A barrier that runs across a river or stream to control the low of water.
Diversion hydropower
Also called run-of-river, method of harvesting energy from moving water by channeling some of it though a canal. (panama canal.)
Energy efficiency
The percentage of energy put into a system that does useful work.
Side effects or by-products that are not included in the costs of a product, can be positive or negative.
Fuel economy
The relationship between the distance traveled and the amount of fuel consumed by the vehicle, is measured typically as miles per gallon.
Geothermal energy
Energy from steam or hot water produced from hot or moten undergorund rocks.
Green buildings
A structure that minimizes the ecological footprint of its construction and operation by using sustainable materials, using minimal energy and water, reducing health impacts, limiting pollution, and recycling waste.
Hybrid electric vehicles
Mode of transportation that uses a gas engine and an electric motor.
Electricity generated by the kinetic energy of flowing water.
Hydrogen fuel cell
Device that produces electricity by separating hydrogen into protons and electrons, releasing water as a waste product.
Impoundment hydropower
Method of harvesting energy from moving water by building a large barricade to hold the water back and selectively allowing it to flow through turbines.
active solar energy
Energy that is captured form sunlight by using technology.
Internal combustion engine
An engine that burns fuel inside cylinders within the engine.
Kinetic energy
The energy an object has due to its motion.
Passive solar energy
A method of harvesting heat directly from sunlight.
Photovoltaic cells
Usually made form silicon, make up solar panels and collect solar rays to generate electricity.
Potential energy
Energy that is stored in an object or system.
When sediment becomes clogged behind a dam.
Tidal power
Method of harvesting energy from the movement of sea water caused by the gravitational pull of the moon.
Wind power
The energy captured by transforming the motion of air into electrical energy using a turbine.
Energy Star Program
Program developed by united states department of energy and the united states environmental protection agency to help reduce the amount of electricity used by computers and related devices.
CAFE standards
Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards enacted into law in 1975, established fuel efficiency standards for passenger cars and light trucks. The fuel economy rating for a manufacturer’s entire line of passenger cars must currently average at least 27.5 mpg for the manufacturer to comply with the standard.
Alcohol made by converting starches and sugars from plant material into alcohol and CO2.
LEED certification
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a certification system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council as a way of promoting and evaluating environmentally friendly construction projects.
Green roof
A roof constructed of various landscaping materials including soil, plants, and water collection systems
Concentrated Solar Power
The use of reflectors to focus sunlight on a receiver, which transfers heat to a turbine and that turbine spins to generate electricity through a generator.
Steam reforming
A reaction used for the manufacture of hydrogen, by reacting steam with natural gas at high temperature.
A process by which an electric current breaks chemical bonds.
Smart Grid technology
A smart grid is an electrical grid which includes a variety of operational and energy measures including smart meters, smart appliances, renewable energy resources, and energy efficiency resources.
Carbon neutral
making no net release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, especially through offsetting emissions by planting trees.
Battery electric vehicle
A mode of transportation that relies solely on electricity and stored energy.
Biofuel that is derived from organic materials that can be used in place of traditional diesel fuel.
Fuels derived from living matter.