Ch 6 - Price Elasticity of Supply

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________: tangible good that can be sold /bought /exchanged for products of similar values.

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Manufactured good

good that is produced by application of labour/capital/raw materials

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Excess supply

excess capacity → rising prices → elastic supply

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Changes in marginal cost of production

after expansion of output, if marginal cost increases + marginal return declines → price elasticity of supply → less elastic

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Factor mobility

higher mobility, greater capacity of supply

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Ability to store output

goods with the ability to be safely stored have relatively elastic supply

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Time period

supply is relatively inelastic + short time period

  • If price of a commodity rises, elasticity will be more elastic

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Unit elastic supply

change in price → proportionate change in quantity supplied

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change in price → less than proportionate

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change in price → greater proportionate

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Price elasticity of supply

measure of how much the supply of a product changes when there is a change in price of a product

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Factors of Price elasticity

  • If the price of a product increases, products will increase quantity supplied to increase profits

  • When quantity increases in response to higher prices depending on price elasticity of supply of products

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Primary commodities

tend to have a low PES because there cannot be a sudden change in how much is produce

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Manufactured goods

tend to have a high PES because it is easier to change production in factories or shops.

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Price elasticity of supply

measure of how much the supply of a product changes when there is a change in price of a product

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Time period

supply is relatively inelastic + short time period

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Excess supply

excess capacity → rising prices → elastic supply

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Manufactured good

good that is produced by application of labour/capital/raw materials

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