water on or close to the earths surface
97% of this is oceanic water
3% is fresh water which is locked up in land ice,glaciers and permafrost (cryospheric water).groundwater,lakes,soil,wetland,rivers,biomass(terrestial water),and atmospheric water
cryospheric water
the water locked up on earth surface as ice
a discontinuous layer of water at or near the earth’s surface. It includes all liquid and frozen surface waters,groundwater held in soil and rock, and atmospheric water vapor
distribution of earths water
biggest store of water is in the oceans with 97% (27.5 times more than all stores combined
only 2.7% of earths water is fresh water
majprity of fresh water is frozen
more than double all liquid water sttores
greatest liquid fresh water store is groundwater
30x larger than all other fresh water liquid stores
is those portions of the earth’s surface where water is in solid form
sea ice forms when water in the oceans is cooled to temperatures below freezing
ice shelves are platforms of ice that form where ice sheets and glaciers move out into the oceans.
ice sheets-is a mass of glacial land ice extending more than 50,000 km2 - they form in areas where snow that falls in winter does not melt entirely over the summer Over thousands of years the layers of snow pile up into thick masses of ice growing thicker
ice caps-thick layers of ice on land that are smaller than 50,000km usually found in mountainous areas
alpine glaciers-thick masses of ice found in deep valleys or upland hollows
permafrost-defined as ground (soil or rock and included ice or organic material)that remains at or below 0 degrees for at least 2 consecutive years
terrestial water
surface water is the free-flowing water of rivers as well as the water of ponds and lakes
rivers act as both a transfer and store of water they are streams of water within a defined channel.
lakes-collections of fresh water found in hollows on the land surface are generally deemed a lake if they are greater than 2 hectares
wetlands-areas of marsh,fen,peatland or water
groundwater(lithosphere)-water that collects underground in the pore spaces of rock
soil water-is that which is held together by air,in unsaturated upper weathered layers of the earth .it affects runoff potential and flood control
biological water- the water stores in all the biomass
water table
the depth at which soil pore spaces or fractures and voids in rock become completely saturated with water
most common atmospheric water exists as a gas-water vapor
water vapor is important as it absorbs, reflects, and scatters incoming solar radiation, keeping the atmosphere at a temperature that can maintain life.-cold air cannot hold as much water vapor as warm air(why air over the poles is quite dry whereas air over the tropics is humid
increase in water vapour-increase in atmospheric temperatures(positive feedback as a small increase in global temperature would lead to a rise in global water vapour levels ,thus further enhancing atmospheric warming
occurs when energy from solar radiation hits the surface of water or land and casues liquid water to change state from liquid to gas
what controls the rate of this process
amount of solar energy
availability of water
humidity of the air
temperature of the air
where water is transported from the roots of a plant to its leaves and then lost through pores on the leaf surface
leaves can also intercept rain as it falls and this water can be evaporated before it reaches the soil
as air cools it is able to hold less water vapour.This means that if it is colled sufficiently then it willl get to a temperature at which it becomes saturated(dew point temperature)
excess water in the air will then be converted to liquid water
cryospheric processes
Processes that affect the total mass of ice at any scale from the local patches of frozen ground to global ice amounts. They include accumulation (the build-up of ice mass and reduction in energy) and ablation (the loss of ice mass and increase in energy).
