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Jake Barnes, “Under the wine I lost the disgusted feeling
and was happy. It seemed they were all such nice
people,” (Hemingway 151).
○ Distraction from reality Jake is aware that his friends are bad people, but uses alcohol as a distraction, and escape from this. These destructive relationships cause him to drink more
“Somehow they always made me angry…I wanted to swing
on one, any one, anything to shatter that superior,
simpering composure. Instead, I walked down the street
and had a beer at the bar,” (Hemingway 28).
○ Uses alcohol to cope with anger, Jake is angry at how his freinds treat Georgette, angry enough he wanted to punch them, but decided to cope with problems by drinking more
Saul Bellow’s The Victim (1947), in which the alcoholic
Albee uses drink to achieve an abandonment, a loss of
self that he thinks of as heroic," (Quinn)
Drinking created an illusion of control while deepening personal struggles, lit reg comparable to Jake’s own struggle
Describing his 4-day vacation, Bill says, “Can’t remember.
Tell you anything I could remember.” (Hemingway 76)
● Jake replies, “Go on. Take that drink and remember,”
(Hemingway 76).
○ Social NormsP
Bill says this when asked if he did anything, social norms
“The cause of alcohol dependency is difficult to pinpoint,
but it likely involves a combination of heredity, self image,
and other psychological factors and life experiences (e.g.,
marriage, career, and money problems),” (“Alcohol
This is a study showing what leads to alcohol dependency, can be tried back to Jake