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Where is the pituitary gland located?
located in the sella turcica and suspended from the diencephalon by infundibular stalk
Infundibular Stalk
Connects the pituitary to the hypothalamus, allows yo exert control over the pituitary by blood borne factors
Tropic hormones
some hormones will effect other hormone producing organs
What are the two portions of the pituitary?
What are the three regions of the neurohypophysis?
Pars nervosa
median eminence
infundibular stalk
Posterior pituitary
stores hormones produced by the hypothalamus
Hering bodies
secretions stored and released into capillary beds when needed by the body
where does Adenohypophysis arises from?
evagination of the stomodeum
How is the evagination of stomodeum called in amniotes, sharks and bony fishes?
Rathke’s Pouch
What are the three portions of the anterior pituitary?
pars distalis
pars intermedia
pars tuberalis
The anterior pituitary is
the truly endocrine portion of the pituitary producing hormones
Hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal track
chemical factos that travel from the hypothalamus to the pituitary
the hormons of the adenohypophysis are:
somatropin GH
Thryotropin TSH
Adrenocorticotropin ACTH
prolactin PRL
stimulating hormone MSH
The pineal gland
evagination of the epithalamus that has developed from the median eye
what is the function of the pineal gland?
produces several hormones based on photic stimulation
what hormones are produced by the pineal gland?
Serotonin - normal barin physiology
melatonin - establishment of circadian rhythms
Aminogenic tissue
produces catecholamines and males up the adrenal medulla in mammals
aminogenic tissue is derived from
Steroidogenic tissue
produces a variety of steroid based hormones and makes up the adrenal cortex
steroidogenic tissue derives from
aminogenic tissues in amniotes
discrete adrenal gland located at cranial aspect of the kidneys
aminogenic cells are also called
Chromaffin cells
aminogenic tissues is controlled by
preganglionic neurons
steroidogenic tissue is controlled by
tropic hormones
secretions of the steoidogenic cells
what are the three layers of the cortex?
zona glomerolusa
zona fasiculata
zona reticularis
Zona glomerulosa
superficial layer and produces mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
Zona fasiculata
middle layer and produces glucocorticoids such as hydrocortisone (cortisol)
Zona reticularis
deepest layer and produces gonadocorticoids
endocrine gonads
testes, ovaries
Interstitial cells of Leydig
produce mal sex hormone testosterone, small clusters of epithelial endocrine cells
produces the femla sex hormone estrogen, and progesterone
allows for maintenance of secondary female sexual characteristics and helps regulate reproductive cycle
role in ovulation and maintaining the endometrial thickening for implantation of the embryo
endocrine organs from endoderm
ultimobranchial glands
develops from epithelial cells located pm the floor of the pharynx
Follicular cells
produce thyroxine, arranged into hollow spheres
colloidal mass of thyroxine
Parafollicular cells
produces calcitonin in mammals
regulates blood calcium levels
produce parathyroid hormone PTH
Parathyroid hormone PTH
helps regulate blood-calcium levels, causes calcium to be removed from bone tissue when calcium is low
Ultimobranchial glands
produce calcitonin, develop from the last pair of pharyngeal pouches
ultimobranchial glands are present in
all gnathostomes except mammals
lymphoid organ that in birds and mammals also have endocrine role
what hormone is produced by the thymus in mammals and birds?
stimulate the immune response
Thymus is filled with
lymphocytes and macrophages
Bursa of Fabricus.
evagination of cloaca in young birds, supplements the thymus
Pancreas arises from
endodermal evagination of the foregut
Acinar cells
produce pancreatic juice
Isles of Langerhans
endocrine pancreas arranged as small clusters of cells in mammals
causes glucose to be stored as glycogen when glucose levels are high
causes glucose to be released from glycogen into the blood when glucose levels are low