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Tomb of standing stones usually capped with a large horizontal slab

<p>Tomb of standing stones usually capped with a large horizontal slab</p>
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A single, large upright monolith

<p>A single, large upright monolith</p>
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Dominant tomb type • Corridor inside leading to an underground chamber

<p>Dominant tomb type • Corridor inside leading to an underground chamber</p>
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Beehive hut

Trullo - dry walled rough stone shelter with corbelled roof

<p>Trullo - dry walled rough stone shelter with corbelled roof</p>
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house constructed of hard-packed snow blocks built up spirally

<p>house constructed of hard-packed snow blocks built up spirally</p>
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Enclosure formed by huge stones planted on the ground in circular form

<p>Enclosure formed by huge stones planted on the ground in circular form</p>
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Covered with rush mats and an animal skin door, conical tent with wooden poles as framework

<p>Covered with rush mats and an animal skin door, conical tent with wooden poles as framework</p>
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Temple of Hatshepsut

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Rectangular flat-topped funerary mound, with battered side, covering a burial chamber below ground

<p>Rectangular flat-topped funerary mound, with battered side, covering a burial chamber below ground</p>
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Avenue of Sphinxes

rows of monsters (body of lion, head of man, hawk, ram) leading to monuments

<p>rows of monsters (body of lion, head of man, hawk, ram) leading to monuments</p>
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Ziggurat at Ur

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Pyramid of Gyza

Most magnificent of pyramids Equilateral sides face cardinal points. Forms a world-famous building group

<p>Most magnificent of pyramids Equilateral sides face cardinal points. Forms a world-famous building group</p>
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Temple of Khons

Typical temple: pylons, court, hypostyle hall, sanctuary, chapels all enclosed by high girdle wall • Avenue of sphinxes and obelisks fronting pylons

<p>Typical temple: pylons, court, hypostyle hall, sanctuary, chapels all enclosed by high girdle wall • Avenue of sphinxes and obelisks fronting pylons</p>
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Bent Pyramid of Sneferu

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Step Pyramid at Saqqara

World's first large-scale monument in stone • Designed by Imhotep

<p>World's first large-scale monument in stone • Designed by Imhotep</p>
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upright stone square in plan, with an electrum-capped pyramidion on top

<p>upright stone square in plan, with an electrum-capped pyramidion on top</p>
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Temple of Isis at Philae

It was the last pagan temple to exist in the Mediterranean, dedicated to goddess Isis, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.

<p>It was the last pagan temple to exist in the Mediterranean, dedicated to goddess Isis, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.</p>
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Great Temple, Abu Simbel

Example of rock-cut temple • Constructed by Rameses II • Entrance forecourt leads to imposing pylon with 4 rockcut colossal statues of Rameses sitting over 20 m high

<p>Example of rock-cut temple • Constructed by Rameses II • Entrance forecourt leads to imposing pylon with 4 rockcut colossal statues of Rameses sitting over 20 m high</p>
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theater at Epidaurus

most well preserved theater in Greece; theater dedicated to Asklepius, the god of healing

<p>most well preserved theater in Greece; theater dedicated to Asklepius, the god of healing</p>
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the marketplace in ancient Greece

<p>the marketplace in ancient Greece</p>
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Temple of Artemis

A large temple at Ephesus that was said to be one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Artemis was the Roman goddess of the Hunt.

<p>A large temple at Ephesus that was said to be one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Artemis was the Roman goddess of the Hunt.</p>
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Colosseum, Rome

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Arch of Septimius Severus

Triple, triumphal arch. Awarded for defeating Parthians. Dedicated 203 AD, In the Roman Forum, Made of marble. An inscription on it was removed to erase Geta from the world, top once had a bronze sculpture of the family.

<p>Triple, triumphal arch. Awarded for defeating Parthians. Dedicated 203 AD, In the Roman Forum, Made of marble. An inscription on it was removed to erase Geta from the world, top once had a bronze sculpture of the family.</p>
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Hagia Sophia

"divine or holy wisdom" • Built by Justinian, designed by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus

<p>"divine or holy wisdom" • Built by Justinian, designed by Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus</p>
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Reims Cathedral

"What is the name of the

Cathedral in France that was designed

by Jean d' Orbais.