concept of positive feedback within the water cycle
increased rainfall in a drainage basin will increase water in soil stores/surface stores
this will lead to more evaporation and transpiration
increased water vapour
greater potential rainfall
describe the pattern of stores in a global water cycle
ocean is by far the largest store (1000km3)
other stores like freshwater are all much smaller,ranging from atmospheric water at 12.7 to ice at 26,350
there is a very large difference between the largest and other stores
describe the pattern of flow in the global water cycle
ocean has the highest magnitude of flows (precipitation and evaporation)
water vapour has the least magnitude of flows
ocean evaporation has a diffwrence at least 260
what is the relationship between stores and flows in the global water cycle
weak relationship between large stores and large flows (ocean and ocean evapotranspiration)
flows have a small impact on the stores’ long residency time, largest flows impact the largest stores, flows are still relatively small compared to the store
A strong relationship between small stores and small flows (atmosphere and land precipitation)flows are bigger than stores therefore flows have a big impact on the stores, short residency time, flows operating on the land are balanced so the size of land stores doesn’t change over time
drainage basin
is the area that supplies a river with its supply of water, this includes water found below the water table as well as soil water and any surface flow. Drainage basins are separated from another b high land called a watershed
precipitation store
the precipitation that falls on the vegetation surfaces or human-made cover and it is temporarily stored on these surfaces. Intercepted water can be evaporated directly to the atmosphere, absorbed by the canopy surfaces, or ultimately transmitted to the ground surface
the portion of precipitation intercepted by the canopy that reaches the ground by flowing down stems ,stalks or tree boles
the portion of the precipitation that reaches the ground directly through gaps in the vegetation canopy and drips from leaves,twigs and stems .This occurs when the canopy-surface rainwater storage exceeds its storage capacity
the downward movement of water from the surface to soil
overland flow
the tendency of water to flow horizontally across land surfaces when rainfall has exceeded the infiltration capacity of the soil and all surface stores are full to overflowing
the movement of water downslope through the subsoil under the influence of gravity. It is particularly effective when underlying permeable rock prevents further downward movement
the downward movement of water within the rock under the soil surface. Rates vary depending on the nature of the rock
ground water flow
the slow movement of water though underlying rocks
how does a drainage basin operate?
precipitation onto land
precipitation onto sea
lakes and surface water
tiver channels
interception from plants
soil water
overland flow
channel flow
throughflow stemflow
groundwater flow
evaporation and transpiration from vegetation
evaporation from water surfaces
run off from rivers
evaporation from the sea
impact of temperature on evapotranspiration and the impact that inputs become outputs in a drainage basin
increases evaporation and plant growth this means quick seasonal,reduces all subsequent flows
impact of vegetation density on interception and impact on speed that inputs become outputs in a drainage basin
more vegetation density means a greater extent of vegetation and, a greater potential for interception this slows down the movement of water and encourages infiltration
impact of soil porosity on infiltration
greater the amount of pores the quicker the infiltration this slows subsequent flows even slower
impact of surface type (gradient influences rate of flow) on overland flow
smoother surface the quicker it will move/water travels,fastests flow,water goes straight into main channel
impact of rock porosity on groundwater storage
the more permeable the rocks are,quicker the water is absorbed,slowest flow,long residency time in aquifer
river discharge and the impact of area of drainage basin for scale/amount of rainfall
more drained means more water therefore greater slope angle,greater speed and second fastest flows ,output of systems (cancascade)
water balance
within a drainage basin the balance between inputs and(precipitation) and outputs (runoff,evapotranspiration,soil and groundwater storage)
rivers can only occur if the stores are able to release water ,there is a direct precipitation or there is overland flow into the river,As they move downstream,larger rivers are also fed by their tributary streams
rivers regime
discharge levels often rise and fall,showing an annual pattern
they vary in the short term following a heavy rainfall
water balance equation
precipitation=discharge (Q) + evapotranspiration (E) +- changes in storage(S)
the warmer it is the higher the evapotranspiration,it often happens that the temperature and so and so the atmosphere ability to hold water vapour is greater than the amount of water available.
