mapping?
Better alignment with the brain's thinking patterns.
What is the Napoleon Technique?
Pretending to be someone famous to analyze a problem from their perspective.