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Epidemiological transition wrt mental health
Developped countries prioritize non-communicable diseases that cause early death. MH issues need to be included in this.
Have the goals of the SDGs changed?
No. MH is in the SDGs which is good.
Is MH a priority in low and middle class coutnreis?
No. barely even in first world countries.
% of GDP lost to direct and indirect costs of MH
2.5 and 3-4 in Europe
How can MH be addressed
¡Have a mental health policy and ensure there is a unit of government responsible for mental health
¡Budget for mental health programs
¡Train primary healthcare workers in mental health
¡Integrate mental health into the primary healthcare program
!Community based approaches, task shifting if needed
The brain-gut connection
Somatic symptoms of pain, fatigue, IBS, etc.
Links between anxiety, depression and coronary heart disease. Increases risk of type 2 diabetes.
MH exacerbating comm diseases
Mental disorders = hegihtened risk for HIV, TB from schizo because they tend to live in poverty.
malaria associated with self-limiting psychiatric disorders like panic attacks. will go away when malaria is gone.
MH and sexual health
abuse, anxiety, depression, substance use = dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, pelvic pain
Maternal heath and MH
Maternal psychosis affects child. Maternal schizo = premie
Violence risk factors
Child abuse = psychiatric disorders & suicidiation
Domestic abuse = depression, anxiet,y suidide
Sex assult = depression, sub abuse, suide
who is affected in canada
6.7M have a MH condition
1/5 canadians will experince a MH or addiction
by 40, 50% have had a mental illness
22% candaiands have a mood or anxiety disorder
Link between mental and physical health
People with long term medical conditions are more likely to have mood disorders. Mood disorder people are more likely to develop a long term medical condition.
Mental health is the leading cause of disability in canada
true. can cut 10years off a person’s life expectancy
Disesae burned vs cancer
The disease burden of mental illness and addiction in Ontario is 1.5 times higher than all cancers put together and more than 7 times that of all infectious diseases
Canada's youth suicide rate
third highest in the industrialized world.
7.1% of DALYs lost in high-income countries
4.6% of DALYs lost globally
rate a schizo is more likely to be the victim of a crime
economic burden oh MH
¡I – Ideation (suicidal thoughts)
¡S – Substance Abuse
¡P – Purposelessness
¡A – Anxiety
¡T – Trapped
¡H – Hopelessness/Helplessness
¡W – Withdrawal
¡A – Anger
¡R – Recklessness
¡M – Mood changes