<p>"What is the name of the</p><p>Cathedral in France that was designed</p><p>by Jean d' Orbais.</p>
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Casa Mila, Barcelona, Spain

Antonio Gaudi


-air movement

-organic material

-responds to geography, climate, and character of the region


<p>Antonio Gaudi</p><p>"Nature/Biology/Organisms"</p><p>-air movement</p><p>-organic material</p><p>-responds to geography, climate, and character of the region</p><p>-ventilation</p>
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The Entrance Pavilion, Exposition Universelle 1889

• Designed by Gustav Eiffel and maurice koechlin • Extensive use of iron, 300m high

<p>• Designed by Gustav Eiffel and maurice koechlin • Extensive use of iron, 300m high</p>
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The Opera House, Paris

Neo-Baroque by Charles Garnier

<p>Neo-Baroque by Charles Garnier</p>
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church of sacre-couer

Neo-Byzantine by Paul Abadie

<p>Neo-Byzantine by Paul Abadie</p>
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Most spectacular and imposing of monolithic monuments. Outer ring, inner ring, innermost horseshoe-shaped ring with open end facing east

<p>Most spectacular and imposing of monolithic monuments. Outer ring, inner ring, innermost horseshoe-shaped ring with open end facing east</p>
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Parthenon, Acropolis

Greece, Classical Period, Athens, 400

sacred to Athena, made of marble

view from the back of the temple, face rising sun

3/4 view to see how wide it is

offerings before temple, not inside

<p>Greece, Classical Period, Athens, 400</p><p>sacred to Athena, made of marble</p><p>view from the back of the temple, face rising sun</p><p>3/4 view to see how wide it is</p><p>offerings before temple, not inside</p>
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Acropolis of Athens

10 structures form a world-famous building group: • Propylaea • Pinacotheca • Statue of Athena Promachos • Erectheion • Parthenon • Temple of Nike Apteros • Old Temple of Athena • Stoa of Eumeses • Theater of Dionysus • Odeon of Herodes Atticus

<p>10 structures form a world-famous building group: • Propylaea • Pinacotheca • Statue of Athena Promachos • Erectheion • Parthenon • Temple of Nike Apteros • Old Temple of Athena • Stoa of Eumeses • Theater of Dionysus • Odeon of Herodes Atticus</p>
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Temple of Hera, Paestum, Italy

Archaic Greek. This temple is one of the earliest surviving Greek temples. The bulging columns and spreading capitals are typical of Doric architecture of the Archaic period. The temple probably featured a Doric frieze of triglyphs and metopes, but none of this embellishment has survived.

<p>Archaic Greek. This temple is one of the earliest surviving Greek temples. The bulging columns and spreading capitals are typical of Doric architecture of the Archaic period. The temple probably featured a Doric frieze of triglyphs and metopes, but none of this embellishment has survived.</p>
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Circus Maximus

a Roman outdoor arena in which public games, such as chariot races, were held

<p>a Roman outdoor arena in which public games, such as chariot races, were held</p>
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Bath of Diocletian

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Pantheon, Rome

a circular temple in rome

<p>a circular temple in rome</p>
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Segovia Aqueduct


200 AD

made of concrete

<p>Spain</p><p>200 AD</p><p>made of concrete</p>
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Basilica (Forum of Pompeii)

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Old St. Peter's, Rome

Erected by Constantine near the site of St. Peter's martyrdom

<p>Erected by Constantine near the site of St. Peter's martyrdom</p>
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Pisa Cathedral

Forms one of most famous building groups in the world - Cathedral, Baptistery, Campanile, and Campo Santo

<p>Forms one of most famous building groups in the world - Cathedral, Baptistery, Campanile, and Campo Santo</p>
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St. Mark, Venice

On the site of original Basilican church • An exterior quality all its own: blending of features from many foreign lands

<p>On the site of original Basilican church • An exterior quality all its own: blending of features from many foreign lands</p>
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Worms Cathedral

Eastern and western apses and octagons 2 circular towers flank each Octagon at crossing, with pointed roof

<p>Eastern and western apses and octagons 2 circular towers flank each Octagon at crossing, with pointed roof</p>
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Motte and Bailey

Later became citadels with stone curtain walls

<p>Later became citadels with stone curtain walls</p>
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Siena Cathedral

One of most stupendous undertakings since the building of the Pisa cathedral • Outcome of civic pride - all artists in Siena contributed their works to its building and adornment

<p>One of most stupendous undertakings since the building of the Pisa cathedral • Outcome of civic pride - all artists in Siena contributed their works to its building and adornment</p>
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Penhurst Place

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• built in 13th Century AD • double wall, inner one made in 600 AD • 50 towers and moat • two gateways guarded by machicolations, drawbridge and portcullis

<p>• built in 13th Century AD • double wall, inner one made in 600 AD • 50 towers and moat • two gateways guarded by machicolations, drawbridge and portcullis</p>
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Ulm Cathedral

tallest cathedral in the world (162 m high)

<p>tallest cathedral in the world (162 m high)</p>
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Notre Dame, Paris, France

One of the oldest French cathedrals • Begun by Bishop Maurice de Sully

<p>One of the oldest French cathedrals • Begun by Bishop Maurice de Sully</p>
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Chatres Cathedral