potential evapotranspiration
is the amount of water that could be evaporated or transpires from an area if there was sufficient water available
the storm flood hydropgraph
a hydrograph is a graph of river discharge against time. A storm hydrograph is the graph of the discharge river leading up to and following a storm or rainfall event(storm flow)
it starts with the base flow. The river is fed by the throughflow of soil water and groundwater. The slow movement of this water means the changes in discharge are small
as storm water enters the drainage basin the river begins to be fed by much more fast-moving water. The discharge rises,
it eventually reaches a peak discharge
(lag time)-the time taken from the peak rainfall to the peak discharge
physical factors
drainage basins that are more circular in shape lead to more flashy hydrographs than those that are long and thin because each point in the drainage basin is roughly equidistant from the measuring point on a river
factors controlling the shappe of the strom hydrograph
basin size
basin shape
basin relief
soil type
rock type
drainage density
basin size
large basin-water will take longer to reach the channel as it has a longer distance to travel
small basins-water will reach the channel rapidly as it has a shorter distance to travel (more flashy therefore steeper hydrograph)
basin shape
circular basins-it will take less time for the water to reach the channel as all the extremities are equidistant from the channel (flashy)
elongated basins-water will take longer time to reach the channel from the extremities of the drainage basin
basin relief
steep slopes-water flows repidly downhill and reaches the channel quickly
gentle slopes-water can infiltrate intot he ground and travel slowly to the channel through the soil and rock
soil type
clay soild and thin soils-clay soild have a low porosity and the grains swell when the absorb water so water infiltrates slwoly,thin soils becomes saturated quickly
sandy soils and thick soils-sandy soils have a high porosity so the water can infiltrate.Deep soils allow more infiltration
rock type
permeable rocks-water percolates through pore spaces and fissures into the groundwater store
impermeable rocks-water cannot percolate into the rock causing surface run off to the rivers
drainage density
high drainage density-a large number of surface streams per km2 so the stormwater will reach the main channel rapidly
low drainage density-a small number of surface streams per km2 as the water travels slowly through the soil and rocks to the river
natural vegetation
forest and woodland-incepts water and high rates of evapotranspiration so less water reaches the channel and more slowly
thin grass-incepts little water and there is little loss by evapotranspiration so more water directly reaches the channel rapidly
land use
urban-urban surfaces have more tarmac and drains that carry transport the water rapidly and directly tot the river
rural-vegetates surfaces intercepts water and allow infiltration so water travles slowly to the river channel
climatic factors
precipitation intensity,duration
prcipitation intensity
high intensity-when rain falls fater than the infiltration capacity surface runoff occurs and transports the water rapidly
low intensity-water can infiltrate to the soils and travels slowly to the river channel
precipitation duration
prolonged-the water table rises and the soil becomes saturated casuing surface runoff which travels rapidly to the river channel
short duration-the water infiltrates into thee soil and travels through the soil into rocks before reahcoin channel
slow-the ground thaws with the snow so the met water can infiltrate into the soil and rocks before reaching channel
fast-melt water cannot infiltrate into frozen geound ao it rapdily flow over to the channel
high rates of ET-high losses will reduce channel discharge
low rates-fewer losses from the drainage basin system will increase the discharge in the river channel
affects of deforestation on the water cycle
deforestation reduces interception rates allowing rainwater to hit the surface directly. the lack of vegetation roots reduces the infiltration rate into the soil. These both result in rapid overland flow and flashy hydrograph
it also exposes the soil to greater erosion rates, leading to sedimentation of the channel. This reduces the bank full capacity of a river and leads to a greater chance of flooding
affects of agriculture
ploughing breaks up the topsoil and allows greater infiltration, subduing hydrographs
this can be enhanced by contour ploughing where furrows are created that run directly down the slope, then they can act as small stream channels and lead to flashier hydrographs.Ploughing wet soils cause impermeable smears in the subsoil called plough pans. These inhibit percolation producing greater surface flow.
terracing on hillsides stops the movement of water downhill and subdues hydrographs
grass crops increase infiltration and lead to subdued hydrographs
large numbers of animalls in small areas can impact soils leading to overland flows
growth of urban areas affecting water cycle
growth of urban areas and other large impermeable surfaces such as roads produce flashy rivers.This is exacerbated by the very fact that settlements have been built on floodplains.This urban growth leads to the expansion of built up ,impermeable surfaces such as roads,car parks ,shopping centres etc
most settlements are designed to transfer water as quickly as possible away from human activity to the nearest river
asses the human impact on the water cycle
agriculture has the most significant human impact on the water cycle,drives the majority of deforestation
80% of deforestation in the Amazon basin is to clear land for cattle ranching.
