Chapter 19: American Empire

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Dollar diplomacy

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Dollar diplomacy

________ had lenders take advantage of the regions newly formed governments need for cash and exact punishing interest rates on massive loans, which were then sold off in pieces on the secondary bond market.

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Philippine Insurrection

The ________, or the Philippine- American War, was a brutal conflict of occupation and insurgency.

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American interventions

________ in Mexico, China, and the Middle East reflected the United States new eagerness to intervene in foreign governments to protect American economic interests abroad.

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In May 1882, ________ suspended the immigration of all Chinese laborers with the Chinese Exclusion Act, making the Chinese the first immigrant group subject to admission restrictions on the basis of race.

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The United States actions during the Mexican Revolution reflected long-standing American policy that justified interventionist actions in Latin American politics because of their potential bearing on the United States

on citizens, on shared territorial borders, and on economic investments

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Guano Islands Act

The ______________ authorized Americans to claim islands with guano deposits for the US after they acquired their first Pacific territories

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Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars

The ___________________________ and _____________________ marked a crucial turning point in American interventions abroad

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Many Americans coveted the economic and political advantages that increased territory would bring

Why did some Americans embrace expansion?

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Those opposed to expansion worried that imperial ambitions did not accord with the nation’s founding ideals

Why did some Americans oppose expansion?

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Dollar diplomacy

____________________ had lenders take advantage of the region’s newly formed governments’ need for cash and exact punishing interest rates on massive loans, which were then sold off in pieces on the secondary bond market

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Gunboat diplomacy

__________________ had naval forces and Marines land in a country's capital to protect American and Western personnel, temporarily seize control of the government, and dictate policies friendly to American business

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Chicago Haymarket Affair

In the aftermath of the _____________________, immigrants were accused of killing police officers in a bomb blast

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Chinese Exclusion Act

The _____________________ made the Chinese the first immigrant group subject to admission restrictions on the basis of race on the grounds that they were corrupting American society

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Immigration Act

The ________________ denying admission to people who were not able to support themselves and those, such as paupers, people with mental illnesses, or convicted criminals, who might otherwise threaten the security of the nation

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