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Red Scare
fear of communism coming to the u.s and dominating.
the house un-american activities committees
made by republicans to investigate if democrat presidents let communists into the state department
investigated hollywood actors, made people blacklisted (hollywood 10)
Richard Nixon (huac member) prosecuted alger hiss for being communist, he was convicted of purgery
McCarran Internal Security Act
allowed president to arrest suspicious possible communists
truman vetoed, got overridden so he chose not to enforce it
September 9, 1949
Soviets exploded their first atomic bomb with help from spies in the U.S
this was earlier than the U.S expected and that created fear
U.S exploded the first hydrogen bomb (stronger than atomic)
Soviets did that later in 1953 (the arms race begun)
Julius and Ethel Rosengburg (1951)
were brought to trial for being spies, convicted, and executed
Joseph McCarthy + McCarthyism (February 1950)
became famous by accusing of knowing 205 communists in the state department and the sec. of state was hiring them
McCarthyism - was a period where McCarthy ruined many public figures lives in public trials
was the most powerful man in America for a brief period of time
truman and eisenhower hated him but did not challenge him
McCarthy went after the Army and their spouses and people thought he was going to far, was later exposed for lying (1954)
died in 1957 from alcohol complications
Servicements readjustment act (GI bill of rights) 1944
gave servicemen benifits like
$ for college
Low interest loans for buying houses and starting businesses
government jobs
free medical care from Veteran administration hospitals
“Truman Recession”
a fear from economists right after the war cause of:
ww2 inflation
sinking gnp (gross national profit)
cuts in government spending
lack of available jobs
There was a slow economic recovery between 1945-1947
1948 affects of the war
Americans experienced prosperity because of money saved from the war
middle class doubled
90% of americans owned a tv
many families had 2 cars
people like the levitt brothers made cheap “cookie cutter” houses, creating the suburbs
the levitt brothers did not allow anyone other than caucasians in the suburbs
1/3 of the population lived in the suburbs by 1960
Baby boom
caused by the return of soldiers and economic prosperity
in 1957 a baby was born every 7 seconds
baby boom lasted from 1946 to 1970
Dr Benjamin Speck wrote the commonsense book of baby and child care
Jackie Robenson (1947)
first black baseball player in the major league
inspired change and helped the civil rights movement
an area in the south west
all presidents from 1964 to 2008 were born from there
northeastern people started moving south and west
important pollitically
Presidential election 1948
gop won the house (1946) and elected thomas dewey to run in the presidential election
many thought dewey would win
chicago tribune sent an early issue saying dewey won
trumans nomination split the southern democrats
truman won with 303 electoral votes to 189 from dewey
fair deal
made as an extension to the new deal, includes:
improved housing
full employment
higher minimum wage
better farm price support
extension of the social security
new tva (Tennessee valley authority act)