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Wesminster Abbey

Complex of church, royal palace and burial grounds • Most important medieval building in Britain • widest (32 m) and highest vault in England (102 ft)

<p>Complex of church, royal palace and burial grounds • Most important medieval building in Britain • widest (32 m) and highest vault in England (102 ft)</p>
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Amiens Cathedral

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The Escorial, Madrid

• Austere group of buildings, composed of the monastery, college, church and palace with state apartments

<p>• Austere group of buildings, composed of the monastery, college, church and palace with state apartments</p>
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Blenheim Palace

Most monumental mansion in England • Example of central block with wings

<p>Most monumental mansion in England • Example of central block with wings</p>
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St. Paul Cathedral, London

Designed by Christopher Wren • Area of 6000 sq.m and a large central space under dome for big congregations

<p>Designed by Christopher Wren • Area of 6000 sq.m and a large central space under dome for big congregations</p>
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St. Peter, Rome

Most important Renaissance building in Italy • With cathedral, piazza and the Vatican, forms a worldfamous group

<p>Most important Renaissance building in Italy • With cathedral, piazza and the Vatican, forms a worldfamous group</p>
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Chateau de Chambord

feature double helix stone stair to allow guest to climb up and down without passing each other (french renaissance)

<p>feature double helix stone stair to allow guest to climb up and down without passing each other (french renaissance)</p>
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The university, salamanca

The facade is a Plateresque design masterpiece • Admirable craftsmanship

<p>The facade is a Plateresque design masterpiece • Admirable craftsmanship</p>
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Queen's House

influenced by Palladian architecture

<p>influenced by Palladian architecture</p>
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Banqueting House

INIGO JONES, London, inspired by Palladio, built for James I, modest emphasis on center of facade, central bay of six windows, flat pilasters, rusticated basement level, two stories of windows, balustraded roof

<p>INIGO JONES, London, inspired by Palladio, built for James I, modest emphasis on center of facade, central bay of six windows, flat pilasters, rusticated basement level, two stories of windows, balustraded roof</p>
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Palazzo Strozzi

By Benedetto da Majano • Representative of the Florentine palace of that period • Open cortile and piano nobile • Astylar exterior of uniform rustication

<p>By Benedetto da Majano • Representative of the Florentine palace of that period • Open cortile and piano nobile • Astylar exterior of uniform rustication</p>
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Tempietto of San Pietro

• Resembling small Roman circular temple with Doric columns • 4.5 m internal diameter

<p>• Resembling small Roman circular temple with Doric columns • 4.5 m internal diameter</p>
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Unity Temple

Frank Lloyd Wright, 1909

<p>Frank Lloyd Wright, 1909</p>
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the conservatory, carlton house

Cast-iron for structural and decorative purpose

<p>Cast-iron for structural and decorative purpose</p>
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Crystal Palace

Building erected in London, for the Great Exhibition of 1851. Made of iron and glass, like a gigantic greenhouse, it was a symbol of the industrial age.

<p>Building erected in London, for the Great Exhibition of 1851. Made of iron and glass, like a gigantic greenhouse, it was a symbol of the industrial age.</p>
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US Capitol Building

This Neoclassical American landmark built in the first part of the 19th century features a massive dome.

<p>This Neoclassical American landmark built in the first part of the 19th century features a massive dome.</p>
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westminster new palace

Designed by Sir Charles Barry • Non-classical design: Gothic detail by Pugin • Victoria tower, Clock tower "Big Ben" • First major public building of Gothic revival

<p>Designed by Sir Charles Barry • Non-classical design: Gothic detail by Pugin • Victoria tower, Clock tower "Big Ben" • First major public building of Gothic revival</p>
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Robie House, Chicago

Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright

<p>Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright</p>
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Sagrada Familia

Art Noveau by Antoni Gaudi

<p>Art Noveau by Antoni Gaudi</p>
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Old World Trade Center

Minoru Yamasaki Structural steel framing • Destroyed by the September 11 terrorist attacks

<p>Minoru Yamasaki Structural steel framing • Destroyed by the September 11 terrorist attacks</p>
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New World Trade Center

Daniel Libeskind 541 m tall after 9-11 attack

<p>Daniel Libeskind 541 m tall after 9-11 attack</p>
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Sydney Opera House

Jorn Utzon Has a peel orange design in the bay of sydney

<p>Jorn Utzon Has a peel orange design in the bay of sydney</p>
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The Chrysler Building

William van Alen Art Deco style building in new york

<p>William van Alen Art Deco style building in new york</p>
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Villa Savoye at Poissy

Realization of 'five points‘ of new architecture

<p>Realization of 'five points‘ of new architecture</p>
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Johnson Wax Co. Building

knowt flashcard image
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UNESCO Secretariat Building, Paris

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TWA Terminal, JFKennedy Airport

