What began to be used instead of terraced dynamics
Crescendos and diminuendos
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What became more popular than the concerto grosso
The solo concerto
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What was the classical sonata
A form consisting of three or four movements usually composed for a solo instrument
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What forms were still popular in this time period
Binary AB and ternary form ABA
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What keyed instrument replaced the harpsichord
Piano allowed a wider range of playing e.g. legato and staccato
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What type of audiences was classical music written for
Initially Rich and royalty but introduced to middle classes when concert halls began to be built. Created more freedom for the composers who began writing in the interest of their audiences not their high ranking patrons
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What instruments were introduced in the classical period
New instruments to the classical periood
Horns improved so could produce more notes
Timpani became standard, some use of bass and snare drums as well as triangle and cymbal