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Action of Trapezius 1
elevate scapula, extend head and cervical spine
Action of Trapezius 2
upward rotation, retraction, elevation
Action of Trapezius 3
retraction, upward and downward rotation
Action of Trapezius 4
depression, retraction, upward rotation
Action of the Rhomboids
retract scapula, elevate scapula, downward rotate scapula
Action of the Levater Scapulae
elevates scapula
Origin of the Serratus Anterior
1st-8th rib
Insertion of the Serratus Anterior
superior angle, medial border, inferior angle of scapula
Action of the Serratus Anterior
protraction of scapula
Inervation of the Serratus Anterior
long thoracic (c5-c7)
Origin of the Pectoralis Minor
3rd-5th ribs
Insertion of the Pectoralis Minor
coracoid process
Action of the Pectoralis Minor
stabilization, depression, downward rotation, forward tipping of the scapula, accessory to inspiration
Innervation of the Pectoralis Minor
medial pectoral nerve
origin of the supraspinatus
supraspinatus fossa of the scapula
insertion of the supraspinatus
greater tubercle of the humerus
action of the supraspinatus
abduction, external rotation
innervation of the supraspinatus
origin of infraspinatus
infraspinatus fossa of scapula
insertion of the infraspinatus
greater tubercle of humerus
action of infraspinatus
external rotation, horizontal abduction
innervation of infraspinatus
subscapular nerve
origin of teres minor
posterior lateral border of scapula
insertion of teres minor
greater tubercle of the humerus
action of teres minor
external rotation, horizontal abduction
innervation of teres minor
axillary nerve
origin of subscapularis
subscapular fossa of scapula (ant.)
insertion of subscapularis
lesser tubercle of humerus
action of subscapularis
medial rotation
innervation of subscapularis
subscapular nerve
origin of anterior deltoid
outer 1/3 clavicle, top acromion scapular spine
insertion of anterior deltoid
deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
action of anterior deltoid
flexion, horizontal adduction, medial rotation
innervation of the anterior deltoid
axillary nerve
origin of middle deltoid
outer 1/3 clavicle, top of acromion scapular spine
insertion of middle deltoid
deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
action of middle deltoid
abduction, horizontal abduction
innervation of middle deltoid
axillary nerve
origin of posterior deltoid
outer 1/3 clavicle, top of acromion scapular spine
insertion of posterior deltoid
deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
action of posterior deltoid
extension, horizontal abduction, external rotation
innervation of posterior deltoid
axillary nerve
origin of coracobrachialis
coracoid process of the scapula
insertion of coracobrachialis
medial anterior humerus
action of the coracobrachialis
flexion, adduction, horizontal adduction
innervation of the coracobrachialis
musculotaneous nerve
origin of Teres major
lower 1/3 of posterior lateral border (scapula)
insertion of Teres major
anterior humerus
action of teres major
extension, adduction, medial rotation
innervation of teres major
subscapular nerve
Origin of the Biceps brachii long head
supraglenoid tubercle
origin of biceps brachii short head
coracoid process
insertion of bicep brachii
radial tuberosity
action of biceps brachii
abduction (long), flexion, adduction, medial rotation, horizontal adduction (short)
innervation of biceps brachii
origin of triceps brachii
insertion of triceps brachii
post. olecranon process of the ulna
action of triceps brachii
extension, adduction
innervation of triceps brachii
radial nerve