Undulating shape was meant to evoke the excitement of high speed flight

<p>Undulating shape was meant to evoke the excitement of high speed flight</p>
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Chapel of Notre Dame, Ronchamp

le Corbusier

<p>le Corbusier</p>
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Palazzetto dello Sport

Designed by Pierre Luigi Nervi and Vitellozzi for 1960 Rome Olympics

<p>Designed by Pierre Luigi Nervi and Vitellozzi for 1960 Rome Olympics</p>
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Parliament Building, Brasilia

Oscar Niemeyer work with city planner lucio costa

<p>Oscar Niemeyer work with city planner lucio costa</p>
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Enstein Tower

Potsdam made by Eric Mendelsohn

<p>Potsdam made by Eric Mendelsohn</p>
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Sports Hall for 1964 Tokyo Olympics

Designed by Kenzo Tange for Olympics

<p>Designed by Kenzo Tange for Olympics</p>
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Munich Stadium

Frei Otto made this building for 1972 Olympics

<p>Frei Otto made this building for 1972 Olympics</p>
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Falling Water

Frank Lloyd Wright Famous work

<p>Frank Lloyd Wright Famous work</p>
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Buddhist monasteries often excavated from solid rock • Central pillared chamber or quadrangle surrounded by verandah

<p>Buddhist monasteries often excavated from solid rock • Central pillared chamber or quadrangle surrounded by verandah</p>
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The Taj-Mahal, Agra

Built by the emperor Shah Jahan for his favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal

<p>Built by the emperor Shah Jahan for his favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal</p>
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Hindu temple with a interior sanctuary called a vimana • Capped by a tapering spire-shaped tower – sikhara

<p>Hindu temple with a interior sanctuary called a vimana • Capped by a tapering spire-shaped tower – sikhara</p>
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Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem

Most important Islamic structure

<p>Most important Islamic structure</p>
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Principal place of worship • Building used for Friday prayer

<p>Principal place of worship • Building used for Friday prayer</p>
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• Buddhist memorial mound erected to enshrine a relic of Buddha, to commemorate special events or mark a sacred spot • Regarded as symbols of the universe • Based on the pre-historic funerary tumulus

<p>• Buddhist memorial mound erected to enshrine a relic of Buddha, to commemorate special events or mark a sacred spot • Regarded as symbols of the universe • Based on the pre-historic funerary tumulus</p>
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Buddhist shrine also carved out of solid rock • Formed like an aisled basilica with a stupa at one end

<p>Buddhist shrine also carved out of solid rock • Formed like an aisled basilica with a stupa at one end</p>
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Monumental pillars standing free without any structural function • Circular or octagonal shafts

<p>Monumental pillars standing free without any structural function • Circular or octagonal shafts</p>
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The Alhambra, Granada

Fortified palace and complex of buildings set in gardens • One of most elaborate and richly decorated Islamic palaces

<p>Fortified palace and complex of buildings set in gardens • One of most elaborate and richly decorated Islamic palaces</p>
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The Great Wall of China

Most famous of ancient Chinese buildings • by Shi Huangdi

<p>Most famous of ancient Chinese buildings • by Shi Huangdi</p>
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Shinto temples

Japanese Version of Temples

<p>Japanese Version of Temples</p>
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Monumental, ceremonial gateway and basic symbolic structure in Chinese architecture • Erected as memorials to eminent persons

<p>Monumental, ceremonial gateway and basic symbolic structure in Chinese architecture • Erected as memorials to eminent persons</p>
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Chinese Temple

Chief feature was the roof • Supported on timber uprights and independent of walls • A sign of dignity to place roofs one over the other

<p>Chief feature was the roof • Supported on timber uprights and independent of walls • A sign of dignity to place roofs one over the other</p>
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Chinese Pagoda

Octagonal in plan • Odd number of stories, 9 or 13 • Roofs projecting from each of its many floors, turned up eaves • Slopes inwards to the top

<p>Octagonal in plan • Odd number of stories, 9 or 13 • Roofs projecting from each of its many floors, turned up eaves • Slopes inwards to the top</p>
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Japanese Pagoda

Derived from the Chinese pagoda • Square plan • Mostly 5 storeys, 45 m in height • Virtually suspended around a central timber

<p>Derived from the Chinese pagoda • Square plan • Mostly 5 storeys, 45 m in height • Virtually suspended around a central timber</p>
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Monumental, free-standing gateways to a Shinto shrine • Derived from the Chinese pai-lou

<p>Monumental, free-standing gateways to a Shinto shrine • Derived from the Chinese pai-lou</p>
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Manila Hotel

William Parsons 1st Hotel in Ph, with 1st elevator

<p>William Parsons 1st Hotel in Ph, with 1st elevator</p>
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