genuinely exhausted mentally physically emotionally metaphysically literally metaphorically figuratively
fifth commandment
thou shall not kill
why must society respect human life?
human life has intrinsic dignity (made in image + likeness of god)
biblical evidence = incarnation, 5th commandment, golden rule
why ancient greco-roman pagan world considered “culture of death”?
no intrinsic sense of human dignity as emphasized by christianity
utilitarian in nature
ethical theory deriving right and wrong by focusing on outcome
greatest good for greatest number
in moral theology; difference btween intrinsic evil and an act that is left to prudential judgement?
IE = action always wrong regardless of intention/circumstance (murder, infanticide, suicide)
P = action whose moral quality depends on circumstance (self-defense/war)
will catholic social vision lead to overpopulation (opposes sterilization, contraception, etc)?
church teaches importance of responsible parenthood
rejects idea that all must marry + have children (religious life committed single)
permits human stewardship to solve any pop. challenge that doesn’t commit intrinsic evil against human dignity
deliberate termination of unborn child
debate based upon: what are the unborn or when does life begin?
pro life vs pro choice
pro-life = opposes abortion
pro-choice = permits abortion
abortion vs infanticide
a = killing of unborn child
i = killing of born child not past infancy
why must embryo be protected? (KNOW FOR SHORT ANSWER!!!)
fetus is:
growing (thus alive)
human (contains human DNA)
unique/whole organism due to DNA distinct to that of either parents
therefore fetus = innocent human life + worthy of protection
pro-choice arguments —> ad hominem, agnosticism, denial of the humanity of the fetus, pity, toleration, medical necessity
is it moral for pro-life politicians to support legislation limiting abortion access without making it illegal?
as long as one continues to work to make abortion illegal, compromise is justifiable
compromise is justifiable (politician must make true views known to avoid scandal)
catholic moral position on stem cell research
church supports all moral methods of stem cell research (as long as doesn’t involve artificial creation/destruction of an embryo)
refuse use of violence
catholics may be pacifist, but not required
catholics must desire peace + abhor war
is legit self defense opposed to 5th commandment?
defending one’s right to live or that of another is not murder
self-defense = duty where one has obligation to protect others
just war doctrine (KNOW FOR SHORT ANSWER!!!) (jus ad bellum)
conditions that must be met that make war justifiable (all 4 tenants must be met)
just cause
the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave, and certain;
last resort
all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective
reasonable chance of success
there must be serious prospects of success
legitimate authority
the evaluation of these (above) conditions for moral legitimacy belongs to the prudential judgment of those who have responsibility for the common good.
just war doctrine (jus in bello)
the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated
min civilian casualities
Non-combatants, wounded soldiers, and prisoners must be respected and treated humanely
is a national conscription (i.e. draft) morally permissible? explain.
if done by legitimate authority, have right to draft (obligation for national defense in proper circumstances)
catholic view on conscientious objectors?
gov should find non-violent forms of national service for them
capital punishment + moral teaching of the Catholic Church on this topic.
legitimate authority administers death penalty as form of retributive justice
can be permitted on grounds of self-defense by stopping an aggressor (support in theory but opposes in practice)
euthanasia + catholic stance
taking of one’s life w/assistance of another
intrinsic evil (represents taking of innocent life)
gives false sense that we have absolute control over our lives
diff between ordinary vs extraordinary medical care
O = basic necessities for survival that all ppl need (food, h2o)
E = any medical care beyond is immediately needed for survival/ordinary
Does the Catholic Church require one to follow vitalism (i.e. doing everything in one’s power to remain alive) when seeking medical care?
no, only ordinary medical care necessary
suicide + catholic stance
taking own life = serious sin (self-murder)
we are stewards, not absolute owners of our life before god
intrinsic evil but not always mortal sin