When price is above the equilibrium price level, there is a surplus in the market since quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded. This puts downward pressure on prices as producers begin to lower their prices to sell of their surplus. As price falls, consumers become more willing and able to purchase the goods, thus quantity demanded increases. As price falls, producers will also be less incentivized to produce the goods due to lower profitability, thus quantity supplied falls. The fall in price carries on until equilibrium price level is reached.
When price is below equilibrium price level, there is a shortage in the market since quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied. This puts upward pressure on prices as consumers begin to outbid one another for limited quantities of the good. As price rises, producers become more incentivized to produce the goods due to higher profitability, thus quantity supplied increases. As price rises, consumers will also be less wil1ling and able to purchase the goods, thus quantity demanded decreases. The rise in price carries on until equilibrium price is reached.