responsible for 70% of freshwater use, main cause of abstraction of groundwater
runoff from agriculture is the main source of water pollution,[esciticides and fertilizers, which can cause eutrophication in water stores
urbanization-impact on local places cities have impermeable surfaces and sewerage systems which speed up hydrology. Industry can be the source of worse pollutants than agriculture, although is on a small scale.As cities expand they build on agricultural land causing new land to be cleared
domestic use of water rises due to the population becoming more affluent
human causes of winchester 2014 floods
river itchen flows through the centre of winchester in multiple channels with several tributaries .Channel heavily engineered in the past
large expanse of urban area with impermeable tarmac surfaces
low lying and houses built on flood plain
due to climate change the risk of flooding may increase as sea levels rise,winter rainfall increases and flash storms become more frequent.This means more people are liekyl to be at risk more often
natural casues of winchester 2014 floods
winchester is underlain by permeable chalk aquifer at a shallow depth
the aquifer is capable of absorbing large amounts of rainfall and releasing it slowly over a long period-prolonged flooding
the chalk aquifer has a buffering effect so that the rivers have a relatively narrow range of flow in a normal year and generally do not flood in response to short-medium duration heavy rainfall
after prolonged rainfall, the water table in the aquifer can rise to the ground surface leading to groundwater flooding and lasting for several months
The last floods of winchester were in January 2001 due to groundwater flooding
January and February had heavy and prolonged rain due to multiple severe depressions causing repeated storms. River kitchen burst its banks and groundwater flooding .75% of a month’s rainfall is expected in 5 days.6 months of rain in just 2 months
economic impacts of winchester 2014 floods
hampshire county council spent 1.6 milllion on defence after this years floods
by july 2014 winchester city council had spent £160,000 on repairs to council houses
temporary disruption to businesses
the estimated cost to Hampshire county council was £68.5m
socila impacts of winchester floods 2014
river park leisure centre temporsrily closed
insurance costs
distruption to road and rail travel -road closures and train cancellations
homes flooded,personnel possessions destroyed .Residnets evacuated and temporarily re located
disruption to education-primary schools and unis disrupted
enviromental impacts of winchester floods 2014
sewage contamination in homes and parks-water lanes,park avenue and st cross
tress fell
short term managmwnt of winchester floods 2014
fire servie brough 2 high volujme pumps-pumpes 84,000 litres of water an hour
business owners can claim for losses throguh the business rates floodng relief
sandbaggin in many roads
road closures at water lane
homes evacuated ,residents rehoused
long term
sluice gates control flood levels at durngate at park avenue
repai and renw grants scheme -residents able to claim as much as 5k as well as claim back on council tax
spent 1,6 million on defence repairs this years flood
70 foot barrier across park avenue ,artificial pond to ease pressure on the city
future plans
planning controls -lower value land use in some risk flood pain locations-playing fields and nature reserve
erecting permanent barriers on water lane ane park avenue-watertight walls made of concrete
upgrade sluice
impacts of human activity on drainage basins
and whether they alter the dynamic or return the system to equilibrium
urbanisation-hard surfaces such as tarmac roads and pavemtn in our towns casue rain water to run rapidly over land,rather than draining into the ground,thereby increasing the risk of flooding
population growth-with the growing population and extended dry spells has increased the pressure on water environment
climate change-this will increase risks associated with abstraction and low flow
agricultural practices-compacted soils and watercourses which have been physically modified in order to get rainfall out of the sea as fast as possible,also reduce the amount of water that is available to be stores in the catchment
catchments managemnt-due to kitchen being affordable a high level of enivornemtnel protection,more water is protected from groundwater abstraction
water storage projects to provide resilient water supplies to the region. it supports reduced abstraction
abstraction-the kitchen and its tributaries are supplied from groundwater during times of low rainfall
with the reference to river catchment you have studied asses the potential impacts of human activity upon the drainage basin
The River itchen is an example
major activity is urbanisation-impermeable surfaces reduced infiltration and increased runoff-lag time would be short increasing flood risk