Silk Road asia to the rise of islam
Funerary Banner of the Lady of Dai (2nd century BCE), ink and color on silk, Han Dynasty, China
Flying horse (late 2nd c. CE), Han Dynasty, bronze
The life and death of the Buddha (Gandhara Frieze) (2nd c. CE), Buddhism, stone
Lion capital of pillar set up by Ashoka at Sarnath, India (c. 250 BCE), Buddhism, polished sandstone
The Great Stupa (3rd c. BCE - 1st c. CE), Buddhism, Sanchi, India
The Buddha (2nd c. CE), Buddhism (Mathura), red sandstone
The Buddha (2nd c. CE), Buddhism (Gandhara), stone (schist)
The Bodhisattva Maitreya (c. 3rd c. CE), Buddhism (Gandhara), stone (schist)
The Buddha preaching the first sermon (5th c. CE), Buddhism (Gupta-Sarnath), sandtone
The Buddha offering Protection (6-7th c. CE), Buddhism (Gupta), copper alloy
Seated Buddha (338 CE), Buddhism (Northern China), gilt bronze
Western Paradise of the Buddha Amitabha (550-588 CE), Northern Qi dynasty, limestone with traces of pigment
Ajanta Grottoes (c. 200 B.C.E. – 650 C.E.), Buddhism,India
Mogao Caves (5th c. C.E. – 14th c. C.E.), Buddhism, China
The Diamond Sutra (868), Buddhism (China), woodblock print on paper
Vairocana Buddha, monks and bodhisattvas - Longmen Grottoes (673–75 C.E.), Buddhism (Tang dynasty), limestone (Wu Zetian)
Pensive bodhisattva, Korea, early-7th century, gilt bronze
Hōryūji (7th c CE), Buddhism (Asuka Period), Japan
Shaka Triad (7th c CE), Tori Busshi, Buddhism (Asuka Period), Japan
Todai-ji (7th c CE), Buddhism (Nara Period), Japan
The Great Buddha (Daibutsu) (17th century replacement of an 8th century sculpture), Buddhism (Nara period), copper
The Kaaba (631-32 C.E., multiple renovations), pre-Islamic monument, rededicated by Muhammad, granite masonry, covered with silk curtain and calligraphy in gold and silver-wrapped thread
Qu’ran page with beginning of surah 18, “Al-Kahf” (The Cave) (9th or early 10th century), Islamic, Ink and gold on vellum
Folio from the Blue Qur’an (second half 9th–mid-10th century), Islam, gold and silver on indigo-dyed parchment
the Great Mosque (706–715), Islamic, Damascus, Syria