AP COGO Unit 4 Terms

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33 Terms

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Electoral system

The formal rules and procedures for selecting the executive or members of the legislature

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The broad support of the people to carry out proposed policies

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Runoff election

A second and final election held between the top two vote-getters when no candidate has won the majority

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Multimember district system (MMD)

A system for selecting the members of the legislature where 2 or more candidates are elected from a district

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Single-member district system (SMD)

A system for electing members of the legislature where the candidate who wins the most votes in a district earns a seat in the legislature

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The most votes, but not necessarily the majority

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First-past-the-post (FPTP)

An election rule in the SMD system where the candidate with a plurality of votes wins a seat

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Proportional representation system (PR)

A system for electing members of the legislature where seats are awarded based on the percentage of votes a party receives

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Mixed electoral system

A system for electing members of the legislature that includes aspects of both the SMD and PR systems

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One-party system

A country where only one party is allowed to control the government

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Dominant party system

A party system where multiple parties exist, but one party dominates the executive and wins most of the seats in the legislature

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Two-party system

A party system where only 2 parties are able to garner enough votes to win an election, although more may compete

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Multiparty system

A party system where more than 2 parties can win a national election and control the government

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Catch-all party

A party that takes ideologically diverse positions to capture as many voters as possible

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Duverger’s law

A theory that states in political systems with single-member districts and the plurality voting system, two main parties tend to emerge

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Interest groups

An association of individuals or businesses that attempts to influence the government

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A system in which groups are allowed to form and advocate for their interests outside of government control

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A system in which the state controls interest groups and chooses the ones it wishes to recognize

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Single-peak association

An organization that brings together all interest groups in a particular sector to influence and negotiate agreements with the government

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Social movement

A group that has a loosely defined organizational structure and seeks major socioeconomic or political change through collective action

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Grassroots movement

Citizens at the local level banding together to advocate for a cause

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China - Party System

One party system

  • Communist Party has dominated since 1949

  • Allows 8 other parties to exist but they hold no positions of power or authority

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Russia - Party system

Dominant party system

  • United Russia

  • Only legally registered parties can run for office - various methods used to prevent other parties from gaining influence

  • Increasing threshold on rules to limit party access to the ballot

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Mexico - Party system

Multiparty system

  • 3 major parties = Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Partido AcciĂłn Nacional (PAN) and Partido de la RevoluciĂłn Democrática (PRD)

    • Goal is to transition Mexico away from one-party dominance

  • Eliminated el dedazo (practice where the president handpicks his successor)

  • Decentralizing/reducing one-party power at the subnational level

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United Kingdom - Party system

Multiparty system

  • 2 major parties = Conservative and Labour

    • Control the legislature and the executive

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Nigeria - Party system

Multiparty system

  • 30 parties, but 2 major = People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and All Progressives Congress of Nigeria (APC)

  • 3rd parties have a degree of electoral success

  • No one can run for office unless they are a part of a party

    • Must pay for inclusion → only wealthiest can run for office

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Iran - Party system

No organized political parties

  • Parties operate as loosely form political alliances with questionable linkage to voters

  • Parties must be vetted and approved by the Guardian Council

  • No dissenting vote

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Nigeria - Electoral system


  • 36 States - 3 senators each

  • 3 Districts in each state and senators are elected via SMDP

  • The Capital Abuja has 1 senator

  • Each state can have multiple parties

House of Representatives

  • All members elected via SMDP

  • The number of representatives in each state is determined by population, so states have different numbers of represenatives

  • SMDP system supports ethnic minority candidates

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Mexico - Electoral system

Chamber of Senators

  • 128 Senators

    • 96 Senators = multi member district

    • 32 senators = PR

  • 32 electoral districts → 3 senators each

  • Senators run as a party ticket

  • Party ticket with the most votes = 2 candidates

    • The party that comes in second gets one seat

Chamber of Deputies

  • 500 members

  • Mixed electoral system with both SMDP and PR

    • 300 directly elected by the people in a SMDP

    • 200 elected by PR

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United Kingdom - Electoral system

House of Commons

  • SMDP and first-past-the-post

  • 650 members

  • Each district elects one representative

House of Lords

  • Appointed or inherited

  • 778 members

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Russia - Electoral system

State Duma

  • 450 members

    • 225 elected through SMDP and first-past-the-post

    • 225 chosen via PR (7% threshold)

      • A party must get at least 7% of the total vote to earn any seats

Federation Council

  • 170 senators

    • Appointed

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Iran - Electoral system


  • SMD and MMD

    • Both need 1/4th of the total vote to win

  • Direct election

  • Members are vetted by the Guardian Council

    • Complex system that may require a 2nd round of voting

  • 290 seats → 5 reserved for non-Muslim minorities

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China - Electoral system

National People’s Congress

  • 2,980 members → Meet once a year, in March

  • Indirect elections

    • Members are chosen by local people’s congresses

  • Candidates are vetted by the CCP